Sixers Spring into Summer - week 6



  • Phoenix_Rising
    Phoenix_Rising Posts: 11,417 Member

    p.s. it's week 6 (CRAZY!) any ideas for the next challenge title?? haha, just trying to create some forward thinking!!! :wink:

    Brainstorming (and you cannot negatively judge brainstorms :tongue: )
    Summer Fling
    Slimmer Summer
    Simply Sixer Summer
    Summer of the Sixers
    Sexy Sixer Summer (even I lol'ed at that one!)
    Sixer's 4th of July Kick start (I guess a little more than 7 weeks put us at July 4th :noway: )
    Sixer Fireworks Jumpstart (on the 4th of July theme)
    Sixer Hot Fun in the Summer Time
    Sixer's Final Spring Fling (since summer begins near the end of this next challenge??)

    okay, my brain storm was more like a brain drizzle :tongue:
    Someone else give it a go. :glasses:
  • amylou24
    amylou24 Posts: 365

    p.s. it's week 6 (CRAZY!) any ideas for the next challenge title?? haha, just trying to create some forward thinking!!! :wink:

    Brainstorming (and you cannot negatively judge brainstorms :tongue: )
    Summer Fling
    Slimmer Summer
    Simply Sixer Summer
    Summer of the Sixers
    Sexy Sixer Summer (even I lol'ed at that one!)
    Sixer's 4th of July Kick start (I guess a little more than 7 weeks put us at July 4th :noway: )
    Sixer Fireworks Jumpstart (on the 4th of July theme)
    Sixer Hot Fun in the Summer Time
    Sixer's Final Spring Fling (since summer begins near the end of this next challenge??)

    okay, my brain storm was more like a brain drizzle :tongue:
    Someone else give it a go. :glasses:

    Oh my gosh I SQUEALED with delight when i saw Sixers Slimmer Summer on your list Lauryn!!!! LOVE it!!!!!:bigsmile: :love: :bigsmile: :love: :bigsmile: :love:
  • chipper15173
    chipper15173 Posts: 3,981 Member

    Brainstorming (and you cannot negatively judge brainstorms :tongue: )
    Summer Fling
    Slimmer Summer
    Simply Sixer Summer
    Summer of the Sixers
    Sexy Sixer Summer (even I lol'ed at that one!)
    Sixer's 4th of July Kick start (I guess a little more than 7 weeks put us at July 4th :noway: )
    Sixer Fireworks Jumpstart (on the 4th of July theme)
    Sixer Hot Fun in the Summer Time
    Sixer's Final Spring Fling (since summer begins near the end of this next challenge??)

    ok, i like slimmer summer, summer of the sixers. how about adding sixers to slimmer summer (sixers).
    had a horrid afternoon. so glad for a new one coming up. i think most of us need a fresh start.

    later :heart:
  • Phoenix_Rising
    Phoenix_Rising Posts: 11,417 Member
    Two votes for Sixers Slimmer Summer
    Still taking names!
  • PedalHound
    PedalHound Posts: 1,625 Member
    I'll jump on that train.. Sixers Slimmer Summer :bigsmile: :wink:
  • gonabfit
    gonabfit Posts: 711 Member
    I'm still here guys!!!!

    Sixers Slimmer Summer- MY VOTE!

    I am seriously considering training for a triathlon! I have done 2 marathons, 3 1/2 marathons, and 2 10ks and many other little races... so the running part doesn't scare me so much. I bike to school and atleast KNOW how to ride a bike so that part doesn't frighten me as much (plus training will help me become more efficient at biking) but the SWIMMING scares me to death! I have taken swimming lessons 3 times and I know how to swim but I have a PHOBIA of being in water where my feet don't touch the ground lol. and I'm 5'1. So I don't know many places I could swim .5-2.4 miles in 5 foot water. The point is that it is very important for me to get over my deep water phobia and I've tried before. The reason I know I can swim is that... lol... if I don't know how deep it is I do fine, It's just that when I feel myself start "floating" more I really really get freaked out and quickly sprint/swim towards the wall! :noway: There will not be a wall in the triathalon! Oh well.. I'll give it some thought and I know that my 3rd year of school will be endless hours in the hospital so I probably will not be able to get it in before 2010 but I think I will start training now. Maybe I can get over my phobia by then.

    Hope all is well with you guys! Lauryn you are right... it is good to know that others are going through tough times AND still making it work. Life has hills and valleys. Atleast we know we have a place to go and unload our burdens! Lol... hope you all don't mind when I come stress about school to you all! I have 2 more tests until this year is over. Please keep me in your prayers. Summer is goign to be rough for about 6 weeks. Then I get 3 weeks to relax!
  • drtamm
    drtamm Posts: 427
    Sixers Slimmer Summer sounds good to me!! Lauryn you did a great job brainstorming. LSAT?? I didn't know you were interested in LAW. Wow!!! Good luck, you can do anything you put your mind to.

