Turbo Jammers 5/4-5/10

Hello and Good Morning!

Welcome to another wonderful week of sweatin and gettin your groove on! Did you accomplish your goals last week? I don't think I did :grumble: but that's okay. This week I'm determined to find a balance between work and exercise!

I hope you all had a wonderful weekend!

I saw a few new faces last week and think that is great! I love TJ and love to see other people that love it as well!

The standard question that we get from newbies is how do you log the exercise. For the cardio, some people log it as high intensity aerobics and some people log it as kickboxing. Personally, before I got my HRM, I logged it as kickboxing and it turns out that it was pretty darn close. As for the strength training, I burn a couple hundred for TS but for AbJam its a lot lower. I usually leave those off of my calorie burn and then don't cringe when I have an "extra" 100 calorie snack :happy:

Hope to see all your smiling faces again this week!


  • Lyn_Matthews
    Lyn_Matthews Posts: 902 Member
    Hello and Good Morning!

    Welcome to another wonderful week of sweatin and gettin your groove on! Did you accomplish your goals last week? I don't think I did :grumble: but that's okay. This week I'm determined to find a balance between work and exercise!

    I hope you all had a wonderful weekend!

    I saw a few new faces last week and think that is great! I love TJ and love to see other people that love it as well!

    The standard question that we get from newbies is how do you log the exercise. For the cardio, some people log it as high intensity aerobics and some people log it as kickboxing. Personally, before I got my HRM, I logged it as kickboxing and it turns out that it was pretty darn close. As for the strength training, I burn a couple hundred for TS but for AbJam its a lot lower. I usually leave those off of my calorie burn and then don't cringe when I have an "extra" 100 calorie snack :happy:

    Hope to see all your smiling faces again this week!
  • dimplzz
    dimplzz Posts: 456 Member
    I didn't get any TJ in this weekend but I went for a awesome walk in. I took my 16 month old to the park and then we walked and walked and walked and..... haha It felt so great to be outside doing the walking instead of stuck on the treadmill. It was about 60 degrees and PERFECT! It started to get a little windy towards the end but that was ok cause I was sweating at that point. :laugh: I am hoping to get the CP in tonight along with a 2 mile walk/run either outside or on the treadmill. Happy Monday everyone!
  • ronkswife2000
    ronkswife2000 Posts: 176
    Alright, so I bought turbo jam today which includes Learn & Burn, 20 min wkout, Turbo Sculpt, Ab Jam and Cardio Party. I see that most of you know each other really well, that's awesome! Do you guys report to the thread/weigh in on a specific day of the week cause I would love the support!!! Thanks guys and have a great day :flowerforyou:
  • megan0313
    megan0313 Posts: 394
    Hi Everyone!
    Ronkswife...welcome to the thread! I hope you love TJ as much as we do! I think buying the package you got is a great way to start, you'll get plenty to keep you jammin'!! We've all gotten to know each other by checking in with this thread pretty much daily to keep each other motivated and update everyone with our progress. Some of us have been here for a few months and some are newer, but we always love new 'freinds' who love TJ as much as we do, so keep coming back! :flowerforyou:

    I'm checking in today with CE Burn 1 and Ab Jam.

    Lyn, I wish we could tag your info for how to log calories in TJ...I think it's everyone's first question and your advice is perfect!

    Have a great day everyone!
  • ronkswife2000
    ronkswife2000 Posts: 176
    Hi Everyone!
    Ronkswife...welcome to the thread! I hope you love TJ as much as we do! I think buying the package you got is a great way to start, you'll get plenty to keep you jammin'!! We've all gotten to know each other by checking in with this thread pretty much daily to keep each other motivated and update everyone with our progress. Some of us have been here for a few months and some are newer, but we always love new 'freinds' who love TJ as much as we do, so keep coming back! :flowerforyou:

    I'm checking in today with CE Burn 1 and Ab Jam.

