Sixers Spring into Summer - week 6



  • PedalHound
    PedalHound Posts: 1,625 Member
    Good for you Lauryn, THAT'S THE SPIRIT!!

    Cathy, you too! I'm glad you're viewing this as a fresh start because it is!

    Em, kick butt on all you're working on!

    Well, lots of cleaning to do around here while my wondermonkeys are with their friend! They both start soccer tonight, too. Have a great one ladies!
  • gonabfit
    gonabfit Posts: 711 Member
    Lauryn I LOVE that smiley face!
  • chipper15173
    chipper15173 Posts: 3,981 Member
    boy, tiff wish i could do that.....:tongue:
    good morning....
    well, today is a day of what it brings....meeting with the pampered chef lady at 4, need to get questions together for her. anyone have any? DH is selling some of his tools. so a guy is coming at noon. i need to get in a treadmill workout of some sort. back still a little sore. need to call insurance to change endocrinologist, didn't like the one i saw. need to get some more packing done and changing out the good light bulbs for regular ones. too expensive to leave. i know i am missing something. oh well.
    went to dollar store yesterday and they had heavy bathroom rugs i got 3. the new place has 3 bathrooms. they also had throw rugs in the new colors of my kitchen. yea, for a buck. couldn't bet the price.
    off to dress for treadmill.
    later :heart:
  • Phoenix_Rising
    Phoenix_Rising Posts: 11,417 Member
    Cathy, I love the dollar store. It's so exciting to go there and buy things to decorate with. I love their dishwares. So many vibrant colors and styles to choose from. They have these awesome wall decals that stick to the wall but remove without leaving any sticky behind or harming the wall. I had previously bought cutesie bugs that went all over Bella Grace's walls. I recently bought fairies to cover our walls. Beautiful dancing childlike fairies. I love them. (They have them in the "hardware" section with rolls of borders and wall paper and paint.) They are just plain cute, and for a DOLLAR you cannot beat the price!

    Tiff, is that a yoga pose or just a fun move? I will be excited to get to a weight where I can do that, haha.

    Rhiannon, 'wondermonkeys', hahahahaha. Isn't it sad that when we have a free moment without the kids, we feel driven to CLEAN? :cry: Houses should be made to clean themselves!!! :wink:

    I binged again last night. I've got to work through these emotions and purge them instead of binging. Each day, I'm a step closer to my goal, even if only for realizing how badly I've done before and attempting to be better today. :flowerforyou:

    Happy Friday Sixers!
  • Phoenix_Rising
    Phoenix_Rising Posts: 11,417 Member
    And just to poke a little fun :wink: (Only picking, of course)

  • gonabfit
    gonabfit Posts: 711 Member
    Chipper: Good mornning!! :-) Good luck with your pampered chef interview! I'm not exactly sure what it is... but I know it has something to do with cooking and cookware... right ? :blushing: I hope all is well with you! Great deal on those dollar store rugs! I wish I could find some, I'm really looking forward to decorating my apartment. I renewed my lease and since I will be here another year I may as well make it home! And way to go on that treadmill workout!

    Lauryn: Hey! Yep it was a yoga move but it's probably not perfect I too kthe pic last night when I was studying so i'm sure it was a little off. but it was fun to do! :-) Don't worry you'll be doing alllllll the yoga poses you want soon!

    I hope you both have a great day. I woke up late and it kidna threw my day off. :noway: but I'm learning to roll with the punches. :flowerforyou: :laugh: So.... I'm going to go for a quick run at some point soon. Then back to studying! You all have a great day! Oh and cute comic strip!
  • Phoenix_Rising
    Phoenix_Rising Posts: 11,417 Member
    I just did a quick google search and found out there are a lot of self help books and even workbooks for binge eaters / emotional eaters.

    I am going to look into this. I need help. I want help.
  • pettmybunny
    pettmybunny Posts: 1,986 Member
    I don't know Tiff, it sure looks better than my 3 legged dog ever does. My 3 legged dog looks like a dog getting ready to take a leak on a fire hydrant. Can't get my leg very high, and then my arms start shaking like crazy too! Don't put yourself down, it's a good pose!