    Well .... My dog decided to go #2 in the floor, I guess he is too good for the rain. I just wanted to knock him out. He knows better. Anyway, I made myself do Pilates 55 mins and 40 min of Cardio bursts.

    Tiff- Go for it girlie!! You can definitely do it!!! You are a winner already. :)

    :flowerforyou: Tamm
  • chipper15173
    chipper15173 Posts: 3,981 Member
    good day....
    felloff wagon again yesterday afternoon. so hard to get back into it again. i guess it takes small steps.
    i have changed my food plan so maybe it itn't the time to do that. i'll figure something out.
    off to do treadmill walk today. lower back so. it started yesterday afternoon. i didn't do anything to hurt it. so wondering if i have a bladder infection. i have never had one before. will look into it. i am also have a foot problem again. not effecting the way i exercise or anything, but, something i need to have looked at.
    i am meeting a pampered chef lady tomorrow to see if that is something i can do. i & DH have liked their things. right now it's income. DH said he would do it with me. he cooked in the navy for 20 yrs and when he retired he was in food service for yrs after. he left that field when he disliked working with teens who wanted paychecks, without working for them. maybe this is what we were meant to do. would be great.
    off to surf some more internet and than dress and treadmill and do some more packing.

    later :heart:
  • Phoenix_Rising
    Phoenix_Rising Posts: 11,417 Member
    Cathy, I had a rough day yesterday too.

    I overate at breakfast and again at lunch. I did alright with dinner, I suppose -- I didn't log it but my mama made a heart healthy meal for my daddy (who is home from the hospital, the heart procedure worked, and he's back at work today!).

    After dinner, I started feeling some emotions. Can't even pinpoint them. Opened a box of tasty crackers and began eating. Only when my hand brushed the bottom did I notice I'd eaten 7 of the 8 servings in the box at 150 calories a pop. Yep, 1,050 calories AFTER overeating at all my meals. It was not pretty.

    The realization of how many calories I'd eaten made me sick to my stomach. I've felt this before. All I really want to do is throw up at that point, but I refuse to allow myself to do so. I'm afraid I'd fall headfirst into bullemia if I allowed it, even once.

    Pretty sure this bout of emotional eating has to do with my 3.5 y/o asking me why we live at my mom's house now, how long we will live there, and how long until we go back home. These questions break my heart. Then my husband gets asked these questions and tells her that we won't be living there forever and it's only temporary. Of course he doesn't indicate where we will go afterwards or in what time frame, but in my opinion, the mind of a 3.5 y/o will make her own assumptions that he means she and I will be moving back into the house, and soon.

    This is really, really hard especially since I've always been so independent. My job ends two weeks from tomorrow. A new job looks pretty hard to come by. BUT YOU KNOW WHAT? Instead of lamenting it here, I am going to search the job boards right now.

    Today will be a good day.
    I will take action.
    I will have another happy day.

    xo :flowerforyou:
  • kistinbee
    kistinbee Posts: 3,688 Member
    Morning ladies! Well...Sixers Slimmer Summer sounds like a great next challenge! Although for me it will be Sixers Sweaty Summer due to the heater I have attached to my body! Ah well...I'll get through it! Let's just hope it goes by quickly!:wink:

    Have a great morning!
  • Phoenix_Rising
    Phoenix_Rising Posts: 11,417 Member
    Cathy, I was talking to my mom and dad about their Pampered Chef cookware last night. My dad went to a party 14 years ago that a neighbor had. The only man there in a sea of women, he bought the most cookware :laugh: . 14 years later and that stuff still looks brand new and works so well. Great products!!

    Tiff, I think it's AWESOME to want to conquer your fears. I am starting to try to conquer mine too. This summer, I am starting with ladybugs and fireflies. That may sound small, especially given the small size of those little buggers, but I AM SO SCARED OF FLYING INSECTS. But I want to catch these little guys in a jar, especially the fireflies, with my kiddo this summer. But back to you, lol... I think you can easily conquer this fear of swimming, of being over your head in water. It's mind over matter, and you can do this!! A triathalon sounds so cool!!!

    Tamm, you are so motivated to do these videos at home!! I am afraid I lack motivation to do any workouts from home. I think paying for a gym membership is the only way I can motivate myself to do anything. I wish I had your drive!!!