    Lyn, I wish we could tag your info for how to log calories in TJ...I think it's everyone's first question and your advice is perfect!

    Have a great day everyone!
    Thanks for the welcome! I just did the learn and burn and the ab scult (hip hop abs)... Both of them were great. I can't wait to get the moves down a little better so I can go faster! I had a great workout today.

    Do you guys weigh on a specific day and report it to everyone on this thread?
  • Dragonfly11
    Dragonfly11 Posts: 672 Member
    Hi Family,
    Checking in with 20min in the am before work and 20 min and AB Jam after.
    Welcome Ronks wife and all the new faces ! Glad you're all here - I usually weigh in Saturday mornings and try not to obsess over the scale during the week:laugh: When I update my progress it automatically shows on my ticker - Most of the time I get the support I need when my ticker doesn't move ... like now!!! Not a lb lost last week - how frustrating:angry: Not reallly angry just disappointed - seeing the scale move is encouraging. But I can report that I went sort of shopping over the weekend - I haven't done that in months - can't remember when I looked at myself in a dressing room mirror. Well I tried a dress on and was totally shocked at what I saw - my arms looked really toned and and I look ... fit. See, I don't have any full length mirrors in my home - not for any particular reason - I just don't, so I don't get to see "all" of me often - there is a full length mirror in the ladies bathroom at work but I am never in there long enough to really take a look and see the progress. I look ... diffferent, healthier, and that was one of the goals I had when I started this journey. Truthfully, Vanity was leading the pack :laugh: but my attitude about this exercise business has really changed. More about fit and healthy vs trying to look like someone in a magazine.......

    Hope everyone else is happy today and jammin, keep up the great work!!

  • deedun
    deedun Posts: 361 Member
    Hi Family,
    Checking in with 20min in the am before work and 20 min and AB Jam after.
    Welcome Ronks wife and all the new faces ! Glad you're all here - I usually weigh in Saturday mornings and try not to obsess over the scale during the week:laugh: When I update my progress it automatically shows on my ticker - Most of the time I get the support I need when my ticker doesn't move ... like now!!! Not a lb lost last week - how frustrating:angry: Not reallly angry just disappointed - seeing the scale move is encouraging. But I can report that I went sort of shopping over the weekend - I haven't done that in months - can't remember when I looked at myself in a dressing room mirror. Well I tried a dress on and was totally shocked at what I saw - my arms looked really toned and and I look ... fit. See, I don't have any full length mirrors in my home - not for any particular reason - I just don't, so I don't get to see "all" of me often - there is a full length mirror in the ladies bathroom at work but I am never in there long enough to really take a look and see the progress. I look ... diffferent, healthier, and that was one of the goals I had when I started this journey. Truthfully, Vanity was leading the pack :laugh: but my attitude about this exercise business has really changed. More about fit and healthy vs trying to look like someone in a magazine.......

    Hope everyone else is happy today and jammin, keep up the great work!!


    Dragonfly that is briliant!! Such a boost to the ego! The numbers have really gone down for you so you should be so proud of yourself!

    Did you buy anything to show off your new figure?
  • jrs_lovely1
    jrs_lovely1 Posts: 35
    WHOO HOO Turbo Jammers. I am so excited to see a thread for this work out series. I LOVE TURBO JAM and all my friends think I am crazy to like Chalene. I love Turbo Jam and Chalene's energy is one of the best things about it.

    Last night I did the Turbo Jam Fat Blaster (30 minute routine) along with my Day 1 week 1 of P90X and let me telll you, thatcombo is deadly. I feel so sore but in the best possible way. I am very excited to see how this going to workout for me.

    Anyone using the weight gloves with TJ?
  • megan0313
    megan0313 Posts: 394
    WHOO HOO Turbo Jammers. I am so excited to see a thread for this work out series. I LOVE TURBO JAM and all my friends think I am crazy to like Chalene. I love Turbo Jam and Chalene's energy is one of the best things about it.

