Anyone else just need to lose 10-15 lbs?



  • Jessiciaf
    I just need to lose 10 pounds. I've lost 35 over the last year and a half but the last ten are giving me grief. Could be my junkfood-ahoholism. Don't count my last week, I was on vacation and damaged myself riding down a very steep snowy hill in a recycle bin (seemed like a good idea half a bottle of rum in).

    If i excercise am I supposed to eat back the calories?
  • chelsealjames
    chelsealjames Posts: 92 Member
    I just need to lose 10 pounds. I've lost 35 over the last year and a half but the last ten are giving me grief. Could be my junkfood-ahoholism. Don't count my last week, I was on vacation and damaged myself riding down a very steep snowy hill in a recycle bin (seemed like a good idea half a bottle of rum in).

    If i excercise am I supposed to eat back the calories?

    Definitely eat back the calories. If not, your body will burn the muscle, and not the fat :)
  • larlab
    larlab Posts: 22 Member
    I've got about 9 to go (17 total, 10 left)- holymoley its hard, these last 10 lbs. I've stalled and started eating more but it didn't work for me (all I did was slightly gain over 2-3 weeks time). So now I'm eating 1550 per day, exercising 6 days a week and thinking of starting Jillian Michaels "Body Revolution" to give my body something new/shocking to freak out about. :)
  • rachleb
    rachleb Posts: 59 Member
    I've lost 8 pounds and am one pound away from my goal weight, but I am seeing now that I will probably want to lose another 5. I have been working out 3 days a week (cardio/running/free weights) for about 6 months now. My strength increased, but I didn't start seeing any changes in my weight until I started to eat better about 2 months ago (and MFP tracking about a month ago!). Since I started eating about 1500-1600 calories a day (and eating back my exercise calories when I can) I've seen better results!
  • erickirb
    erickirb Posts: 12,293 Member
    Well, I have already lost around now I'd like to lose 10-15more. :)

    I am watching what I eat...(on a 1200 calorie diet), and exercising a lot more. I have taken up running (joined a 5km clinic, and I am doing marathons), that I do three nights per week. I also do exerciss 3x per week which involves strength training and calisthenics. On the nights where I do the bodyrock I also ride my stationary bike for a minimum of 15-20mins.

    They say the last 10lbs are the most difficult to lose. So, if I find I am hitting a plateau then I am going to find something else to challenge myself with.

    eating only 1200 cals and doing a bunch of working out when you don't have much to lose is a method on how to lose lean muscle, not just fat. See my earlier advice.

    Here is the key to drop the last bit of fat weight, not just weight (muscle and fat) 0.5lb/week weight loss at the most, enough protein (0.7-1.0grams/ pound of lean muscle, or 0.7 grams per pound of goal weight), a relatively heavy strength training routine, and eat back the cals you burn if you didn't factor them into your TDEE when calculating your original deficit.
  • ashcan92
    ashcan92 Posts: 8
    been stuck on tryin to lose the last 10lbs for bout 2 years now. I want to be 135 but the lowest I've been able to get down to was 142.

