Getting up for early morning workouts?



  • SwannySez
    SwannySez Posts: 5,864 Member
    I'm in the same boat. I just started taking a later train to allow me a little more time in the morning, but so far that has only allowed me to sleep longer!

    Once I start doing it, I generally get into a routine of doing it and it's not so bad, but once I've taken some time off? Whew. Also in order to save on heating oil costs and do my part to save the environment (ok, not really, I'm just cheap) we keep our home at about 52-56F at night so it's BRISK baby in the morning which makes it easier to stay up once you get up, but much more daunting to get there.

    This is all just whining for me really. The only way to do it, I feel, is to just do it.

    We'll see if I just do it tomorrow morning. Lately to make up for my late sleeping I've been walking from my office in Battery Park to Grand Central Terminal before taking my evening train back to the sticks. I keep hoping that it'll motivate me to get up so I can have more time for me at night, lol.
  • jogglesngoggles
    jogglesngoggles Posts: 362 Member
    Thanks everyone! I love the water idea. I think a combination of having my alarm clock across the room and REALLY having to pee will get my butt out of bed. Like some of you have said, once I get up and start working out I feel great.. it's just the getting there that's the hard part!

    I'm SO going to try both of these...I slept through my workout this morning and I have been pissed at myself all day for not doing it!!
  • Beccababe01
    I have the same issue. Altho i walk all day at work and i need to workout when i get home and i just can't i am too tired . Then all that is left is to get up early ... but i just can't do that either.. I wish i could help ya.. i wish i could help myself and wish i wasn't the way i am right now.
  • trysha1231
    trysha1231 Posts: 163 Member
    The zombies motivate me to get up @ 5:30 to run. Otherwise, I'll get eaten.

    Yup....Cardio and remembering to Double Tap.
  • MelissR75
    MelissR75 Posts: 760 Member
    I've been having the same problem. The snooze button has been my friend!! lol

    So, what I did was move my alarm clock across our room so I am forced to get up and turn it off as I know my husband won't budge! Then Im up and have no excuses :)
  • tamuaggie2007
    tamuaggie2007 Posts: 9 Member
    Waking up early for working out sucks. I try to remind myself why I'm doing it. Some days I give into the temptation to stay in bed, but I try to limit those as much as possible.
  • monicaroozo
    monicaroozo Posts: 200
    I set my alarm to go off 30 min before. On the second alarm I turn a light on. One the 3rd I get out of bed. Its TOUGH. But I do have a husband who also works out and my motivation is to make sure he does not out do me!