    Kris, you poor thing. I gave birth August 15... I feel your summer heater pain!!! :happy:

    Robin, I have had week long episodes of The Forgetfuls, like you. Made me think I was certifiably crazy too!
  • Phoenix_Rising
    Phoenix_Rising Posts: 11,417 Member
    Searching the bleak job market for a new job makes me hungry :sad:
  • chipper15173
    chipper15173 Posts: 3,981 Member
    thanks for the info on the cookware. if i decided to do it, it would be a great story for it.
    yes, the bleak market is terrible. DH has put out at least 15 resumes and has had one interview. he said if nothing else happens by the end of month he will go into a different field to look. right now he is just pest control. who knows whats next.

    good luck.
  • Phoenix_Rising
    Phoenix_Rising Posts: 11,417 Member
    I think I'm going to stop counting calories for the rest of this challenge until the next one starts. Eat what I want and exercise and just let my weight go. Maybe in a couple weeks I can really focus on weight loss. Until then, my cravings for Mexican and Twix bars to calm my emotional storm seem to be too hard to say no to. :cry:
  • PedalHound
    PedalHound Posts: 1,625 Member
    Lauryn, :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: Can you find a middle ground that won't derail your motivation once you do feel up to it? What I mean is, it can seem easier to just forget about it for a while but if that number really creeps up in the mean time it may be really depressing when you feel ready to come back at your goal and you have that much more work to do. Of course, you'll do what feels like the best choice you can make at this time but I would just hate to see you find fresh motivation then lose it over being bummed. This is a really hard time for you. Little indulgences? Half a twix bar? A child-sized or appetizer-sized Mexican dish rather than full? :heart: :heart: One day this will all be the past. Hugs!
  • pettmybunny
    pettmybunny Posts: 1,986 Member
    I think I'm going to stop counting calories for the rest of this challenge until the next one starts. Eat what I want and exercise and just let my weight go. Maybe in a couple weeks I can really focus on weight loss. Until then, my cravings for Mexican and Twix bars to calm my emotional storm seem to be too hard to say no to. :cry:

    Lauryn, don't give up! Think about it, in this crazy world of chaos you've got going on, what you put in your mouth is one thing you can absolutely control! Sure, you might have a cracker slip-up once in a while, who doesn't? But you don't want to give up!

    This coming from a girl who did the exact same thing a month or so ago, and am still trying to get down... I was 186 (I think) two challenges ago.... said to heck with it, and here I am... trying to get back down to 186... It isn't worth it, even for a couple of weeks, because when you get your head on straight, you look at all the ground you lost, and it's a big shame. When I think of where I could have been without that detour....

    So, hang in there Lauryn, and everyone else who's going through the tough times and wanting to comfort yourselves with the yummies. Just remember, when work is crazy, your family is crazy, and you feel like everything is out of control, you can control what you put in your mouth!
  • PedalHound
    PedalHound Posts: 1,625 Member
    That's really how I feel too Robin. I was having such a rough 2 months, felt so sick, felt so down and just said to myself 'it's too much to deny myself the thing I know will make me feel better RIGHT NOW. I'm willing to just deal with it when I'm up to it'. But you know what? Just like you say, when your head gets back in the game it's HEARTBREAKING to see the damage. I'm stalled out at 176 for the last 2 weeks but I'm thankful for it, though in the back of my mind I'm always thinking 'I was down to 167 and I'm desperately trying to claw my way back there!'.
    Hey Ladies. Sorry no time to chat this week. Finals. BIG meetings... paper just got accepted :bigsmile: to a conference / journal ... thesis proposal due... and more. so i promise I will be back next challenge but i am out for now
  • chipper15173
    chipper15173 Posts: 3,981 Member
    redsox... see you next time around. study hard.
    lauryn..hang on. just don't dwell on the food. i know harder said than done. i have been like this for a few weeks now. just sorta hanging. but, i would remind myself that 20-30#s ago i couldn't wear my summer clothes that i can now. and i don't have the money to replace them. i like were i am now. so if i can just hang around here a few pounds until i get my head in the right frame again i will be thrilled. i am still having hard days, but i can kick butt a few in a row too. it's keeping me balanced. i am where you are job wise. it is so hard. luckily we have retirement coming in from the navy and he's getting good unemployment to pay all the monthly bills and still have extra left. this is why we took the new house. i am looking at it as a fresh start a new beginning. i am really thinking hard about the pampered chef. with DH helping me and he cooking it just may work out as a good choice. i know he is already looking into ways to promote it. you will be ok. just hang tight until the next challenge and than go full force and rock your world, design it the way you want it, and start creating it. i am i am thrilled about my move. this is my chance to rock my world. not live around his job and his hours of sleep and meetings. it's my shot. i will drag him along instead of the other way around. join me. :drinker:

    off to pack some more.

    later :heart:
  • Phoenix_Rising
    Phoenix_Rising Posts: 11,417 Member
    Awww you guys..... THANK YOU

    My Mexican dinner date cancelled. The cosmos telling me not to eat that tonight.
    I only had one Twix bar. The other sits in front of me but I have no desire to eat it thankfully.

    Me and workout buddy went for a (Lauryn styled interval) run. It was hot, sweaty, and *kitten*-kicking. I think I managed a 5 minute run (straight through, no stopping!!) in there!! I feel great. Sunshine and heat lifts my mood.

    You are all right. I cannot cave. Besides, I'm addicted to food logging now and I don't think I know HOW to workout without my HRM and calorie counting.

    Thank you all so much. I LOVE MY SIXERS!!!!