Most hated exercises (personal trainer induced)



  • frazzle29
    frazzle29 Posts: 123 Member
    I hate burpees!!! Hate them hate them hate them! But I do them.
    I also hate suicides....truly evil.

    My trainer enjoys being evil way to much!
  • paigemarie93
    paigemarie93 Posts: 778 Member
    All exercise.!
  • jenalderman
    jenalderman Posts: 411 Member
    Burpees. I hate them. I do them, but I hate them.

    This this this!!!!
  • Kissybiz
    Kissybiz Posts: 361 Member
    LUNGES in any form or fashion......especially the Mary Katherine.

    I agree about the lunges.. he brings out the rubber hose I'm supposed to wrap around my ankles and the medicine ball I have to hold out in front of me at the same time, and I just wanna hit him with it! UGH. (I can't go any lower! Can't you hear my knees pop???)
  • amyindm
    amyindm Posts: 93 Member
    Usually the "hated exercises" come during a group class for me - boot camp type or cardio conditioning class. Burpees aren't fun but I can manage. My abs are really weak though so any crazy long sets of ab work do me in. That's probably a sign that I should be doing more consistent work on them in general ;)

    As for most hated exercise, for a long time it was these things called "stars". It looks like a cheerleader move - you jump in the air with your legs out like doing a jumping jack, while your arms go up and out too. You do them fast, over and over. It feels silly and they used to wear me down instantly. Now I don't hate so much, but I do feel like a dork!

    The wheelbarrow move with a partner is a killer too. I don't know if that one has a different name or not.
  • amyindm
    amyindm Posts: 93 Member
    LUNGES in any form or fashion......especially the Mary Katherine.

    I agree about the lunges.. he brings out the rubber hose I'm supposed to wrap around my ankles and the medicine ball I have to hold out in front of me at the same time, and I just wanna hit him with it! UGH. (I can't go any lower! Can't you hear my knees pop???)

    I know that my physical therapist has recommended that you don't go into super low lunges if you have knee trouble. You can engage the gluts a bit more by twisting slightly as you dip down into the lunge without killing your knees by going super deep. Give it a try!
  • BigBoneSista
    BigBoneSista Posts: 2,389 Member
    Burpees. I hate them. I do them, but I hate them.

    I 2nd this!
  • emily2tx
    emily2tx Posts: 77
    Burpees. I hate them. I do them, but I hate them.
    This!!! I used to hate squats, but now love em. Used to hate lunges, but now love/hate them. Used to hate running, but now tolerate it. I HATE burpees and that wont ever change!!! Until it does, lol.
    All this! I love squats and lunges too now!!!! Still hating the burpees! Oh and pushups - tricep pushups mainly!
  • hotcocoa8
    hotcocoa8 Posts: 58 Member
    8 count bodybuilders, It's burpees on steroids. When youre in plank position spread your legs, bring them together, do a push up then finish doing your burpee with a 360 spin. Fun it is not!

    Edit: the 360 spin is done to make sure you jump high enough and aren't halfa$$ing it at the end.
    What's wrong with you trainers! LOL.
  • ATLMel
    ATLMel Posts: 392 Member
    Agreed about 8 count body builders and Mountain Climbers! When I was in boot camp (real boot camp, like for the military) we would have to do 8 counts and MCs whenever we angered our division commanders. Ever since then, i loathe 8 counts and MCs.

    But I hate them so hard I love them!
  • debilyn574
    debilyn574 Posts: 92 Member
    He has me doing something where I hold two giant ropes in my hands and make waves in the ropes. I hate it. He tells me to walk forward and backward, side to side while doing it, just to keep my mind off the fact that my arms are killing me, lol :)

    YES - this is what I meant by 'ropes' - looks like it might be easy, but it's super hard!!

    And I forgot to add burpees to my list but for some reason he doesn't make me do them that often.

    As for lunges and squats, NO, I cannot go any lower!
  • hsmithway
    hsmithway Posts: 191
    8 count bodybuilders, It's burpees on steroids.

    I used to love those, but I haven't done one in ages. Now that I'm old and flabby, it probably wouldn't be nearly as much fun.
  • vb2012
    vb2012 Posts: 134 Member
    Straight-leg raises. They kill my lower back! I cannot for the life of my bring me legs lower than 40-45 degree angle.
    Also, spiderman pushups - ugh.
  • wimbels
    wimbels Posts: 25 Member
    WAIT WAIT I forgot one.... Someone help, what is this move called? He has me stand on one leg with my other knee raised, and then I have to lower (squat) myself into a sitting position on a weight bench then immediately (and I mean immediately, as soon as my butt touches the bench) pop myself back up to standing straight all while keeping my weight on the one leg. IT'S MURDEROUS TORTURE!!!!!!! Is there a name for this move other than "I'm pretty sure my trainer hates me and wants me to die" ?
  • lorenzoinlr
    lorenzoinlr Posts: 338 Member
    Is it really necessary or even beneficial to do an exercise you hate? I've always managed to find more than adequate routines I don't despise with the possible exception of abs. Although even with abs I'll bet before long I'll find something more tolerable than the routines i do.

    If you hate part of your workout, other than the initial adjustment to them, aren't you at greater risk of avoidance? Is any single exercise worth that?

    Oh no, my trainer is merciless. If he knows I hate something, he pushes me to do it to prove to myself that I can, so there's zero way I can avoid it when I'm training with him. The thing is, I WANT to be good at this 10 pound jump rope thing, but I know I won't ever get there unless I keep pushing. I still hate it though. :)

    Well, it would be good for the PT business to get you to do things you're only willing to do with him or her there, capitalizing on your determination to not be shamed.
  • missfancy1980
    Squats!!! I hate them waaaaaaah :( I feel silly doing them and they bloody hurt

    Sad thing is, they're exactly what I need to get my bum and thighs in shape, which is what i asked for lol
  • butterflyliz32
    butterflyliz32 Posts: 124 Member
    Squats and lunges, mostly due to bad knees and ankles.

    I also hate riding an exercise bike (re: I WON'T ride an exercise bike). They are boring and my legs hit my stupid belly. Blah.