    Same here. I have gotten down to 144, but a week later the scale said 148. What's exhausting is the gain/loss game. I'm going to up my calories and boost my workouts to see if anything changes. I noticed that my midsection is dissappearing and my legs are toning up. I think I deserve a pair of workout "shorts" (not pants)!
  • leslie1610
    I find it hard to lose weight when you only have a small amount to lose. I have about 15 I would like to lose and when I follow any kind of diet plan, it's difficult for the weight to come off. I just signed up for MFP on Saturday and am finding it really eye opening when you account for every single calorie. I think I eat mindlessly a lot of the time. Just recording everything has been the biggest change for me.
  • techiegurl
    I want to drop 10-15 more. I am very active but gained ~10 late last year during the holidays and other stressful events.
    I was losing a bit, especially when I cut out the tempting foods but I always thought the 1200 cal limit was very restrictive and not at all customized for my height and muscular/atheletic build. Besides I always went over it, except for a few times and was still losing weight, slowly but surely..
    So after reading around a bit, some formulas including one from teambeachbody gave me about 1600 for weight loss while being very active, so now I use 1570 (arbitrary). I don't know if it really works yet, mostly because I can't seem to achieve that 50:40 ratio of carbs to protein ideal for weight loss, and I haven't measured myself in the 1.5 weeks since I made that change. Will post my progress with that soon
  • Hjbaker
    Hjbaker Posts: 165 Member
    I a looking to loose around 15lbs. Have only been on here for 10 days and feeling great already. Finding 1200cal a day pretty easy :) I just want to feel fitter and healthier... loosing some cuddliness will be a bonus!!
  • jmach002
    jmach002 Posts: 113 Member
    i am trying to lose 10lbs and man it seems so hard especially being that i am already active and healthy! tips are welcomed too!
  • slkehl
    slkehl Posts: 3,801 Member
    That's what I'm looking to lose. I'm doing it by counting calories and biking to and from campus everyday.
  • TG683
    TG683 Posts: 41
    Ive been trying to stick to 1200 a day but it isnt working for me, id say i stick to it 5 days a week, and work out 4!! ive lost a few pounds but its not been consistent! has this way worked much better for u? thinking of upping my calories!
  • bluberrygoo
    bluberrygoo Posts: 222 Member
    I have 10 more to go. I'm exercising, watching calories, and just started Atkins.
  • Emabo
    Emabo Posts: 125 Member
    I am more 15-20, but I could be considered 15 so. P90x, 1300 calories a day, beginning to run, more sleep, and eating much healthier. I am just starting out though, so I don't know how it will work out.
  • Tangerine16
    Tangerine16 Posts: 44 Member
    I've been on here since Jan 9th, eating 1200 calories, and lost 16lbs so far. Last week, lost 1lb, this week, none (but have been ill most of this fortnight with pleurisy).

    I do eat calories back, but have really not done any serious exercise since starting (at 155lbs). Now I want to lose about 5lbs more. When I have my energy back, I need to start doing exercise.

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  • SnazzyTraveller
    SnazzyTraveller Posts: 458 Member
    In the last six months I've lost about 20lbs leaving me just under 155lbs right now. I'd still like to lose about 15 more but am finding it a challenge because instead of people's nice comments inspiring me to keep going, I think "oh well I'm already looking good enough, may as well eat another lindor chocolate". BADDDD... I really need to get back on the wagon and get trekking through. I don't want to gain that weight back, but even more I don't want to go back to my unhealthy lifestyle.
  • JuJu2976
    JuJu2976 Posts: 15
    I have about 20 pounds to loose, I am glad you asked this question, my scale has not moved but I do feel like I have lost inches. I drink WATER,WATER,WATER!!, Count Calories and Excercise 5 days a week. I don't know what I am doing wrong. Should I eat those Excercise Calories?
  • lozzae85
    lozzae85 Posts: 35
    I want to lose about 15-20lb (this would be Ideal) but I would be happy with about 7lb. I am trying everything and just dont seem to be losing. I am also of the view that I know I am not overly overweight and would just like to be that little bit thinner so maybe am guilty of not trying as hard as I maybe could!

    I am 149lb and 5ft 7"

    Anyone similar feel free to add me as a friend and hopefully we can inspire eachother!
  • oh_resilience
    oh_resilience Posts: 18 Member
    I like this thread:)
    I've never been heavy in my life (I'm 19 now, knock on wood) but I've never truly exercised.
    I have lost twelve pounds, with ten -fifteen being my goal.
    Basically, I cut out junk food, replaced juice with water, and started exercising.
  • jmach002
    jmach002 Posts: 113 Member
    all these tips are so great! i drink so much water and take green tea extract! workout 3-4 times a week at the gym and do HIIT in themornings before work