

  • cngeike
    cngeike Posts: 305 Member
    Great job all. :)

    Yesterday wasn't so hot. Not awful, but not great. My SIL came over and we had ham sandwiches for lunch, then for dinner we had grilled turkey burgers. It could have been way worse, we didn't have dessert, and I didn't pile on the potato salad, but I did eat chips.
    Today I will be back on track though. :) Going on a nice walk with the fam.
  • peachlow
    peachlow Posts: 91
    Good morning everyone...


    goodness I'm sore but I got it done today ...even completed my routine workout....

    Wishing everyone a great week ahead

    Team ATL "Let's Go!!!"

    Positive affirmation for today...."Will you look back on life and say, 'I wish I had,' or 'I’m glad I did'?"{Zig Zaglar} today go for whatever it is you desire to do...push yourself just a little more...stay strong...
  • DoingItNow2012
    DoingItNow2012 Posts: 424 Member
    I hate jumping....challenge complete...feels good though after the fact.
  • cngeike
    cngeike Posts: 305 Member
    I don't mind jumping but my knee went pop when I was on the last bit of jump squats. LOL so then I went slow. Oi, it feels fine now, so what ever.
    I do have shin splints right now though.
    Today I am going to walk, walk, walk on my break at work. I have an hour so I should get something in.
  • Journeyingascrystal
    Hey Yall... If your emails are late.. I update the standings based on 8PM!!!! Keep in mind... I have this on a schedule.. I have my iPad with me most times.. I CANT UPDATE THE BLOG FROM THE iPAD!!! I need everyone to appreciate my time.. I love you Guyses...but REGARDLESS of the reason I only update over the weekend... I would go mad always modifying... Lets get it together!! LEGGO HARD!!
  • peachlow
    peachlow Posts: 91
    Not sure where everyone else is at but just wanted to wish you all a super blessed day....:flowerforyou:

    Inspirational quote today====>>>>"Gratitude unlocks the fullness of life. It turns what we have into enough, and more. It turns denial into acceptance, chaos to order, confusion to clarity. It can turn a meal into a feast, a house into a home, a stranger into a friend. Gratitude makes sense of our past, brings peace for today, and creates a vision for tomorrow." {Melody Beattie}
  • Journeyingascrystal
    What Is the Best Treatment for Muscle Soreness After Exercise?

    There is no one simple way to treat delayed onset muscle soreness. In fact, there has been an ongoing debate about both the cause and treatment of DOMS. In the past, gentle stretching was one of the recommended ways to reduce exercise related muscle soreness, but a study by Australian researchers published in 2007 found that stretching is not effective in avoiding muscle soreness.
    So does anything work to reduce delayed-onset muscle soreness? Nothing is proven 100 percent effective, and although some people have found the following advice helpful, it's best to try a few things to see what works for you. Ultimately, best advice for treating DOMS is to prevent it in the first place.

    One technique I've used with some success to reduce my own muscle soreness is to use a foam roller regularly as a part of my cool down. This has been particularly helpful for me after a long, high intensity bike ride or after I start a new type of exercise or a new weight training routine

    Tips for Dealing with Muscle Soreness After Exercise

    If you do find yourself sore after a tough workout or competition, try these methods to deal with your discomfort. Although not all are backed up with research, many athletes report success with some of the following methods.
    Use Active Recovery. This strategy does have support in the research. Performing easy low-impact aerobic exercise increasing blood flow and is linked with diminished muscle soreness. After an intense workout or competition, use this technique as a part of your cool down.
    Rest and Recover. If you simply wait it out, soreness will go away in 3 to 7 days with no special treatment.
    Try a Sports Massage. Some research has found that sports massage may help reduce reported muscle soreness and reduce swelling, although it had no effects on muscle function.
    Try an Ice Bath or Contrast Water Bath. Although no clear evidence proves they are effective, many pro athletes use them and claim they work to reduce soreness.
    Use R.I.C.E., the standard method of treating acute injuries, if your soreness is particularly painful.
    Perform Gentle Stretching. Although research doesn't find stretching alone reduces muscle pain of soreness, many people find it simply feels good.
    Try a Nonsteroidal Anti-inflammatory. Aspirin, ibuprofen or naproxen sodium may help to temporarily reduce the muscle soreness, although they won't actually speed healing. Be careful, however, if you plan to take them before exercise. Studies reported that taking ibuprofen before endurance exercise is not recommended.
    Try Yoga. There is growing support that performing Yoga may reduce DOMS.
    Listen to Your Body. Avoid any vigorous activity or exercise that increases pain.
    Allow the soreness to subside thoroughly before performing any vigorous exercise.
    Warm Up completely before your next exercise session. There is some research that supports that a warm-up performed immediately prior to unaccustomed eccentric exercise produces small reductions in delayed-onset muscle soreness (but cool-down performed after exercise does not).
    ** If your pain persists longer than about 7 days or increases despite these measures, consult your physician.
    Learn something from the experience! Use prevention first.

