This ain't gonna be pretty



  • Danny_Boy13
    Danny_Boy13 Posts: 2,094 Member
    It can be difficult starting anything new that we are not comfortable with. Before too long you will be addicted, especially once you see the results coming you just want more and more. I too work FT and go to school FT and Im also involved in a speed skating team that also takes up a good bit of time so I feel ya pain. About 1/2 of the time I dont log but I have a good idea of what I am eating to make sure that I keep myself in check. Remember, you get out of something by what you put into it. If you or anyone needs any help just hit me up. Im a good MFP IMO!!! :)
  • mzhokie
    mzhokie Posts: 349 Member
    Do you have a pedometer? I use a Fitbit and that's how I found this site. It's syncs so when I go over what MFP thinks I should burn in a day, I get the credit in my calories. If you are that busy with work and school, you might be burning more calories or might find ways to burn more calories if you have a way to measure them.

    The Fitbit is expensive but I like gadgets. I like that can isolate events to see how many steps I take or calories burn... like on a walk with the dog or a walk around Target. I will walk up and down each aisle at the grocery store to see if I walk a half a mile. It's silly but sometimes it amuses me and on a rainy day I know I can walk 2000 steps buying groceries.

    Another site to sync up to with a few things like runkeeper on an iPhone is There you can earn points to exchange for rewards. I rarely get more than 30 points a day but it's another motivator. I will take the long route with the dog if I have the time or stay on the treadmill 5 more mins if I'm in a challenge there and need the points.

    Anyway, I am like you.... I can not remember a time that I could just eat what I wanted without gaining weight. Because I don't want to starve myself, I'm counting calories and getting in some exercise. I take it one day at a time and many times I take not gaining weight as a victory! hehehe

    Stick with it. Find what works for you and motivates you.
  • tomomatic
    tomomatic Posts: 1,794 Member
    I try my best to log what I eat before I eat it. That way I'm using my diary to plan my day based on where I know I'm gonna be. If I wait until after I've already eaten it, then it's probably too late and I'm gonna take it out on a dolphin. I don't always follow the plan but I try to stay close to it. I try to put everything into MFP after breakfast so that I'm not planning when I'm hungry.
  • Leslye125
    Leslye125 Posts: 242 Member
    You crack me up; no truer words have been spoken. Yes, at first it feels demeaning and belittling to log everything you do every single day. But, in the long run, it does really bring things to light. You realize your faults yes, but slowly; you find strengths you never knew you had. Good luck, you will do well here.
  • YummyTpn
    YummyTpn Posts: 339 Member
    First of all, your words made me LOL! You have my kind of sense of humour, girl~!
    I hear ya about fitting it all in...I just find that even if I work in 20 mins of cardio a day, it gives me such a mental and physical 'boost' that it makes tackling the rest of my day all that much easier. Exercise definitely has a domino effect and the more you do it the better it feels. It's always finding the motivation to get going that is the biggest stumbling block for most people, me thinks.
    I wish you the best and sincerely hope you meet your goals. You CAN do it and you have a stellar community here cheering you on!
  • YummyTpn
    YummyTpn Posts: 339 Member
    Do you have a pedometer? I use a Fitbit and that's how I found this site. It's syncs so when I go over what MFP thinks I should burn in a day, I get the credit in my calories. If you are that busy with work and school, you might be burning more calories or might find ways to burn more calories if you have a way to measure them.

    The Fitbit is expensive but I like gadgets. I like that can isolate events to see how many steps I take or calories burn... like on a walk with the dog or a walk around Target. I will walk up and down each aisle at the grocery store to see if I walk a half a mile. It's silly but sometimes it amuses me and on a rainy day I know I can walk 2000 steps buying groceries.

    I have a Fitbit too and love it! It's well worth the investment, just under $100. Actually, another MFP member told me she bought hers for half of that on ebay (I had already ordered mine, so it was too late for me, but it isn't for you!)
    I want to say also that I shared your frustration at having to log everything every day, and saw it as a chore. However, as one other member posted here, it DOES become addictive! I now look forward to logging and seeing just where I'm at, I also have the app on my phone, which makes it very easy to do. It's exciting to see your progress, and also helpful to see how many calories you've eaten. We often underestimate this and they do add up quickly.
    Do track, and track accurately. If you don't do it honestly, you are cheating your beautiful and funny self out of a whole lot!
  • Danny_Boy13
    Danny_Boy13 Posts: 2,094 Member
    You realize your faults yes, but slowly; you find strengths you never knew you had.

    :drinker: :drinker: :drinker:
  • mgmlap
    mgmlap Posts: 1,377 Member
    stick with it...logging is a pain at first..then it becomes very natural. As far as working out...the more you work out..the more energy you have..i know..weird..but true.. there are loads of stuff on the Net that you can do in 30 minutes or less

    Also when going to work..park real get some extra burn..and when going to school..again..park on the opposite side you have a ways to can do it...
  • memcd911
    memcd911 Posts: 230 Member
    i glare at the girl next to me that says, "remember when you could eat whatever you wanted when you were in high school?" No hag, i don't.


    Right there with ya!

    Good luck with your journey!!
  • k8blujay2
    k8blujay2 Posts: 4,941 Member
    Those poor dolphins, they didn't do anything to you....

    But I totally feel ya on the whole not wanting to deprive myself or lying to the food tracker (if I don't log it, I didn't really eat it right?)... We just gotta keep at it. It's for our health.
  • Erinslove
    Erinslove Posts: 139
    You are freaking hilarious and I wish you lived near me so we could be friends. I was not just "lol" I was literally laughing out loud. I even read it to my wife so she could laugh. Awesome post.

    "No hag, I don't." Baaahahahahahaha!
  • Nook_
    Nook_ Posts: 6 Member
    stick with it and good luck!