A random rant on paleness...



  • kim_mc
    kim_mc Posts: 321 Member
    On the other hand, it's super easy to buy makeup. I just have to pick the lightest shade available and BOOM, perfect match! LOL!
  • moran1917
    moran1917 Posts: 1,133 Member
    my husband says i am so white i am see through :laugh:
  • jedibunny
    jedibunny Posts: 321
    I am a GHOST compared to most people I know (including my immediate family - they got my mom's more olivey skin and I got my dad's mom's creamy white!). I burn very, very easily. The only time I've ever come close to a "tan" that didn't look like a burn was when I spent a week in California in the summer and wore 100 proof sunscreen all day and all night... that gave me a pale-gold-ish tinge, but I've never achieved it again. Interesting side note: my aftorementioned grandmother lived in NorCal for most of her adult life (50+ years) and never tanned. Not once. Yayyy genetics!

    Sometimes I like it, other times I hate it, but I refuse to set foot (or body) in a tanning booth and I'll always wear sunscreen when outdoors between the months of May--August. Otherwise, I'm a lobster.

    If you feel healthy, don't worry about your skin tone - you're healthy!
  • addies_mom
    I'm also uber pale... Scottish ancestry is to blame in my case. I will occasionally spray tan in the summer, and I did for my wedding. I hate the smell of the spray tan solution, so I won't do it regularly.
    I just make the best of it, dress in colors that flatter my skin tone!
    The one thing about being fair-skinned, I never got the linea nigra (vertical line on belly) or dark stretch marks when pregnant. The stretch marks I did get faded so pale that you can barely tell. So once I'm down to my goal weight, I'm gonna rock a bikini, pale or not :D
  • tig_ol_bitties
    tig_ol_bitties Posts: 561 Member
    You think pale skin makes you look larger than what you really are?? Yeah, tell that to Nicole Kidman.
  • Classalete
    Classalete Posts: 464 Member
    My Gold's has tanning tied into my membership.

    Needless to say I look fantastic.

    Oh, and I'm not concerned with melanoma, I have real problems to worry about.

    Get a tan.
  • bebreli
    bebreli Posts: 229 Member
    I don't think that tanning makes people look less skinny but I would say tan fat does look better than white fat - I am referring to my own thighs here ;o)

    They do the super crazy tanning for competitions, however if you have ever seen a really ripped guy/gal with amazing abs and they are very white it looks just as nice as if it were tan. IMHO
  • pauljsolie
    pauljsolie Posts: 1,024 Member
    Pale and proud of it!!!! PALE POWER!!!!! All kidding aside, I avoid the sun as much as possible. Living in the north it is somewhat easy. When you get older you will be thankful that you did. One thing I like are the people who think I'm still in my 30's, that is until I take off my hat. :grumble:
  • azure7
    azure7 Posts: 136 Member
    I feel you, girl! I live in Miami and I barely show my legs b/c I hate how white they are. On the up side, b/c of my pale skin and the fear of sun damage, I'm a sunscreen Nazi...and I look 10 years younger than all my friends because of it :)
  • secretgirl4611
    secretgirl4611 Posts: 474 Member
    Im mexican haha not from mexico but yea sry I like to say that. as I BARELY can even speak spanish. but um my skin is a weird pale not white pale but like an olive off color pale. sometimes I look in the mirror and it looks like im siick but im not. its just my skin color. you cant really tell from pics but in person more...I HATE IT. but I wouldnt want to be darker either.. so im stuck
  • Lmfloyd28
    Lmfloyd28 Posts: 24 Member
    I'm a super pale redhead. Some people in high school used to call me Casper. As an adult, I get compliments all the time on my "beautiful coloring". It's hard to go to the gym and watch all the bronzed gods and goddesses prance around, but this is the skin I have and I know at least when I'm old I won't look like tanned leather. :laugh:
  • reaolliemama
    reaolliemama Posts: 489 Member
    My Gold's has tanning tied into my membership.

    Needless to say I look fantastic.

    Oh, and I'm not concerned with melanoma, I have real problems to worry about.

    Get a tan.

    You think CANCER isn't a REAL problem? I'm sorry for whatever you must be going through!
  • muddyventures
    muddyventures Posts: 360 Member
    I think body builders tan because it does make everything show more. I heard that on Dr. Oz. just a thought. Maybe plain, pale is just better for hiding.
  • Classalete
    Classalete Posts: 464 Member
    My mother was killed by a drunk driver this past November. My father hasn't been released from the trauma center yet either. His projected success at a full recovery is..marginal at best.

    So yeah, real problems.
  • dubw
    dubw Posts: 429
    A word for ALL tanners - I am 65ish, and have had numerous Basel Cells removed. You will too, skin cancer is inevitable for nearly all of us who worked, played, or otherwise stayed in the sun. Without saying more, pale is beautiful.
  • wickedcricket
    wickedcricket Posts: 1,246 Member
    really. I am naturally dark and get very tan in summer. I have NEVER noticed that tan makes me look thinner. I HAVE noticed that pale skin is 'in' and highly prized. Naturally, as it is something I will never have.
    I am old and have this to contribute - instead of dwelling on what you're not, celebrate what you ARE. Many women wish they had creamy pale skin.... and youth.

  • fbmandy55
    fbmandy55 Posts: 5,263 Member
    For me, I have really bad skin issues and the only thing that seems to help is tanning. For 10 years doctors ahve tried every medication, remedy and tanning is always the one that helps. I just wish I could afford to do it more often!
  • Anomalia
    Anomalia Posts: 506 Member
    I'm pale as hell and I don't think it makes me look "less skinny" than I actually am. My skin tone doesn't create some sort of optical illusion.
  • monicaroozo
    monicaroozo Posts: 200
    TAN in a CAN, baby!! If anyone knows so good ones please list!!!
  • 77tes
    77tes Posts: 8,024 Member
    All colors are beautiful! We just always want the color/ hair/etc. we don't have.