    Tips to Help Prevent Muscle Soreness After Exercise

    While you may not be able to prevent muscle soreness entirely, you may reduce the intensity and duration of muscles soreness if you follow a few exercise recommendations.
    Progress Slowly. The most important prevention method is to gradually increase your exercise time and intensity. See the 10 percent rule if you need some exercise progression guidelines.
    Warm Up thoroughly before activity and cool down completely afterward.
    Cool Down with gentle stretching after exercise.
    Follow the Ten Percent Rule. When beginning a new activity start gradually and build up your time and intensity no more than ten percent per week.
    Know the 10 Tips for Safe Workouts.
    Follow the Spring Training Fitness Tips.
    Hire a Personal Trainer if you aren't sure how to start a workout program that is safe and effective.
    Start a new weight lifting routine with light weights and high reps (10-12) and gradually increase the amount you lift over several weeks.
    Avoid making sudden major changes in the type of exercise you do.
    Avoid making sudden major changes in the amount of time that you exercise.
  • peachlow
    peachlow Posts: 91
    Thanks for the information because right now...mine are tender..:ohwell:
    What Is the Best Treatment for Muscle Soreness After Exercise?

    There is no one simple way to treat delayed onset muscle soreness. In fact, there has been an ongoing debate about both the cause and treatment of DOMS. In the past, gentle stretching was one of the recommended ways to reduce exercise related muscle soreness, but a study by Australian researchers published in 2007 found that stretching is not effective in avoiding muscle soreness.
    So does anything work to reduce delayed-onset muscle soreness? Nothing is proven 100 percent effective, and although some people have found the following advice helpful, it's best to try a few things to see what works for you. Ultimately, best advice for treating DOMS is to prevent it in the first place.

    One technique I've used with some success to reduce my own muscle soreness is to use a foam roller regularly as a part of my cool down. This has been particularly helpful for me after a long, high intensity bike ride or after I start a new type of exercise or a new weight training routine

    Tips for Dealing with Muscle Soreness After Exercise

    If you do find yourself sore after a tough workout or competition, try these methods to deal with your discomfort. Although not all are backed up with research, many athletes report success with some of the following methods.
    Use Active Recovery. This strategy does have support in the research. Performing easy low-impact aerobic exercise increasing blood flow and is linked with diminished muscle soreness. After an intense workout or competition, use this technique as a part of your cool down.
    Rest and Recover. If you simply wait it out, soreness will go away in 3 to 7 days with no special treatment.
    Try a Sports Massage. Some research has found that sports massage may help reduce reported muscle soreness and reduce swelling, although it had no effects on muscle function.
    Try an Ice Bath or Contrast Water Bath. Although no clear evidence proves they are effective, many pro athletes use them and claim they work to reduce soreness.
    Use R.I.C.E., the standard method of treating acute injuries, if your soreness is particularly painful.
    Perform Gentle Stretching. Although research doesn't find stretching alone reduces muscle pain of soreness, many people find it simply feels good.
    Try a Nonsteroidal Anti-inflammatory. Aspirin, ibuprofen or naproxen sodium may help to temporarily reduce the muscle soreness, although they won't actually speed healing. Be careful, however, if you plan to take them before exercise. Studies reported that taking ibuprofen before endurance exercise is not recommended.
    Try Yoga. There is growing support that performing Yoga may reduce DOMS.
    Listen to Your Body. Avoid any vigorous activity or exercise that increases pain.
    Allow the soreness to subside thoroughly before performing any vigorous exercise.
    Warm Up completely before your next exercise session. There is some research that supports that a warm-up performed immediately prior to unaccustomed eccentric exercise produces small reductions in delayed-onset muscle soreness (but cool-down performed after exercise does not).
    ** If your pain persists longer than about 7 days or increases despite these measures, consult your physician.
    Learn something from the experience! Use prevention first.

