Need to vent about food diaries.



  • SarahMorganP
    SarahMorganP Posts: 921 Member
    Posts like these are why my diary is private to only friends. And if any of my friends don't like how I eat they are free to unfriend me at anytime.

    I am not a healthy eater. I will never be a healthy eater. I am the pickiest eater you will ever find. I only eat 3 veggies and 4 fruits. And I really don't even like most of those, they are just the ones I can eat without gagging and throwing up. So when a "friend" kept commenting on how few fruits and veggies I was eating (even after I explained) instead of either not saying anything or commenting on how good it was I had one fruit and one veggie that day, I unfriended her. To me, one serving of a fruit and one of a veggie a day is a HUGE deal and I am very proud of myself for doing it! I have come a long way from the rest of my life when I was lucky to eat a serving or fruit/veggie once a year!

    I also still eat a lot of fast food and a lot of candy bars and other such junk. When I say a lot, I mean a lot to most other people on here. For me, I am eating very little of it. And again, I am very proud of myself for eating less of it. I don't need someone yelling at me for it.
  • skygoddess86
    skygoddess86 Posts: 487 Member
    Yeah, I never comment on the diarys unless it is very specific, like" hey I had Taco Bell today too", Lol! Yesterday my diet was a little janky and I got some "great jobs!" Funny.
  • AnnaCVeach
    AnnaCVeach Posts: 56 Member
    Posts like these are why my diary is private to only friends. And if any of my friends don't like how I eat they are free to unfriend me at anytime.

    I am not a healthy eater. I will never be a healthy eater. I am the pickiest eater you will ever find. I only eat 3 veggies and 4 fruits. And I really don't even like most of those, they are just the ones I can eat without gagging and throwing up. So when a "friend" kept commenting on how few fruits and veggies I was eating (even after I explained) instead of either not saying anything or commenting on how good it was I had one fruit and one veggie that day, I unfriended her. To me, one serving of a fruit and one of a veggie a day is a HUGE deal and I am very proud of myself for doing it! I have come a long way from the rest of my life when I was lucky to eat a serving or fruit/veggie once a year!

    I also still eat a lot of fast food and a lot of candy bars and other such junk. When I say a lot, I mean a lot to most other people on here. For me, I am eating very little of it. And again, I am very proud of myself for eating less of it. I don't need someone yelling at me for it.

    Agreed. I, too, am a picky eater. And it seems that it has been magnified by my steo-son being a picky eater as well. It gives me an "excuse" to not eat the fruits and veggies.
  • skygoddess86
    skygoddess86 Posts: 487 Member
    Rude, and unnecessary.
    Do you feel better now? :flowerforyou:

    Much better. Thank you. I feel about 3 lbs lighter.

    You would have felt even better if you had written this privately. Oh, wait. WE would have felt better.

    You chose to read it. You could have passed on opening it. Your problem. Not mine.
  • CookieCrumble
    CookieCrumble Posts: 221 Member
    I don't post responses to any food diary updates at all - whether they're under or over the calorie target. I always comment on the exercise achieved though, and in a positive way. It's a real boost when somebody does that for me and I'm happy to return the favour.

    I don't comment on my friends' diaries unless a) they've asked for comments or b) I've spied something fascinating and want to know what it is. I have friends in the US and Canada and I'm in the UK... the food choices are really interesting because I've never heard of some of the foods.

    I always assume that my friends are doing the best they can and they arrange their food to fit in with that. If comments are asked for, I'm happy to give them, but not in a dismissive or pompous manner. I suppose it depends on what somebody wants to get out of the MFP experience... support, motivation and friendship or the mean-spirited ego-bolstering of an inadequate and miserable person.
  • Vegetablearian
    Vegetablearian Posts: 148 Member
    Id love people to read mine and tell me off when I eat junk and congratulate me when I eat well but I get congrats if I am below my cals but once day I ate a whole bag of roast potatos which is not good food!
  • CookieCrumble
    CookieCrumble Posts: 221 Member
    Id love people to read mine and tell me off when I eat junk and congratulate me when I eat well but I get congrats if I am below my cals but once day I ate a whole bag of roast potatos which is not good food!

    Oh I definitely hear you about the roast potatoes... some brands are just so delicious! If I make them myself, I never eat more than one or two as they're so-so, but shop-bought ones... yum!
  • MNA76
    MNA76 Posts: 1,541
    I definitely leave positive comments on my friends wall about their exercise. I leave positive comments when they found an awesome song to work out to or found a cute shirt or are just in a good mood or get a raise or watched a great movie. I don't ever leave negative comments about what they are or aren't doing. If they post that they totally blew their whole diet/goal over the weekend and they are feeling badly, I tell them that it's not a big deal. It's a new day. I really only give positive feed back, not negative. If I don't have anything positive to leave in the comments, I don't say anything.

    What I was saying about my diary was strictly about what I'm doing to try to change my bad habits, because I have many (like writing opinionated posts when I should probably bite my tongue : )
    I don't post responses to any food diary updates at all - whether they're under or over the calorie target. I always comment on the exercise achieved though, and in a positive way. It's a real boost when somebody does that for me and I'm happy to return the favour.

    I don't comment on my friends' diaries unless a) they've asked for comments or b) I've spied something fascinating and want to know what it is. I have friends in the US and Canada and I'm in the UK... the food choices are really interesting because I've never heard of some of the foods.

    I always assume that my friends are doing the best they can and they arrange their food to fit in with that. If comments are asked for, I'm happy to give them, but not in a dismissive or pompous manner. I suppose it depends on what somebody wants to get out of the MFP experience... support, motivation and friendship or the mean-spirited ego-bolstering of an inadequate and miserable person.
  • paisley2288
    paisley2288 Posts: 913 Member
    Do you feel better now? :flowerforyou:

    Much better. Thank you. I feel about 3 lbs lighter.