    Cathy, hope things go good for you today with your pampered chef stuff. Hopefully you don't have to shell out a huge amount to get all the display and use items. That's probably a good question to ask:tongue:

    Rhiannon, yup, been there done that. We are the voice of experience.... Even now, since I'm close to what my starting weight was before all the binging... I realize I haven't lost any more weight since January... I've lost the same 5 to 10 pounds a few times, but no new weight... I could have been svelte for my cruise at the end of August... Now I'll just have to settle for not so fat :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:

    Lauryn, thanks for hanging in there. I know it's tough, but you can do it. You are strong.

    So.... we invited DH's parents and his grandmother for dinner on Mother's Day. His dad just got out of the hospital (was bleeding in his intestines somewhere, and over the course of a week received over 11 pints of blood and extra platelets), and they have been driving home from Florida since Tuesday or Wednesday. I figured this way, they wouldn't need to worry about trying to have everyone over right away. Well, a couple of days after inviting them, Mike's aunt calls and says that she and her husband are going to be in town as well, and could they come over for Mother's day with everyone else? Well, of course, what are two more people? Come on over! Then today, Mike's mother called and asked Mike if we had invited his brother and their family over. Well, heck no, we hadn't... So he got the guilt trip, and guess what, we've got to invite his brother and family now too... So, my simple little pot roast now has to be big enough to feed 12 people. Yuck! That's all I can say about it...

    Did a great workout this morning... 45 minutes on the treadmill, including the C25K program for 30 minutes of it. Then moved to the bike and did another hour. Didn't really push super hard, but was dripping sweat the whole time. I forgot (of course I forgot something, lol) my HRM, so I had to adjust the calories burned on the machines. Ahh well, a little math never hurt anyone.

    Well, time to start cleaning the house for our company this weekend. Bleh. I don' wanna.
  • chipper15173
    chipper15173 Posts: 3,981 Member
    bunny...the cost is either 65 or 155 depending on what kit you want. DH already said to get the bigger, so i can do more. i am still thinking about it.
    tiff...yup it's cooking shows. like tupperware. good stuff. love the bamboo spoons.

    well, need to find something to do. iam getting so bored.

    later :heart:
  • kistinbee
    kistinbee Posts: 3,688 Member
    Hey girls! Happy Friday! Been SO busy at work! Just wanted to check in! Have a great weekend!:flowerforyou:
  • Phoenix_Rising
    Phoenix_Rising Posts: 11,417 Member
    SW 162.5lbs/ GW 159.5lbs/ CW 159 lbs PROGRESS - 3.5 lbs

    SW 203 lbs/ GW 196 lbs/ CW 206.6 lbs PROGRESS +3.6
    SW 211lbs/ GW 198 lbs/ CW201.5 lbs PROGRESS -9.5 lbs
    SW 220lbs/ GW 205/ CW 220 PROGRESS +5.0 lbs
    SW 185.5lbs/ GW 179.5lbs/ CW 187.0lbs PROGRESS +1.5
    SW 152.2lbs/ GW 141.6lbs/ CW 150.0 lbs PROGRESS - 2.2 lb
    SW 153.4 lbs/ GW 148 lbs/ CW 154.8 lbs PROGRESS +1.4
    SW 169 lbs/ GW 175 lbs/ CW 178.5 lbs PROGRESS +9.5 lbs
    SW 146.4 lbs/GW 141.4 lbs / CW 146.8 lbs PROGRESS +0.2
    SW 180 lbs/ GW 170 lbs/ CW 176 lbs PROGRESS - 4.0 lbs
    SW 174.6 lbs/GW 165 lbs/CW 169.6 lbs PROGRESS -4.7 lbs
    SW 211 lbs/ GW 199 lbs/ CW 212.5 lbs PROGRESS +1.5 lbs
    SW 198lbs/ GW185 lbs/ CW200 lbs PROGRESS +2.0 lbs
    SW 174 lbs/ GW 161 lbs/ CW 171 lbs PROGRESS - 3

    There I go, running my mouth about giving up, and you guys come to my supportive rescue, and now look at me -- I'm back at goal weight and slightly below!!!!!! I LOVE MY SIXERS!! Thank you ladies!! :flowerforyou:

    I ran for 8 min straight today, no small feat for me. I am so proud of myself. Burned 425 calories in 40 minutes, doing my own little interval running outdoors. I have crazy tan lines but am LOVING being outdoors, allergies be damned! Taking zyrtec to combat my allergies, I hope.

