Kony 2012



  • Banks01
    Banks01 Posts: 985 Member
    Here you go:

    'Obama Takes on the LRA,' Foreign Affairs

    Better Business Bureau's report on Invisible Children

    Charity Navigator Score

    Invisible Children Financial Statements, 2010

    'UPDF [the group Invisible Children supports] in Kony hunt accused of rape, looting,' The Observer

    Abducted and Abused, Human Rights Watch

    Just linking some of the articles from reputable sources because they were ignored due to host site.

    I'll have to read those this afternoon. Off to a wonderfully boring meeting.
  • ryvenna
    ryvenna Posts: 83 Member
    ugh, guys, i agree that the LRA commits atrocities and that Kony's a villain, but please do more research before you donate your money to an organization as shady as Invisible Children (in the sense that they're not proposing a viable alternative AND they're profiting off the whole venture, while stroking their egos).


    " Last year, the organization spent $8,676,614. Only 32% went to direct services (page 6), with much of the rest going to staff salaries, travel and transport, and film production. This is far from ideal, and Charity Navigator rates their accountability 2/4 stars because they haven't had their finances externally audited."
  • Frenumi
    Frenumi Posts: 3
    WOW! I just watched the video last night...How amazing to see that its already posted for others to view. Ok MFP fam lets make Kony famous! HE WILL BE CAUGHT THIS YEAR!
  • PeaceLoveVeggies
    PeaceLoveVeggies Posts: 682 Member
    Watch the vid, or don't. Do something or not. At any rate, it's a powerful message and a well made video.

    Amen <3
  • sweebum
    sweebum Posts: 1,060 Member

    I know, I'm not understanding why it's NOW getting attention and it was for the past 26 years. I've never even heard of Kony before this, ever. There are far too many things to worry about in this world, It's hard to throw all your effort towards one single event.

    Some people believe in thoughts like "it's hard to throw all efforts to a single event", get caught up in the enormity of "too many things to worry about" and end up doing nothing. Nothing local, nothing virtual, or something as simple as this.

    I'm not criticizing you and certainly global communications and collaboration tools have made the proselytization of ideas and information more readily consumed, everywhere, so it's far easier to spread ideas today than it was even 5 years ago.

    Watch the vid, or don't. Do something or not. At any rate, it's a powerful message and a well made video.

  • Krizzle4Rizzle
    Krizzle4Rizzle Posts: 2,704 Member
    Here you go:

    'Obama Takes on the LRA,' Foreign Affairs

    Better Business Bureau's report on Invisible Children

    Charity Navigator Score

    Invisible Children Financial Statements, 2010

    'UPDF [the group Invisible Children supports] in Kony hunt accused of rape, looting,' The Observer

    Abducted and Abused, Human Rights Watch

    Just linking some of the articles from reputable sources because they were ignored due to host site.

    I'll have to read those this afternoon. Off to a wonderfully boring meeting.

    This makes me sad.
  • TieshTheGreat
    TieshTheGreat Posts: 29 Member
    Here you go:

    'Obama Takes on the LRA,' Foreign Affairs

    Better Business Bureau's report on Invisible Children

    Charity Navigator Score

    Invisible Children Financial Statements, 2010

    'UPDF [the group Invisible Children supports] in Kony hunt accused of rape, looting,' The Observer

    Abducted and Abused, Human Rights Watch

    Just linking some of the articles from reputable sources because they were ignored due to host site.

    I'll have to read those this afternoon. Off to a wonderfully boring meeting.

    This makes me sad.

    Very sad...
  • swordsmith
    swordsmith Posts: 599 Member
    I'd rather donate to SEAL Team 6 or Delta as they would probably get the job done right. I hate liberal chest thumpers who maon how awful it is- unfortunately animals like Kony can only be taken out by force. And that country is now so messed up that taking out one man will mean nothing as I am sure there are other demons waiting to take his spot.

    Not sure what to can be done (or if anything should be done if you view it from a triage perspective) but donating to some shady organization is not the answer.
  • islandjumper
    islandjumper Posts: 369 Member
    Before you jump all over the amount of money the Invisible Children NGO spends on it's own expenses you should look at other NGOs...it takes money to create visibility which seems to be their primary goal at the moment: making people aware of the situation (and considering we're talking about it, and debating the NGO and the situation...it's working).
    I've worked with NGOs before...they hemorrhage money...cars, salaries, advertising...it all costs something.
  • TinkrBelz
    TinkrBelz Posts: 888 Member
    I just saw this on the Today Show. This BREAKS my heart.

    BUT, can someone tell me how P-Diddy Tweeting, Me and my followers are going to get you or a bunch of girls doing car washes...how is this going to stop this brutal and horrible man??????

    IF we are going to do something, it has got to be more than clicking a button. It will take our special forces going in the middle of the night and killing this man. Kony does not care if we are all tweeting about it...he is probably laughing his butt off at us! What this man will understand is a bullet to the head!

    I say, we kill him and then deny that we did it! But just remember, there will be another dirt bag that will take his place.

    I just watched The Whistle blower. This is a story about how the UN covered up and participated in sex trafficking in Bosnia!!!
  • TinkrBelz
    TinkrBelz Posts: 888 Member
    I'd rather donate to SEAL Team 6 or Delta as they would probably get the job done right. I hate liberal chest thumpers who maon how awful it is- unfortunately animals like Kony can only be taken out by force. And that country is now so messed up that taking out one man will mean nothing as I am sure there are other demons waiting to take his spot.

    Not sure what to can be done (or if anything should be done if you view it from a triage perspective) but donating to some shady organization is not the answer.

    Wow...I agree with you 100%!!!!!!!
  • Krizzle4Rizzle
    Krizzle4Rizzle Posts: 2,704 Member
    When I first started reading about how invisible children operates I became sad because I wanted to DO something. But you know what, I STILL can do something. Did a little research and this charity got steller ratings www.savethechildren.org. They help children all over the world, including Uganda! We can still make a difference!