get to know other mfp-ers (game)



  • Schnuddelbuddel
    Schnuddelbuddel Posts: 472 Member
    ^ Right here, right now.
    < Last CD bought? Lee Ranaldo, "Between The Times And Tides"
    v What is your favorite pizza topping?
    ^pineapple, sweetcorn and jalapeno

    < totally over-tired and on my way to bed

    v what would you do if you won stupid amounts of money, let's say about 640 million $? LOL... (just need an idea what to do with it now that I won it :tongue: :laugh: )
  • antoniosmooth
    antoniosmooth Posts: 299 Member
    what would you do if you won stupid amounts of money, let's say about 640 million $? LOL... (just need an idea what to do with it now that I won it :tongue: :laugh: )

    ^ I WILL take the yearly payout instead of the lump sum in order to have a continuous money stream each year. Obviously that depends on if my state (Washington) has a law permitting my heirs to receive the money after my death (In some states if you receive the yearly payout, the remaining amount of money reverts to the state upon the winner's death). Each year half of the money would go to tithes and offerings as well as blessing people less fortunate than me. The other half would go to my family and the homeless shelter and business my wife and I plan to set up.

    v If predictions are right and the Mayan calendar's ending on December 21, 2012 is the end of the world (WHICH IT ISN'T) what would you be found doing on December 20, 2012?
  • Schnuddelbuddel
    Schnuddelbuddel Posts: 472 Member
    ^ I'd probably party like it's 1999!!!!! :D

    < sooooooooooooooooooo tired. *yawn* I've forgotten what an uninterrupted night's sleep is! I so need more than 4/5 hours in one go.

    v What's your favourite sleeping position?
  • shannoninBC
    shannoninBC Posts: 371 Member
    My back or stomach for sure.

    What color undies are u wearing?
  • almonds1
    almonds1 Posts: 642 Member
    My back or stomach for sure.

    What color undies are u wearing?

  • shannoninBC
    shannoninBC Posts: 371 Member
    Hot orange
  • Schnuddelbuddel
    Schnuddelbuddel Posts: 472 Member
    My back or stomach for sure.

    What color undies are u wearing?

    LOL.. get a room you two :P

    <- wishing the kids would fall asleep already (going on midnight here - sleep overs are apparently too exciting to sleep!)

    v any plans for Easter weekend?
  • WinWinGo
    WinWinGo Posts: 99 Member
    ^ Nope.
    < I like cats.
    v What, in your opinion, is the most attractive Asian language? (in its written form)
  • rachleb
    rachleb Posts: 59 Member
    ^ They are all pretty complex to me compared to writing English, but I like Japanese. The kana systems and kanji they use look like they would be difficult but fun to learn!
    < My cat just tried to eat my apple.
    v What is your favorite genre of movies?
  • Schnuddelbuddel
    Schnuddelbuddel Posts: 472 Member
    ^ They are all pretty complex to me compared to writing English, but I like Japanese. The kana systems and kanji they use look like they would be difficult but fun to learn!
    < My cat just tried to eat my apple.
    v What is your favorite genre of movies?
    ^ I like sci fi or a good drama :)

    < finally going to bed!!!!!!

    v If you could be 5 years old again for a day, what would you do?
  • sdereski
    sdereski Posts: 3,406 Member
    ^^i would stomp through frozen puddles.
    <I'm enjoying my book " cutting for Stone"
    V what do you enjoy most in your life right now?
  • kamarenholland
    kamarenholland Posts: 9 Member
    ^ the beautiful southern weather
    < I am so ready to be maintaining weight not losing it
    v how much exercise did you do today?
  • Schnuddelbuddel
    Schnuddelbuddel Posts: 472 Member
    ^ the beautiful southern weather
    < I am so ready to be maintaining weight not losing it
    v how much exercise did you do today?
    ^None, it's about lunchtime... unless you count cleaning and running after 4 kids?

    < getting ready to pack for a week holiday we're going on tomorrow!!!!!!!

    v what's your favourite thing to do to burn some calories?
  • Jacwhite22
    Jacwhite22 Posts: 7,012 Member
    /\ Play Soccer
    < Is leaving Saturday for Myrtle Beach and can't wait.
    \/ What is your "addiction" you can't give up.
  • sdereski
    sdereski Posts: 3,406 Member
    ^sugar. Ugh!
    <lovin my day off and lounging in bed
    v what sort of humour do you enjoy?
  • AmberFaith90
    AmberFaith90 Posts: 904 Member
    ^ Dirty :blushing:

    < Watching Bubble Guppies with my little one

    v What is your favorite kid's show?
  • Schnuddelbuddel
    Schnuddelbuddel Posts: 472 Member
    ^ Dirty :blushing:

    < Watching Bubble Guppies with my little one

    v What is your favorite kid's show?
    ^ of the ones that my little ones watch? Well, I don't high-tail it when Mickey Mouse Clubhouse is on :) Beats that dopey Oso any day haha
    but for myself, I used to love Fraggle Rock. And Button Moon. The Smurfs... :)

    < It's midnight here and I'm still in the middle of packing for a trip. *sigh*

    v Do you have any pets?
  • OnMyWeigh464
    OnMyWeigh464 Posts: 447 Member
    We have a 16 year old cat. Hamster. Hermit crab. Beta fish.

    How old were you when you discovered there was no Santa?
  • todayiwillfly
    We have a 16 year old cat. Hamster. Hermit crab. Beta fish.

    How old were you when you discovered there was no Santa?

    ^My parents never lied to me about Santa.

    <I love house hunting and my be looking for a new home soon.

    V How many places have you lived in?
  • AmberFaith90
    AmberFaith90 Posts: 904 Member
    ^ 3 that I can think of

    < I live in TN

    v Would you ever consider botox?