No Carbs for a Week



  • SilentRenegade
    SilentRenegade Posts: 245 Member
    Ok since no one else is going to say it I will.

    The statement that your brain relies SOLELY on carbohydrates to function couldn't be further from the truth. The brain does rely on carbohydrates or even better glucose to function but if it is not present then it turns to fat storage and then protein, a primary reason that low carbohydrate lifestyles(they aren't short term diets) do not generally restrict fats or proteins.

    There are people out there who can NOT metabolize carbohydrates, I am one of them, that does not mean that my brain can not function. Quite the contrary according to every test I've ever taken and my 4.0 GPA

    But unless you have a medical reason to restrict them, living a no or even extremely low carb lifestyle isn't for everyone, it's hard to stick to in the world we live in today. If you really think you have a problem with carbs, do away with the unhealthy ones that offer your body nothing else in the way of nutrition and you will be surprised with how well your body responds.

    ^^What she said...
  • smeklc
    smeklc Posts: 94 Member

    Check out the 17 day diet. Thread above and also there is the website. Book is in Walmart or Amazon (cheaper than website).

    I used that and lost 35+ on it. I do something close to the maintenance cycle now as I had a hard time sticking to it after going through the cycles(3) 4 times. I am still losing though. You start out with low carbs for 17 days then each cycle after you can add more carbs in it. There are many people that have done it long term and have done quite well. The thread above is actually #6. It does not work for everyone. Some are not able to be that restricted for long (Husband was not able to) For me it got the weight down enough to be able to exercise more/ move more. I was then able to increase exercise and be able to have more foods. Weight loss does slow down the less you weigh.

    One of the things on diet that makes a big difference is the refined sugar stuff is out (cookies, cake, candy, pop) The veggies and protein take longer to break down and you stay full longer. And uses more energy to digest than things like cake).
  • kandicekaye
    kandicekaye Posts: 44 Member
    ok... thanks for all your words... I never realized how many thing contained carbs.So im going to just stay away from simple carbs, especially since im a bread lover mainly!

    Here’s a list
    of simple
    carbohydrates foods.
    ■Corn syrup
    ■Fruit juice
    ■Bread made with white
    ■Pasta made with white
    ■Soda pop
    ■All baked goods made
    with white flour
    ■Most packaged cereals

    a list of complex
    carbohydrates foods.
    ■Whole Barley
    ■Turnip Greens
    ■Buckwheat bread
    ■Water Cress
    ■Oat bran bread
    ■Dried apricots
    ■Oat bran cereal
    ■Wild rice
    ■Brown rice
    ■Multi-grain bread
    ■Pinto beans
    ■Dill Pickles
    ■Low fat yogurt
    ■Skim milk
    ■Navy beans
    ■Garbanzo beans
    ■Kidney beans
    ■Soy milk
    ■Whole meal bread
    ■Split peas
  • Femtec74
    Femtec74 Posts: 347 Member
    ok... thanks for all your words... I never realized how many thing contained carbs.So im going to just stay away from simple carbs, especially since im a bread lover mainly!

    Here’s a list
    of simple
    carbohydrates foods.
    ■Corn syrup
    ■Fruit juice
    ■Bread made with white
    ■Pasta made with white
    ■Soda pop
    ■All baked goods made
    with white flour
    ■Most packaged cereals

    a list of complex
    carbohydrates foods.
    ■Whole Barley
    ■Turnip Greens
    ■Buckwheat bread
    ■Water Cress
    ■Oat bran bread
    ■Dried apricots
    ■Oat bran cereal
    ■Wild rice
    ■Brown rice
    ■Multi-grain bread
    ■Pinto beans
    ■Dill Pickles
    ■Low fat yogurt
    ■Skim milk
    ■Navy beans
    ■Garbanzo beans
    ■Kidney beans
    ■Soy milk
    ■Whole meal bread
    ■Split peas

    That's a much better plan. And one you will be able to live with a little easier.