    Last night I did the Turbo Jam Fat Blaster (30 minute routine) along with my Day 1 week 1 of P90X and let me telll you, thatcombo is deadly. I feel so sore but in the best possible way. I am very excited to see how this going to workout for me.

    Anyone using the weight gloves with TJ?

    Hi and Welcome to the thread!! :flowerforyou: Fat Blaster rocks! I'm doing TJ along with Chalean Extreme right now and I love it. I can't believe how my body's changing...I'm seeing muscle I never new existed! :laugh: I use the weight gloves with all of the TJ cardios, and I know alot of the ladies here do too.

    Today is a TJ day for me so I'm going to do PK&J, haven't done that for a while, then Ab Jam.

    Have a great day everyone!
  • Lyn_Matthews
    Lyn_Matthews Posts: 902 Member
    Ronks and Jrs-WELCOME! I'm so glad you two found our thread and that you love TJ as much as we do. Ronks I think Janet and Megan already answered your questions. We pretty much keep in touch on a daily basis or whenever we can check in. Some of us like to report our workouts everyday....and feel guilty when we have nothing to post. Some of us just check in once a week or so. Whatever works for you!! I weigh in on Fridays and take measurements on the 15th of every month. You can do whatever you want. I have found that is the key to making weight loss work...finding what works for you!!! Janet (Dragonfly) here gets up at 4:30 in the morning and does her workout before work...I would DIE if I did that. We used to have a lady here that would do her workouts at 11 pm...I can't workout and then go to bed. You have to find what works for you and stick with it.

    Janet-YEA!!!!!! How great does it make you feel to look in the mirror and see all your hard work smiling back at you???? You have done such an amazing job! You have come SO far that I don't know how you could NOT be happy with your progress. Sure the scale may be stuck but look what you've accomplished!!! (my scale is stuck too, I think the dang thing is broken :laugh: ) Stick to it girl. You are so very close to your end goal. I know you can do it!!

    Hello Dara and Megan!!!

    So I have a new "goal" in sight. My brother called the other night and said that he is planning a trip to come see us in July. The last time I saw my brother was 2 years ago...and I was fat. LOL okay I was about 20 heavier than I am right now. I would love to be 10 lbs lighter than I am right now when I see him. That would put me below what I remember being even in high school! I have been stuck for the last couple weeks but I'm not discouraged because although I'm not losing...I'm not gaining either! I'm aiming for 1 lb a week from now until mid July when my brother comes! I know I can do it!!

    I hope you all have a wonderful day. OH I did get CP2 in yesterday and a 4 mile walk! It felt great...right up until I got a craving for Rainbow Chip frosting and graham crackers LOL Hey we need to indulge occassionally right?? :smile:
  • mamiof3
    mamiof3 Posts: 39
    CP3 for me followed by a 1 mile run - not too much time today but at least it's something!
  • deedun
    deedun Posts: 361 Member
    Morning everyone!!

    I got a good 30mins workout in the gym at work and was gonna do PK&J when I got home but I got free tickets to a preview of StarTrek so HAD to go to that after work (really enjoyed it!)

    So today I plan on heading to the work gym again at lunch and then home to do a TJ workout - not sure which yet... but I have to up my effort..

    So what is everyone doing today?
  • fitzfour
    fitzfour Posts: 1,306 Member
    Hi Everyone!

    I'm new to TJ, and want to add to my collection, but wanted to know which ones you experienced TJers suggest. I have the 5 DVD set with Cardio Party 1, Ab Jam, Turbo Sculpt, Burn and Learn and 20 minute workout. I was thinking of getting Cardio Party 2 and 3 as well as PK&J. Which of those 3 would you recommend (or all of them??).

    Thanks for your help!

  • deedun
    deedun Posts: 361 Member
    Personally I would recommend all 3 of them!

