

  • artsiefartsiek
    That has happened to me since i was a little kid. My mother took me to the pediatrician, and he said it's b/c I do not sweat enough to cool my body down. It is something that I've noticed as I've gotten older -- I work myself to death, but still no sweat. You need to keep hydrated and monitor yourself to make sure you don't overheat. Sweat is supposed to cool you down, but if you aren't sweating, you need to keep an eye on that as you continue to run and workout.

    Thats really interesting! Thank you so much! Its very helpful!
  • DataBased
    DataBased Posts: 513 Member
    It happens to me, too. I wonder how many other characteristics we have in common. If you like, would you answer the following?

    Are you a "furnace" - for example, do you feel so hot when you sleep you kick the covers off?
    Once you begin sweating, do you sweat long after the workout is done?
    Have you ever had heat exhaustion or heat stroke?
    Is your hair very thick?

    I've been trying to find others who turn super-red in the face for a long time, wondering if we have these things in common!

    My husband calls me his furnace when we go to sleep! I heat up to a ridiculous temperature!
    I sweat for about an hour after...even when I shower!
    I don't think I have had heat stroke
    I have very think red hair but only on my head, my body has a normal amount of hair.

    - this is fascinating -

    It really is - thanks to all who answered. I always had this condition (though I do not blush easily) so I think there may be different types of causes. I believe the superficial blood flow is the most common type, and that would include people who are extremely fair and blush easily.

    I think the 2nd type is the people who either have problems getting started sweating, but who can end up sweating a river long after the exercise is over. The reason I was curious about the thick hair and the "furnace" effect of how hot you run is because I was told, long ago, there is a Germanic bloodline with these characteristics. If you are one of these, please be careful because you MAY be more susceptible to heat stroke or heat prostration than others.

    Doggone it, I would so love to be a scientist type so I could do a study on this!