Tanning- give me your thoughts



  • keiraev
    keiraev Posts: 695 Member
    I am 33 and I used sunbeds quite regularly in my twenties, I used them a handful of times before my wedding 3 years ago, and then for some reason I went on them AGAIN last year prior to going on holiday because I was so pale.

    I look so much better with a tan, being blonde and blue-eyed, but i have decided that this summer no matter how strongly I feel the urge I am going to steer well clear. I might not even know the damage I have done until much later in my life, but I am constantly checking my moles- of which I have LOADS (another stupid reason why wish I had never used a sunbed).

    This summer it's going to be Spray tan all the way and that is that. They are a lot better if you get them done professionally and they make you look just as slim as a "real" tan does.
  • ErinBeth7
    ErinBeth7 Posts: 1,625 Member
    I tan, but only in the spring months starting in mid March into June. I usually quit sometime in June because I'm already outside a lot and don't need to be any darker. It helps me not sunburn. I don't tan year round. I don't see the point in the fall or winter. I know a lot of people disagree with tanning beds and a lot of people like them. Its personal preference. I started about 3 years ago because I felt it would give me a confidence boost.
  • Snapplejac
    Snapplejac Posts: 65 Member
    Don't do it :) Your skin will thank you for it in the long run!
  • betaleonis
    betaleonis Posts: 178
    Tanning got rid of my eczema. True story!
  • missprincessgina
    missprincessgina Posts: 446 Member
    I get the airbrush spray tan. The woman I go to does a great job, I look tan and natural. It lasts about 7 - 10 days for me since I work out alot and need to shower each day. Fewer showers and lots of lotion helps keep the spray tan on longer.
  • strunkm4
    strunkm4 Posts: 266
    I used to be a tan fanatic. I would tan all the time. About 2 years ago I got diagnosed with acute melnoma on my back. It was a real wake up call. I've been melanoma free for about 10 months now.

    I've switched over to spray tanning. I absolutely love having some color on me, and the place that I get spray tanned does a phenomenal job. I've had people come up and ask me how long I tan for, etc etc and they cannot beleive it when I tell them it's a spray tan.

    If you feel you need a tan, spray tan!
  • yoovie
    yoovie Posts: 17,121 Member
    6 minutes after gym sess- love it
  • OnceAndFutureAthlete
    OnceAndFutureAthlete Posts: 192 Member
    I am pale, too. And don't tan much at all. As an early teen, I tried, but basically threw in the towel at about age 14. Since then I've been a high SPF girl (family has a house in Florida) and daily SPF on the face. Figured I'd just have to wait for delayed gratification.

    I did try a tanning bed at one time (a few sessions) but it really didn't do anything, so I gave it up.

    I did a professional spray tan once - in preparation for going to FL so I wouldn't look too white on the beach - and it worked great, but I walked into work afterwards and literally no one recognised me!

    I agree that you can see definition better with a tan, and that if you're overweight, you look better darker than pale, so I guess I'm resigned to losing the weight.

    The good news - I recently turned 50 and most people guess I'm in my mid-late 30s - hardly a wrinkle!
    (And my new clean diet has helped my skin a lot too.)
  • dad106
    dad106 Posts: 4,868 Member
    I started tanning off and on when I was college.. Mainly when I was preparing for spring break or w/e.. would stop and start again in spring. Got home from college and tanned at my gym January through Aug, and then just started up again at a different salon yesterday.

    Personally, I love tanning.. and get checked out every year to make sure nothing is out of the ordinary. I have a lot of moles on my body.. it's just how it is and I've had 7 taken off and checked.. and so far none have turned out to be cancer.

    I figure that as long as I get checked, and I don't over do it. I'll be ok. Everything in life seems to be capable of killing you now a days, so might as well enjoy it!
  • LoraF83
    LoraF83 Posts: 15,694 Member
    Spray tan, or lotion, YES! If you want some color, go for it!

