Dressing your age- 30ish and up



  • dls06
    dls06 Posts: 6,774 Member
    I do think there comes a time when you have to realize you look like a fool in junior clothes and I don't think anyone looks good in sparkles unless your 5-12, that's just me. I am almost 56 and cannot find a pair of jeans that aren't Mom Jeans though. Snce I lost weight, I have to go to the junior section and then they are so low my Arss sticks out when I sit. That was fine in the 70's but I'm a Grammy now. :explode::grumble: :ohwell: :laugh:
    You shouldn't have to go to Junior's to buy jeans...hit up a Macy's in the regular sections...Calvin Klein, etc. I *never* shop in Juniors!

    I've tried. No one has size 4 that aren't straight legs. I'm just not a straight leg kind of girl. It's so frustrating.
  • pghsteelerfan
    pghsteelerfan Posts: 132 Member
    I'm sure there r some clothing that is unappropriate at certain ages...but i say...if it compliments u, and you compliment the clothing...why not?? This age u dont have to act your age...dont act silly tho...just make sure it compliments you ...not get you sneers from a distance..
  • lizdavis07
    lizdavis07 Posts: 766 Member
    My mom is always complaining about clothes I buy her and saying, "This would be really pretty on you, but you know I am too old to wear this. What would people think, if I went in public wearing clothes too young for me?!"

    She has an amazing figure in general, and not just for a 50 year old, and looks better in some things than i do. It just makes me sad because she has set in her mind that being 50, you are suppose to dress a certain way or others will look down on you. Even though she likes a lot of the same clothing I wear (i'm 23), she will always only wear polo and button up shirts and high waisted jeans.

    So, I think, if you still feel confident in your body, wear whatever you like. There is no age restriction on clothing.
  • annabellj
    annabellj Posts: 1,337 Member
    I'm 51 and I don't know what the fashion rules for my age are, so I probably don't follow them. But I live in a rural area and dress pretty casual most of the time. I don't really dress that differently than I ever have, except for work. And lounge pants. I love lounge pants, but we didn't have those back in the 70's.

    What are "miss me jeans"?
    what im wearing im my butt pic lol. I will wear whatever looks good and I like to wear. hell I would dress like a porn star or playboy bunny if I had the bod!
  • AreneeG31
    AreneeG31 Posts: 256 Member
    I wear whatever I feel good in! regardless of what others think! of course my motto is classy not assy! :wink:
  • MelissaE27
    MelissaE27 Posts: 682 Member
    NEVER NEVER NEVER do I wear what Im suppose to my age..lol Im a rebel at heart.. I make my own style as I go.. never know what Im going to wear...I dont plan.. I go as I go.. so I have the big furry purses (my kids hate)... to the stilletos and tight jeans... big bulky jewelry and yessss the scarfs and flowers for my hair.. maybe Im a flower child..lol

    I dont do dressse though not yet... but in time muwhhahahaha lol
  • flsunshine
    flsunshine Posts: 188 Member
    im 31- i still wear jeans from the juniors section as well as t- shirts -- i watch what i buy those with jeans- i cant find jeans in the misses section that fit the way i want them to and i like my tees the fit my body ----
    i dont wear what i call dress up clothes just jeans and shirts maybe a dress or shorts if the weather is warm,
  • perfect_storm
    perfect_storm Posts: 326 Member
    I wear what makes me happy. Screw anybody else's opinion, there are too many varying ones to even start getting concerned about. If I think I look good and am a happy chick... then it's all good in my world.
  • Seminolegirl97
    Seminolegirl97 Posts: 306 Member
    I'm 36 and live in Florida. I dress for the weather. I never shop in the junior section. I dress more age appropriate at work. I have some young 20-somethings that work for me, I do not ever want to show up wearing the same outfit as them. My casual clothes I will buy what I deem "younger" looking shirts and light sweaters. But for the most part, conservative clothes are my thing. I also dress for respect. I want to put my best out there at all times and be respected and respectful of others. I do care what people think, I run into clients in public and others I work with. So I am mindful of that.

    I also have a rule, If I would be embarrassed to wear a certain outfit going out to dinner with my parents, I probably shouldn't be wearing it.
  • khbutterfly
    khbutterfly Posts: 17 Member
    try GAP long and lean jeans - I love them!
  • CheleLynn44
    CheleLynn44 Posts: 339 Member
    I have always dressed pretty understated I woukd say. Solid tops and Jean Capri bottoms!! I'm in AZ so I can get away with this pretty much year round. I always felt that being big I didn't need to draw more attention to myself.

    But now that I am dropping some weight I have added a little color (I still love my black shirts) to my wardrobe. As I sit here posting in a black top, Jean capris (that are two sizes smaller) and my black converse!! LOL

    I will get there!! But I say wear what you like and what you are comfortable in!!
  • Seminolegirl97
    Seminolegirl97 Posts: 306 Member
    I do think there comes a time when you have to realize you look like a fool in junior clothes and I don't think anyone looks good in sparkles unless your 5-12, that's just me. I am almost 56 and cannot find a pair of jeans that aren't Mom Jeans though. Snce I lost weight, I have to go to the junior section and then they are so low my Arss sticks out when I sit. That was fine in the 70's but I'm a Grammy now. :explode::grumble: :ohwell: :laugh:
    You shouldn't have to go to Junior's to buy jeans...hit up a Macy's in the regular sections...Calvin Klein, etc. I *never* shop in Juniors!

    I've tried. No one has size 4 that aren't straight legs. I'm just not a straight leg kind of girl. It's so frustrating.

