coconut oil



  • RunHardBeStrong
    RunHardBeStrong Posts: 33,069 Member
    I love it! I use it as a moisturizer and in cooking. Sauteing veggies, scrambling eggs, in baking. Occasionally will pop popcorn in it. It is amazing, everything tastes better and as someone else mentioned the fat chain in it is different from other oils making it healthier. I don't remember the exact science but google will find it. I use it every morning in eggs or on toast (1/2 tbsp) and I stay full till lunch. Which never happened before using Coconut oil. You do need to get virgin, un-refined (cold pressed is best but I've found it's hard to find) I buy a 16 oz jar at Whole foods for $6.99.
  • ShilohMaier
    ShilohMaier Posts: 135
    I love coconut oil. I use it in my food, in my hair, on my skin- I even use it to remove my waterproof eye make-up. One time I used it to oil the hinges on my bedroom door when I ran out of WD-40, worked great.
  • meljaniya
    meljaniya Posts: 22
  • 3rdxacharm
    3rdxacharm Posts: 377 Member
  • ashquin
    ashquin Posts: 248 Member
    thank you very informative

    Coconut Oil is awesome...I fry with it all the time - I also use in recipes and smoothies

    You want to find UNREFINED virgin coconut oil - you can find it places like Whole Foods or the organic section of your gorcery for about $10 or so....If you have Trader Joes near you check to see if they carry it - I have found it at mine for about $6 a bottle...

    It will be solid at most room temps...I just scoop it out - if you need it liquid (like in a smoothie or a recipe) then I just pop it in a dish and microwave it for a bit so it melts...

    If you google coconut oil you will gets all sorts of things...its great for you - it's bad for you (once again it is important to note what TYPE of coconut oil they are talking about - refined is bad because it has the good fatty acids broken down - pure unrefined virgin is good) - you really have to read between the lines...

    You can come accross articles that will say it increases your cholesterol - your blood cholesterol is primarly determined by your liver...not the foods you eat - dietary fats have only a small influence on your blood cholesterol if you are someone who genetically is predisposed to higher levels of cholesteral then yes you would want to try to limit your dietary cholesterol somewhat....

    I did the whole low fat - eat skinless chicken, fish, veggies, stayed away from all those "bad oils" like olive and coconut exercised my *kitten* off...had blood work cholesterol was high at about HDL (good cholesterol) was 35 - my Dr.s suggestion - cut back on red meat (I hadn't been anywhere near read meat for about 6 months).

    After a lot of soul searching (i.e. if I am doing everything "right" then why is my bloodwork high..why am I not loosing weight) and TONS of reading on nutrients (fats, protien, carbs, sugars, salt, vitamins, minerals, etc...) and how our body uses them I changed the way I doing everything most dietiticans would balk at (eating red meat, bacon, loads of olive and coconut oils in addition to fruits and veggies) my blood work is fantastic, I have lost weight (mostly fat as my body is a lot slimmer).

    My suggestion is read, read and read somemore and come to your own what works for one person may not work for another - hence why there are so many lifestyle ways of eating :)
  • blankenships6
    I see people say that they are purchasing it at WalMart. The LouAna brand has been refined! When using coconut oil you really need to purchase the virgin coconut oil and know for sure that is the real deal. So be careful to know what you are purchasing.

    What I purchase is from Nutiva and here is what they say about theirs....Nutiva Coconut Oil is always certified organic and non-GMO. We cold-press the coconut oil so that it retains its vital nutrients and delicate fats. We never bleach, refine or add chemicals. What you get is simply the purest white, creamy fresh coco-nutty flavor and aroma of unrefined, chemical free coconuts.

    I had been purchasing the LouAna brand and it doesn't even smell like coconut. So I knew there was a big difference when I opened this container and could see a difference in the way it smelled and looked!

    I love when people start taking notice of the lies they have been fed by the media about what is supposed to be healthy! Coconut oil is amazing stuff. One post talked about not getting sick since they have used it and I can say the same thing for our family! My children love it in their oatmeal.
  • RachelsReboot
    RachelsReboot Posts: 569 Member
    I see people say that they are purchasing it at WalMart. The LouAna brand has been refined! When using coconut oil you really need to purchase the virgin coconut oil and know for sure that is the real deal. So be careful to know what you are purchasing.

    I got mine at Walmart and it is Spectrum Organic Coconut oil. I've never seen the LouAna brand here.
  • lmd172
    lmd172 Posts: 172
    I see people say that they are purchasing it at WalMart. The LouAna brand has been refined! When using coconut oil you really need to purchase the virgin coconut oil and know for sure that is the real deal. So be careful to know what you are purchasing.

    I got mine at Walmart and it is Spectrum Organic Coconut oil. I've never seen the LouAna brand here.

    ^^'s where i buy mine and it is the exact same - spectrum organic coconut oil...very solid unless my house is on the warm side and then it tends to de-solidify...great stuff!
  • bluekat61
    bluekat61 Posts: 24
    LOVE coconut oil!
    I make a spread with Coconut oil, raw almond butter, ground flax seed and a touch of honey. I use it on my whole grain toast in place of butter or peanut butter. I also use coconut oil on popcorn tossed with some Indian spices, Yum!
  • bademasi
    bademasi Posts: 180 Member
  • debbysbeads
    Bumpity bump!
  • Keladry
    Keladry Posts: 58 Member
    I love coconut oil! When I eat it regularly I think it speeds up my metabolism because although I feel hungry more often, when I eat sensibly to fill the hunger I don't put on weight. I usually use it in place of vegetable oil or butter in frying or baking although I still use olive oil for dressings and bruschetta and rice bran oil on the rare occasions I deep fry something. I don't really like it plain on bread but it's nice with a bit of vegemite.

    I don't have 'pre coconut oil' blood results to compare to but my cholesterol is fine and I don't get sick very often even when everyone around me is!

    My family is so against it though because of its saturated fat content...I tried to tell them about its benefits but I know they judge me when I use it.