This ain't gonna be pretty

I hate diets. The thought of having to limit myself, makes me want to punch a dolphin. I have never been the type that could eat what I wanted and not gain weight. My genetics failed me even through my teenage years. i glare at the girl next to me that says, "remember when you could eat whatever you wanted when you were in high school?" No hag, i don't. Now at age 30, it's so defeating the thought of having to watch what I eat.
A friend suggested this site to me months ago and the stubborn *kitten* I am, dismissed it. Having to record my every move of food? It'll either show me how much of a fatty i am or show me how horrible i've been to myself with the crap I eat.
It's Day 2. I already feel like lying to my 'tracker' and say i ran for an hour so I can have more calories. No one would know! Then i go to the bathroom and walk by my mirror and remember why I'm trying this in the first place. . . . i would know and i'd feel i cheated myself. guilt is a hell of a motivator!

Spring is coming and summer quickly follows, meaning hiking and down-hill mountain biking are in my future. I have let myself go over the fall and winter of 2011. At first it was because of my asthma situation and i needed doc's help to get it under control. After that, it became an excuse to not do a damn thing over the cold months. But i remained to eat the same way. with no energy outlet, the pounds started piling on.

So, i need to do this. one-to not fall over after going up 1/2 mile on my hike this summer, two-get rid of this muffin top that has made residence over my jeans, and three-to feel comfy walking past a mirror & not thinking self-discriminating thoughts to myself.

It's just hard. . . . . .i work full time, school full time. . that in itself, leaves barely room for recreation. And then putting on top that i need to log in my food and hope i dont go over my calorie intake. that my friends, can be the most discouraging. I aint giving up yet, guess this is just a hard day. On these days, i just need a kick in the *kitten*.


  • EroseT23
    EroseT23 Posts: 74 Member
    I hate diets. The thought of having to limit myself, makes me want to punch a dolphin. I have never been the type that could eat what I wanted and not gain weight. My genetics failed me even through my teenage years. i glare at the girl next to me that says, "remember when you could eat whatever you wanted when you were in high school?" No hag, i don't.

    Oh man, this made me laugh. I'm sorry you're having a deflating day. I know it's hard, especially with such a packed schedule. But remember, exercise doesn't need to happen in 60-minute intervals, there are lots of workouts and routines that are 30 minutes or less. (Jillian Michaels' 30 Day Shred comes to mind). And the food tracking will get easier the more you do it. Eventually, after honestly tracking a few "normal" days, you'll WANT to start making different choices so those numbers look a little better.

    You have the whole internet supporting you for those hard days. :flowerforyou: You can definitely do this.
  • SuperSteph81
    SuperSteph81 Posts: 29 Member
    Thanks for the encouragement!
  • lcteaches
    lcteaches Posts: 13
    You are a hilarious writer - such a talent! Just get into the habit of logging all the food and exercise - whether it is a good day or not. If nothing else, it makes you more mindful of what you are doing, even if you aren't reaching daily goals.
  • soccer8s
    soccer8s Posts: 331 Member
    Hey SuperSteph! I'm here for ya...I still feel like that and I've been on here for 3-4 months now...maybe more....Keep your head up...add me if you need more encouraging friends!!
  • CookieCrumble
    CookieCrumble Posts: 221 Member
    Very funny post, SuperSteph... :-D

    You can do this, build in a little bit of wiggle room in your allowance so that you can have a little bit of what you really want to eat - and don't feel guilty!
  • tomomatic
    tomomatic Posts: 1,794 Member
    You had me at "punching a dolphin." Those smug little fishes... I'd like to put them in their place.

    Friend request coming.
  • KXanthos
    KXanthos Posts: 189 Member
  • Nerdy_Rose
    Nerdy_Rose Posts: 1,277 Member
    Dolphins are d*cks. You should totally punch them for exercise.
  • Ge0rgiana
    Ge0rgiana Posts: 1,649 Member

    Don't look at it as defeating or a burden. Look at it as something you're doing to take care of yourself, like taking vitamins and going for checkups. I hate to sound like a raging hippie here, but your body really is a temple and all that good rot. Seriously. You only got one bag of meat that you're carting around in this lifetime. Nothing wrong with wanting to get it into really good shape. :bigsmile:
  • Ge0rgiana
    Ge0rgiana Posts: 1,649 Member
    Dolphins are d*cks. You should totally punch them for exercise.