    Have you tried Banana Republic??? I love their jeans and never fell like they are too low.
    TOYGRRRL Posts: 251 Member
    I do think there comes a time when you have to realize you look like a fool in junior clothes and I don't think anyone looks good in sparkles unless your 5-12, that's just me. I am almost 56 and cannot find a pair of jeans that aren't Mom Jeans though. Snce I lost weight, I have to go to the junior section and then they are so low my Arss sticks out when I sit. That was fine in the 70's but I'm a Grammy now. :explode::grumble: :ohwell: :laugh:
    You shouldn't have to go to Junior's to buy jeans...hit up a Macy's in the regular sections...Calvin Klein, etc. I *never* shop in Juniors!

    I've tried. No one has size 4 that aren't straight legs. I'm just not a straight leg kind of girl. It's so frustrating.

    I personally love my Levi's! They don't go to low in the back but are modern in the fit on hips and below belly button in the front.

    I dress in what flatters me and does not make me look like I'm trying to return to my 20's. Though apparently some of my lazy day clothes could cross the line. Yes I have a pair of skinny jeans but I wear them with appropriate tops for my age as a general rule when I'm going out.
  • srp2011
    srp2011 Posts: 1,829 Member
    Hmmm, I didn't know there was a cut-off age for skinny jeans - I'm 45 and I love them (though not the super low-rise - too much of a pain to keep them up). And I'm looking forward to splurging on a hot new wardrobe when I get to my goal weight. I think it's about how you combine clothes, and the context of where you wear them. As you get older, I think you can still wear young, trendy clothes, but maybe not all at once like you did when you were younger. Pair a trendy piece with a more classic piece. And wear appropriate clothes in appropriate settings (whatever your age - being young doesn't mean you should dress like a ho in the office) - my clothes for work are very conservative, but when I'm away from work, I let loose and wear what I want. Like someone else said, it's about finding clothes that compliment you, whatever age you are.
  • k8blujay2
    k8blujay2 Posts: 4,941 Member
    As a 30 year old... I totally plan on rocking some things that I would have when I was 22... Maybe not necessarily the booty shorts (ok, maybe the booty shorts)... hell, I may even shop in the juniors section again... I totally think you can rock glitter and not look like you are trying to be 12.
  • LorinaLynn
    LorinaLynn Posts: 13,247 Member
    I'll be 40 in June, and I wear skinny jeans, mini-skirts when I wear skirts, things that sparkle, I love Hello Kitty, Happy Bunny and Paul Frank's monkey, and I currently have purple streaks in my hair.

    I love WNTW makeovers, and I would love to dress like Stacy London, but that just wouldn't fit my lifestyle. I'd like to see her take my dog for a hike in our local park aptly called "The Bog" in her pointy toed heels.
  • dis5150
    dis5150 Posts: 157 Member
    My mom is always complaining about clothes I buy her and saying, "This would be really pretty on you, but you know I am too old to wear this. What would people think, if I went in public wearing clothes too young for me?!"

    She has an amazing figure in general, and not just for a 50 year old, and looks better in some things than i do. It just makes me sad because she has set in her mind that being 50, you are suppose to dress a certain way or others will look down on you. Even though she likes a lot of the same clothing I wear (i'm 23), she will always only wear polo and button up shirts and high waisted jeans.

    So, I think, if you still feel confident in your body, wear whatever you like. There is no age restriction on clothing.

    I agree! My 22 year old daughter got me a lot of the clothes I wear, or was with me when I bought them. I am 43 and love my Seven, Abercrombie, and Old Navy jeans! And in the summer, I live in flip flops! Who cares what people think? Who decided they get to be your "clothes police"?? As long as all the required body parts are covered up, wear what makes YOU feel good and confident!
  • Firefighter_Jay
    Firefighter_Jay Posts: 426 Member
    I wear whatever is clean and comfortable. I really don't care at this point. Going back to Cuba next year tho, if my wife will allow it, I'm gonna try to rock a speedo. Hahaha. (by her allowing it, I mean her not making fun of me excessively) hahahahahha
  • k8blujay2
    k8blujay2 Posts: 4,941 Member
    I do think there comes a time when you have to realize you look like a fool in junior clothes and I don't think anyone looks good in sparkles unless your 5-12, that's just me. I am almost 56 and cannot find a pair of jeans that aren't Mom Jeans though. Snce I lost weight, I have to go to the junior section and then they are so low my Arss sticks out when I sit. That was fine in the 70's but I'm a Grammy now. :explode::grumble: :ohwell: :laugh:
    You shouldn't have to go to Junior's to buy jeans...hit up a Macy's in the regular sections...Calvin Klein, etc. I *never* shop in Juniors!

    I've tried. No one has size 4 that aren't straight legs. I'm just not a straight leg kind of girl. It's so frustrating.

    I personally love my Levi's! They don't go to low in the back but are modern in the fit on hips and below belly button in the front.

    I dress in what flatters me and does not make me look like I'm trying to return to my 20's. Though apparently some of my lazy day clothes could cross the line. Yes I have a pair of skinny jeans but I wear them with appropriate tops for my age as a general rule when I'm going out.

    I too love my Levi's... I don't have to wear a belt to keep them on my butt...
  • blv0267
    blv0267 Posts: 100 Member
    I didn't know there were fashion rules for my age.....45

    Some may not like this but.....if my husband wants me to wear a short, tight mini skirt out - then I'm wearing a short, tight mini-skirt out.