    You would have felt even better if you had written this privately. Oh, wait. WE would have felt better.

    You chose to read it. You could have passed on opening it. Your problem. Not mine.

    I think some people get on here just to find something to ***** about. With that being said, I definitely understand why you would be annoyed by these comments. I have it posted on my MFP profile that if I see people are constantly eating less than 1200 calories I delete them as a friend because there is no easy way to lose weight. You have to eat healthy. Sure, you might lose weight--- until your body goes into starvation mode. Then your body will start burning lean tissues and muscles to gain energy.
  • 1dce
    1dce Posts: 238 Member
    that's a good idea, mine is private but if I make it public maybe i would eat better hmmmmm
  • JacksMom12
    JacksMom12 Posts: 1,044 Member
    I rarely post on peoples food diaries because of this. It's a pet peeve of mine too. And closed diaries... Forget about it! I'll never say "great job today" on a closed diary because for all I know you could have eaten nothing but lettuce and tic-tacs and closed it out at 200 calories. On my feed recently, I saw that someone closed their diary with a total of -143 net calories. (burned over 800 and ate less than 700) everyone was commenting "great job" "way to go today" but on the previous day where she ate 1203 calories (out of 1200...making her "over" that day) people commented stuff like "it's okay, tomorrow is a new day" and "good job logging even though you were over, new start tomorrow ;-)) WTF!?!
  • Dimplybutt
    Dimplybutt Posts: 123 Member

    I always assume that my friends are doing the best they can and they arrange their food to fit in with that. If comments are asked for, I'm happy to give them, but not in a dismissive or pompous manner. I suppose it depends on what somebody wants to get out of the MFP experience... support, motivation and friendship or the mean-spirited ego-bolstering of an inadequate and miserable person.

    LoL! Loving how you worded this ... and totally agree. :flowerforyou:
  • ihateroses
    ihateroses Posts: 893 Member
    Haha idk about you guys but I feel super awkward when someone "congratulates" me on what I ate that day, especially if I was under.

    I really think this encourages some people to lie on their diary because they want that positive reinforcement every day.

    *Edited for redundancy.
  • sweebum
    sweebum Posts: 1,060 Member
    I know..I have 2 MFP friends that celebrate their "loss" of 2lbs a week, while eating 900 calories a day and exercising on top of that. They comment how it comes off so fast. Little do they know how fast it will come back on:indifferent:

    It disappoints me when I see people who have lost weight, look great, and I find out they've been starving themselves.

    it's not sustainable. As proven by the 75% that gain it back. Anyone can lose weight by starving themselves.
  • thatlook
    thatlook Posts: 58 Member
    i must say that this is something that kinda gripes at me...if your not going to bother looking at what people have eaten why bother to comment :grumble: i will only comment on something that has been logged, as a lady said ealier being in the UK a lot of the foods listed on US & Canandian diary's are so completely different i've never even heard of them and i will ask!! but what really gets me is people who weigh and log .1 or .2 weight loss daily...whats the point?? :grumble: i weigh myself daily but only log once a week!! i dont bother with the pointwhatevers i simply go for the whole numbers, i wouldn't feel like i'd done any real work if i logged my weight daily i like to see a full 2lbs or so at the end of the week, i know ive done a good job over the week and feel happy with mysefl that ive done it!!
    ive actually unfriended 2 or 3 people on here for that pointwhatever weight loss logging it truely irritates the hell outa me!! :devil:

    hahaaha so now i feel better for saying my 2pence worth!! i dont care what anyone thinks of what ive said, its my opinion im allowed to voice it!! :laugh:
  • paisley2288
    paisley2288 Posts: 913 Member
    I rarely post on peoples food diaries because of this. It's a pet peeve of mine too. And closed diaries... Forget about it! I'll never say "great job today" on a closed diary because for all I know you could have eaten nothing but lettuce and tic-tacs and closed it out at 200 calories. On my feed recently, I saw that someone closed their diary with a total of -143 net calories. (burned over 800 and ate less than 700) everyone was commenting "great job" "way to go today" but on the previous day where she ate 1203 calories (out of 1200...making her "over" that day) people commented stuff like "it's okay, tomorrow is a new day" and "good job logging even though you were over, new start tomorrow ;-)) WTF!?!

    LOL, lettuce and tic tacs?! Yum.
  • thatlook
    thatlook Posts: 58 Member
    I rarely post on peoples food diaries because of this. It's a pet peeve of mine too. And closed diaries... Forget about it! I'll never say "great job today" on a closed diary because for all I know you could have eaten nothing but lettuce and tic-tacs and closed it out at 200 calories. On my feed recently, I saw that someone closed their diary with a total of -143 net calories. (burned over 800 and ate less than 700) everyone was commenting "great job" "way to go today" but on the previous day where she ate 1203 calories (out of 1200...making her "over" that day) people commented stuff like "it's okay, tomorrow is a new day" and "good job logging even though you were over, new start tomorrow ;-)) WTF!?!

    LOL, lettuce and tic tacs?! Yum.

    i actually LOL'd at this!! too funny!! :laugh:

  • Acg67
    Acg67 Posts: 12,142 Member
  • killagb
    killagb Posts: 3,280 Member
    Go on, judge my foods. I dare you.
  • BondBomb
    BondBomb Posts: 1,781 Member
    If I say great job on a diary I am usually cheering on the fact that the person tracked and completed the diary for the day. Its up to them to make healthy and responsible choices. If i can help then I am happy to. But I notice the longer I am here and the more I learn the more my diet evolves. I hope the same for anyone I am friends with.
    I am also not friends with idiots. Just sayin!