Carbs after lunch, yes or no?



  • birdieintx
    birdieintx Posts: 298
    Everybody that puts out a diet book has to put something new and "groundbreaking" in it to make you think they have the secret to weight loss. Doesn't make it true.
  • BrianSharpe
    BrianSharpe Posts: 9,248 Member
    I've come to the conclusion that 99.9% of the so-called miracle diet books are nothing but unscientific, bad advice. And I think I've figured out why. There's no incentive for these gurus to give us the secret to lifetime weight control - they'd run out of people to buy their books and supplements.
  • Lorleee
    Lorleee Posts: 369 Member
    I eat my starches for breakfast and lunch. No bread, pasta or white potatoes with dinner. It's been good for me.:wink:
  • rowanqu
    rowanqu Posts: 1 Member
    There are assorted studies on the impacts of eating during different parts of your circadian rythm, often done on mice etc because it is easier to controll their eating. Some interesting stories are:

    Research and make your decisions informed ones. :-)
  • Acg67
    Acg67 Posts: 12,142 Member
    There are assorted studies on the impacts of eating during different parts of your circadian rythm, often done on mice etc because it is easier to controll their eating. Some interesting stories are:

    Research and make your decisions informed ones. :-)

  • s_waser
    s_waser Posts: 92
    My guess would be that he means simple or refined carbs... the kind that break down into sugar super fast and then leave you with that crash feeling at 2:30pm and make you crave for more refined carbs. Complex carbs from veggies, whole grains, etc. don't do that so I don't see why those would be an issue. Perhaps he should be more specific.

    Edit: And really, you should avoid those refined carbs at all times of the day, but I think people complain about that "2:30 feeling" more than other sluggish times of the day...

    Thank you for responding I liked your answer!!
  • chazbo35
    chazbo35 Posts: 79 Member
    I would die of sadness if I had to do that.

  • BerryH
    BerryH Posts: 4,698 Member
    Like any restrictive diet it would probably work for weightloss as there's just less choice to eat. I couldn't eat nearly as much bolognese sauce over veggies as I could over a lovely heap of al dente spaghetti, for example! I mostly exercise in the evenings and need to replenish my carbs afterwards otherwise I'd never run a step the next time out!
  • almonds1
    almonds1 Posts: 642 Member
    I eat them whenever the hell I feel like /shrug

    ^^ This

    There are a million different doctors saying a million different things....They all contradict each other. I have eaten 7 slices of bread today, whole grain mind you, fruits, whole grain Cereal .... So take that Doctor

    P.s - Just to add, a Personal Trainer is not a nutritionist.... just saying
  • netchik
    netchik Posts: 587 Member
    Disagree. How in the world does your metabolism know what time it is?? My muscles are alive, my brain is alive, both require carbs to burn to stay alive. I feed my body what it needs, regardless of the time of day.. and I'm a shift worker.. so if those "don't eat after a certain time" theories were valid, I'd be HUGE. Instead, I listen to my body's rhythms, work it ferociously, and feed it properly.

    Because the metabolic work your body does when you're sleeping (ie recovering) is different. So if you were a shiftworker and slept during the day, then maybe they'd say no carbs after dinner (as you'd expect another 8 hours before sleep???

    Not saying I agree (cos I do eat carbs later in the day) but that's the theory behind it.
  • mikeyrp
    mikeyrp Posts: 1,616 Member
    I have an opinion :)

    - Weight loss is simply a question of calories in vs calories out
    - Healthy living is about where those calories come from (food quality and balanced diet)
    - Getting the body you want is about doing the right kind of training

    Anything outside of this is someone finding a new way to make money from old news.