    Tips to Help Prevent Muscle Soreness After Exercise

    While you may not be able to prevent muscle soreness entirely, you may reduce the intensity and duration of muscles soreness if you follow a few exercise recommendations.
    Progress Slowly. The most important prevention method is to gradually increase your exercise time and intensity. See the 10 percent rule if you need some exercise progression guidelines.
    Warm Up thoroughly before activity and cool down completely afterward.
    Cool Down with gentle stretching after exercise.
    Follow the Ten Percent Rule. When beginning a new activity start gradually and build up your time and intensity no more than ten percent per week.
    Know the 10 Tips for Safe Workouts.
    Follow the Spring Training Fitness Tips.
    Hire a Personal Trainer if you aren't sure how to start a workout program that is safe and effective.
    Start a new weight lifting routine with light weights and high reps (10-12) and gradually increase the amount you lift over several weeks.
    Avoid making sudden major changes in the type of exercise you do.
    Avoid making sudden major changes in the amount of time that you exercise.
  • Journeyingascrystal
    BIGGEST LOSERS!! Dont forget to weigh in in the a.m.!! Come on Ladies!!! dont lose enthusiasm already!! let us hear about your challenge journey!!! LEGGO!!!
  • peachlow
    peachlow Posts: 91
    So I'm coming to the end of week 2 of this challenge...and I'm excited to see where everyone is for tomorrow's weight in..I'm super proud of all of us who are actually hanging in there...

    Thanks Crystal for your support to all of us and dedication to yourself've done it...Great job...


  • HisChild2011
    HisChild2011 Posts: 145 Member
    Hi all! Definitely still taking the challenge seriously :) First week was getting started then this week has been different for me with some family stuff and having to have my 3 year old niece with me part of the week. So my schedule hasn't been normal everyday, and I've been working out when the time presents itself. But life happens and throws curve balls so I aint sweatin it. Nevertheless I press, still been working out and I actually have a loss for this week! Will do better with those workout challenges next week when my schedule resumes normalcy plus I will do some this weekend.

    Love seeing everyone do they thing and pursue this healthy lifestyle. You all inspire me.

    Now I'm outta here - Happy Friday! I gotta get some work done :)
  • Estrella30
    Estrella30 Posts: 59 Member
    I pushed this week!! and I am proud! I even ran 5k!!! I never in my whole life even thought that possible! but I did it! :bigsmile: It felt great! I pushed through the whole week. pushing hard and you know what next week I want to push even harder! that sunday bonus workout is mine! I have decided to own it! :tongue: I know I can I saw this week what that extra umph does to you. plus my NSV from my boss, she told me my curves are coming back! woot woot!

    so if I can ... so can you! we got this ladies!!

    ... remember: "What it lies in our power to do, it lies in our power not to do."

    Week 3 lets go hard-er!
  • cngeike
    cngeike Posts: 305 Member
    I worked hard this week. Excersized a ton. Hurt my knee but I keep pushing. I love the challenge. Thanks Crystal for doing this.
  • peachlow
    peachlow Posts: 91
    Wishing everyone a Wonderful Monday as we go into Week #3 of this challenge...goodness that extra push on yesterday just about messed me up....but I'm okay..a little sore but okay...

    "Alone we can do so little; together we can do so much."
    ~ Helen Kelle~

    We got this!!!!

    Team ATL
  • cngeike
    cngeike Posts: 305 Member
    I didn't do yesterdays workout. My knee hurts like no other. I iwll do the walk tonight though. WOOT. I made a fruit smoothie for breakfast, and 2 juice drinks for lunch and snack. I will probably make another one when I get home from work, then dinner some type of drink.
  • Estrella30
    Estrella30 Posts: 59 Member
    hows everyones 5k time now on round 3? im at 48mins!! i started at over 2hrs! :bigsmile: it feels so good to go and move and run!

    come on girls lets go! :flowerforyou:
  • kludgood
    kludgood Posts: 172
    hows everyones 5k time now on round 3? im at 48mins!! i started at over 2hrs! :bigsmile: it feels so good to go and move and run!

    come on girls lets go! :flowerforyou:

    48 minutes for me :) last time it took me 84 minutes. Good job girl you rocked your 5k time!!
    Side note: I keep forgetting to get on here
    But I'm still here going strong! :)
  • Estrella30
    Estrella30 Posts: 59 Member
    awesome congrats to you!!! :bigsmile:
  • peachlow
    peachlow Posts: 91

    Hope everyone is having a wonderful day & inspiring others....

    This is my afternoon shout out from team ATL...I had to get a nap after today's just about took me down...:sad: I'm sore but hey it is what it is...

    Team ATL still hanging in there!!!
  • peachlow
    peachlow Posts: 91
    That's've done a great job...the challenges always push me to go harder...I'm currently at about 47mins on treadmill but my time seems to be a little more if I'm on open road...but I'm trying to meet all the challenges/do my best...

    Continue to do great things!!!

    hows everyones 5k time now on round 3? im at 48mins!! i started at over 2hrs! :bigsmile: it feels so good to go and move and run!

    come on girls lets go! :flowerforyou:

    48 minutes for me :) last time it took me 84 minutes. Good job girl you rocked your 5k time!!
    Side note: I keep forgetting to get on here
    But I'm still here going strong! :)