    I am going out for Mexican tonight with my daughter, my high school best friend, and her little sister (who is only 13ish). It should be a fun girls night. I hope to exhibit mild control over the amount of tortilla chips I eat, as well as to bring home half my meal. :smile:

    I hope you guys have great weekends!!! I'll be checking in during my emotional binging fits, hahaha.
  • its_B
    its_B Posts: 491
    Sounds like everyone is doing relatively okay!!!!

    I of course can't just rise above the ashes, god has thrown yet another stone into my window. My mom's kidneys are shutting down from an infection she acquired in a hospital about 2 months ago during a pretty standard procedure. So my life has been flipped yet again. I have to drive an hour to cover my mother's store every day and because her store is so busy im soooo tired by the time i get home... I have barely enough energy to play with the ferrets...

    I miss you guys! I miss working out... I am guilty of not eating right and not exorcising for the second week in a row... god **** it all!!!
  • gonabfit
    gonabfit Posts: 711 Member
    ItsB sorry to hear about your mom! I know life al;ways seems to toss us one extra trial just when we feel we can handle it. You and your family will be in my thoughts. :flowerforyou: Focus on maintaining, you are too busy to stress yourself further with trying to lose! Best of luck with everything!!!
  • chipper15173
    chipper15173 Posts: 3,981 Member

    b...sorry about your mom.
    lauryn...that scale can suprise you. mine was down also this morning. afraid to double check, hope i didn't see it wrong., do good on those tests
    amylou...hows your tests going getting better, don't burn out on the workouts
    pedal....did your DH have a good b-day
    kristin...hows the kiddo? you feeling ok?
    steph....keep up the good work. what's your secrets?'s you doing?
    to the ones i missed. mind not awake yet. hope you are doing good.

    me, i am off to dress and maybe hit some yard sales on my way to shanells. i am teaching granddaughter #1 to sew today. this should be interesting. first i have to learn how to use her sewing machine. shanell doesn't even sew. so she doesn't use her machine. pretty basic.

    hope everyone has a great day.
  • PedalHound
    PedalHound Posts: 1,625 Member
    Kyle's b-day was great! SO much fun. Cathy, have fun teaching your gd to sew :smile:

    Lauryn, yay for the surprise number!

    Tiff, love the 3-legged down dog. Looks great!

    Tamm, HI! :heart:

    Kristin, are you getting any special treatment tomorrow?? I figure if you can feel your child dancing around you're a mother. Happy Mother's Day (tomorrow!)

    In fact, since I won't get on until late tomorrow, HAPPY MOTHER'S DAY to all you lovely Sixer Mamas :wink:

    I've made a decision about the next challenge. I'm going to participate and work my butt off but I'm not going to step on the scale once for 6 weeks. THAT will be my challenge. Right now I've plateaued at 176 and I need to take action on knowing that all progress can't be measured by the scale. And when you make such a drastic change to training routines it's really common for the scale to stand still for a while because your body doesn't fully "trust" what's happening. It needs to feel safe. So I'm going to take a few pictures, take my measurements, and I'll weigh-in on Tuesday but I'm otherwise done with the scale for a while. :happy:

    Off to make some breakfast before I paint faces all day! The M&M charity bbq is on today and there's a cowboy theme so I need to scrounge a costume too :laugh: TTYL!
  • amylou24
    amylou24 Posts: 365
    Hey all!!