    Certainly PK&J - it's a good workout with a great calorie burn
    CP2 - I find this a better workout than CP1
    CP3 - I have only used this dvd once so I cant really comment

    But all 3 dvd's are brilliant workouts...
  • christy559
    christy559 Posts: 105
    Hey Jammers!

    Checking in with 20 min & AJ - I did CP 1 Monday; I skipped yesterday, will do a 'make-up' over the weekend :wink:

    Everyone is doing an amazing job....I am in my 2nd week of TJ and it has been the thing to get my metabolism kicked up.

    Also I find that I need and want more calories, I go for about 1500 on days I workout and at least 1300 on 'off-days', 1200 is too low...then I go hunting for food. LOL :noway: When I eat more I feel better, go figure :laugh: :flowerforyou: ...my goal is about 1 lb per week, which is very doable since I've added TJ to my mix. :smokin: Sweet.
  • Lyn_Matthews
    Lyn_Matthews Posts: 902 Member
    I only managed the 20 minute workout yesterday...and if I don't get off the computer that may be all I get done today as well. New work schedule is driving me crazy!!!
    I did receive 3 compliments yesterday though that made me feel really good. 2 people commented on my calf muscles and one lady told me how "noticably smaller" I am. It made me feel so good...and then I got on the scale this morning and it said I've lost 2 lbs :noway: I haven't lost anything in weeks....I'm gonna hold off on posting those 2 lbs until my regular check in day...Friday :wink:

    Where did everyone go yesterday? I know summer is getting closer and schedules are getting full but I hope everyone continues jammin.

    Fitzfour-I would recommend all three. I got all of them for Christmas and I have really enjoyed them. I do CP2 & 3 a lot...PK&J I don't do very often. I don't know why I really do love it. So whatever you can get your hands on, just do it :)

    Christy are you eating your exercise calories? I burn roughly 400-500 calories for a 40 minute workout, so if I add that to my 1200 calorie base I have to eat about 1700. And if you are only aiming for 1 lb a week...then your base should be closer to 1400 PLUS your exercise calories! I exercise so I can eat what I want with no regrets and I agree 1200 is too little....I also go food hunting when I haven't eaten enough :happy:

    Gotta run have a great day everyone!
  • ronkswife2000
    ronkswife2000 Posts: 176
    WOW ~ I just did the 20 min. workout w/ TJ and it was freakin' awesome! It was so fun and I think it was the first workout that I did while smiling :bigsmile:

    There were a couple parts that I didn't quite catch onto but I'll get there...

    Now I just need to control my cravings and boredom eating and I'll be set!
  • dimplzz
    dimplzz Posts: 456 Member
    HELP! I found a person that is selling the Turbo Jam Elite and the Chalean Extreme both sets JUST dvds for $40!! It doesn't come with anything but the dvd's. Should I get it? What else does it normally come with that I might need?

    ETA: That is both the cardio party 2 and 3 that come with the TJ right? I would still need to find the P,K and Jab but that would be ok...
  • christy559
    christy559 Posts: 105
    Hi Drevan,

    About those calories...I eat EVERYTHING it says I can :tongue: When I set my goals on MFP, it set at the 1200 calorie minimum, which I think is too low for me.

    When I exercise I use "Circuit training, general" under the aerobics section - for 40 minutes it says about 360 calories..I don't have a HRM yet ( not working at the moment, so its not in the budget :frown: )so I have to follow the best guess that MFP provides me...

    So my baseline has been 1200 cal., it increass to 1560 call. (1200 +360) after a 40 minute TJ.
    I think I burn more with TJ, but I just don't know how MUCH more...on MFP it says that I should lose about 0.8 lb week.

    What do you think??
  • Kennie
    Kennie Posts: 31
    Hi everyone!
    Ive been lacking on coming on here to state my progress, but not on my workouts!
    Monday- 20 minute, followed by ab jam plus 15 mins on my stationary bike
    Tuesday- 1hr of karate class
    Wednesday- CP1 and Ab jam

    Hope everyone is having a great week so far! Its already wednesday!