    Cancer beds? NOOOOOOOOO Stay out of those. My dad just had a chunk cut out of his leg, for a mole that was just smaller than a pencil easer, they took out a piece of flesh the shape of a football and four inches long. NO thank you.

    The lighter you are, the higher your risk. SPF is your best friend!!!

    ^This! My step-mom has a piece of her nose missing and still has to go regularly for treatments for her skin cancer. She spent years worshipping the sun.
    I am very pale but I've learned to live with it! But, I'm considering spray tan this year, to help "celebrate" my weight loss. If you go to a good salon and get an experienced technician, it can look wonderful!
  • kdcj17
    kdcj17 Posts: 73 Member
    I don't do tanning beds anymore. My irish, very pale skin takes a long time to even develop color, and to me it's not worth the risk. I also have quite a few tattoos that I would rather not ruin with the exposure. I have tried a couple drug-store spray tans that work nicely. I heard the JWOWW [yeah, yeah, yeah...LOL!!!] brand works REALLY good. I want to try it. I've never tried spray-tanning at a salon, either, I'd be down to do that also.
  • ErinBeth7
    ErinBeth7 Posts: 1,625 Member
    I don't do tanning beds anymore. My irish, very pale skin takes a long time to even develop color, and to me it's not worth the risk. I also have quite a few tattoos that I would rather not ruin with the exposure. I have tried a couple drug-store spray tans that work nicely. I heard the JWOWW [yeah, yeah, yeah...LOL!!!] brand works REALLY good. I want to try it. I've never tried spray-tanning at a salon, either, I'd be down to do that also.

    JWOWW really does work!!! Its great lotion. I use it :-)
  • StatutoryGrape
    I'm super-pale and I like it that way--no tanning for me, ever. I see girls who are years younger than me but look way older than I am because they tan and already have wrinkles...I'd rather not damage my skin.
  • amandabateman411
    I hate this subject! I do NOT understand why people think you have to be tan to be beautiful. I have an albino baby girl and she will never ever have even a slight tan and she is seriously the prettiest thing ever! If I knew how to load pics I would. You can be pale and beautiful just pick the right colors to compliment your skin tone!
  • hillbillyannie
    hillbillyannie Posts: 139 Member
    Both of my parents have had skin cancer, not from sunning but just by everyday activities. It really hurts me when I see people who use a tanning bed and look like they have been cooked. If you want to see sun damage go under a black light and it will show up.
  • AnninStPaul
    AnninStPaul Posts: 1,372 Member
    Hello all!

    "... That aside... I've noticed I look less "glowing" "healthy" and actually look sick. Actually ive been told i look like someone who has a flu in pictures. ..."

    Going the opposite direction - are there certain colors or styles in which you feel and look fabulous? It could be that you are wearing colors (including haircolor) that are just wrong for your skin. I look like death in tangerine, this seasons hot color, and [based upon the compliments] fabulous in peacock blue, so I just skip the orangey sections of the store and focus on what is likely to work on me.
  • 5kidsforme
    5kidsforme Posts: 131 Member
    I just don't tan. In the sun or on the beds. I'm trying to embrace my paleness and just let it be. On occasion I use a lotion at home on my legs but that's it. Can't get the rest of me to look right using a self-tanner.
  • jobelle217
    jobelle217 Posts: 41 Member
    I used to tan when I was younger!!! LOVED the way it made me look. But it's not worth it....the increased risk of skin cancer you would be getting in order to maintain that look..... :(

    I did tan just before my wedding for a couple weeks, gradually....it was worth it that one time....but it's just not sustainable.
  • lilredsmom02
    I work for skin cancer doctor!! DO NOT DO THE TANNING BEDS!!! It is worse than laying in the sun! Just use sunscreen and dont burn! You will get some color. I use to do it all but now with what I have seen CUT OUT of people....sun screen sun screen sun screen!!!!