    So i have finished a 12 page paper this weekend so far and a take home essay final! yay!! Already have to of my grades back and have two As so far! YAYYYY!!!! working on studying for a suuuuuper hard final i have on Monday which is just basically memorization and i HATE tests like that. boo.

    not to mention, i have a terrible head cold and my nose is like a faucet today! (sorry for the visual) :blushing: bonus, i don't have much of an appetite so i'm not over snacking while i study. Although i did down an entire pint of Ben and Jerry's Cake Batter ice cream today. :noway: I feel horrible, but my throat was really sore and i new that would feel good oh boy and did it taste good too! but back on the wagon I go! not sure what i'm going to eat tonight, i'm not terribly hungry but should find a little something.

    Glad I confessed that, haha, now back to studying! hope you are all having a good weekend, i'll be back for personals! :heart:
  • chipper15173
    chipper15173 Posts: 3,981 Member
    HAPPY MOTHERS DAY :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou:

    have a great one. for me i am off to church in a few.

  • pettmybunny
    pettmybunny Posts: 1,986 Member
    Happy mother's day to all you lovely sixers! Any special plans for anyone? Me, I am cooking dinner for 13 people! I invited Mike's parents and grandmother over for dinner. His boys are with their mom for the weekend, so it would make 5 of us. Well, a day or two later, his aunt and uncle called and said they were going to be in town, and could they come too. I said sure, no problem (that way his aunt can spend the time with her mother too--Mike's grandma). Then, Mike's mom called and guilted us because we hadn't invited his brother and brood. So.... we did. My simple little mother's day has turned into a big shindig, and I'm feeling resentful right now. Don't mind me, just venting a little. Anyways, I need to scoot, have to get my pot roast in the pan and get started on the cake... Going to make a basket cake with fresh flowers on the top.
  • chipper15173
    chipper15173 Posts: 3,981 Member
    Happy Mothers Day bunny.....take a nice bath or shower tonight and relax. try to have a good day, enjoy the company and if things don't get done, they don't get done. i would think someone should be helping like DH....loves, and hugs.....:flowerforyou:
  • smagnan
    smagnan Posts: 53 Member
    Happy Mother's Day to all Sixer Mommas! Things have been crazy and I've really enjoyed that last 6 weeks of motivation and having to be accountable to all of you.

    PedalHound you are so right about making changes to training habits. I started Jazzercising 6 monthes ago and I actually measured myself when I started. It took about 7 weeks before I started really noticing anything and it was only in inches first now the weight is finally, slowly coming off.

    Something interesting I've done for myself is to see a naturopathic doctor. I had been suspecting I had a thyroid problem... trouble losing weight, low energy levels, cholesterol issues, low back pain, my regular practioners have always shrugged these symptoms off to the point where (WARNING this part is slightly gross) I went in because I was having nasty smelling discharge from one of my tonsils, and pockets of whit spots surrounding it, my doctor actually told me that was a normal bothersome thing that sometimes happens!!
    That really help me decide to see a naturopath.... and boy was it INTERESTING!!! I call her my voodoo doctor. She does applied kinesiology (sp) basically lifts my arm, I have to resist her pushing on it and she can tell all these things about me. Thyroid was the first thing she said to me, without me ever mentioning anything!!!!

    So to kind of summarize everything because I'm rambling. I have food intolerances and I'm taking herbal supplements to help my thyroid and my cholesterol levels, and I'm having more conventional blood work done to confirm all this.

    but this is the funny part my diet cannot consist of coffee (THIS IS HUGE FOR ME), no dairy, chicken, pork, citrus, very little sugar, no refined sugar, only maple syrup or organic honey.

    so I eat eggs, beef, turkey, lots and lots of veggies, very few carbs, and one piece of fruit a day

    VOODOO but I'm going to try it for a few monthes and see what happens

    I did learn something from this site. I turned on more daily nutrition information in particular sugar. This website recommends very little sugar intake.. the first day I posted I had gone way over on sugar intake.

    ok babbled enough I hope you all have a great day and I'm looking forward to the final weigh in on Tuesday!!