    Ah yes... I :heart: the Oatmeal.
  • edisonswifey
    edisonswifey Posts: 459 Member
    Hilarious and so true! The more you log in, the easier it is to do. You will more or less the amounts you can eat. One thing I suggest is to workout the same amount each week. I was working out differant amounts to make up for the over eating and was starting to feel achy. My DR said it wasn't good to do that. YOU can do this! We all have those days/ruts. You are the only one who can make the change. Just remember, baby steps. :)
  • MeMountainMom
    MeMountainMom Posts: 88 Member
    Thank you Steph!! Great job on the writing and tha:smile: nk you for the reality! Diets are so painful. Getting started isn't fun but you put the funny in it thank you!!!:smile:
  • jenluvsushi
    jenluvsushi Posts: 933 Member
    I too have been tempted to "lie" to my tracker but then I had a realization......the only "person" I'd be lying to is myself. It is also the same thing that keeps me from wolfing down candy when nobody is looking. The first week or so is the hardest and then once you see the scale move, you will become more motivated too. I am not saying I don't ever slip up....believe me, graham crackers are not safe in my house before TOM but my god, I get back up on the wagon ASAP. You can do this!
  • reddi2roll
    reddi2roll Posts: 356 Member
    It is even more important when you are so busy to plan ahead. Cook big batch of something you like and divide it up for lunches and dinners when you are away from home. If you plan ahead the logging will be much easier. You can make big pot of soup and freeze small portions in zip lock freezer bags. Lay them flat on a cookie sheet until they freeze. Get as much air out of the bag before freezing. Then just throw it in your lunch bag and by the time you are ready to eat it, it will be defrosted. Pop it in microwave. Eat with salad or bread and you are good to go. You can do this.
  • Balance27
    Balance27 Posts: 76 Member
    Tracking is a pain in the butt. I put the app on my phone and I track while walking around at work, especially when something is saved in my favorites. The bar code scanner helps too! I have talked myself out of junky food on more than one occasion just because I didn't want to bother tracking it.

    And remember, every step no matter how small can be a step closer to your goal.
  • jennkess
    jennkess Posts: 86
    tracking your food does help.. and it does get easier especially if you are like me and eat the same dozen or so dinners it will be listed for you already to check and add rather than so a search and add.

    I started just logging, not really changing much just kept track of everything I put in my mouth. and pretty soon I started to view food different, I would look at the plate of pasta and remember how many calories it was when I ate 2 cups last time and started with just 1 see if it would fill me up, sometimes I went back for more but most times I didn't. Girls Scout cookies came around and i can eat a whole sleeve in one sitting. this year I took 2 cookies back to my desk ate and enjoyed them wanted more but decided to add them to my diary first, added the 2 cookies and saw they totaled 140 calories in 2 little cookies and decided while I enjoyed what I had it was not worth the "empty" calories to eat any more so even though a box has been open in the break room everyday since 95% of the time I manage to say no.

    you are on this site because you recognize you need a change. take is slow if you dive right in you will just hit your head on the bottom - test the waters take it 1 toe at a time and soon you will be making life changes- Not Dieting!

    good luck and feel free to add me as a friend if you want to stalk me:smile:
  • dane11235813
    dane11235813 Posts: 684 Member
    The thought of having to limit myself, makes me want to punch a dolphin.


    best line of the day. thanks!
  • rjo921
    rjo921 Posts: 130
    Listen...we have all been there. Trust me. I can relate about working full time....then when I get home I am caring for two disabled people so that means tackling all of the home chores that need to be done...which in itself can sometimes be a full time job...and then there is a teenage son to look after.... But after a while this will become second nature.

    Actually posting what you eat holds you accountable. Yeah, you can put down that you exercised for an hour and a half and have eaten salads all day long....but the only person that you will be hurting is yourself. If you are serious about your goals...then you can do this. Having this available has actually made me think about my food I go to McDonald's because it's quick and I can grab something? No...because I will eventually have to make that entry that I ate something from there....and the insane amount of fat and calories that are contained in their food is also another deal breaker.

    Everyone has crappy days...there are days that I don't want to exercise or watch what I eat or do things that are good for me...but in the long is that much longer that I have to work for my goal. Just do it right the first time....hang in there. You can do this. :flowerforyou: Feel free to friend me if you like....
  • marckilgore
    You are freakin' hysterical - punching a dolphin...
  • kyle4jem
    kyle4jem Posts: 1,400 Member
    I've been logging for 7 months now... it's part of my daily routine and I've become very familiar with calorie values.

    I think you need to start by logging EVERYTHING you eat for a week and not worry about dieting. As you log, think about why you've eaten what you've eaten and then see if there are any patterns forming: boredom, frustration, stress.

    No, if you hate diets, the best thing is to learn portion control; have your favourite meals, but just take away 1/3 or even ½ and freeze it or pop it in a tupperware tub for tomorrow.

    Find an activity you enjoy - walking, swimming, cycling - and then try and do about 30mins three times a week.

    Once you've got into the habit of logging and taking regular exercise you'll be surprised how easy and enjoyable it becomes.

    And then you've got your MFPeeps here to encourage you and make you realise it's not easy and there are no quick fixes and it takes commitment and planning and blood, sweat and tears!

    But if you're truly determined to do something about your health and fitness and waistline, then I think this is the place to be.

    Good luck!!! :flowerforyou: