Challenge : Zumba 2 on the Wii



  • XtyAnn17
    XtyAnn17 Posts: 632 Member
    yepp i did my zumba today..its so much fun and my lil boy tries dancing with me lol
    and TheatreDamsel u can absolutely still join!! id revise your goal weight for just this challenge :) good luck!
    even funnier when hubby tries dancing with me! haha
  • maher2006
    maher2006 Posts: 94 Member
    glad to hear you are all doing well! keep it up :) can't wait for weigh on on friday to see if this is paying off!!
  • tropaze
    tropaze Posts: 317 Member
    I'm in, but I'll be doing Zumba Rush on the Kinect.

    Goal Weight: 155

    3/9 Starting Weight: 163
    Final Weight 4/7:
  • angeedee
    angeedee Posts: 16 Member
    I'd like to join - I didn't find this post until today - but did do 30 minutes of Zumba 2 both yesterday and today. Hopefully a challenge will help me ;)
  • tropaze
    tropaze Posts: 317 Member
    Played almost 2 hours today. I try to get atleast around 2 hours of exercise in on the weekdays, now I need to add in atleast 30 min on the weekends.
  • Em28wxm
    Em28wxm Posts: 50 Member
    Played almost 2 hours today. I try to get atleast around 2 hours of exercise in on the weekdays, now I need to add in atleast 30 min on the weekends.

    good going :) how many calories did it say u had burnt doing 2 hours then? i only bought mine recently so the longest ive played is 72 mins cos i bought other games at the same time aswell so ive been doing a mixture :)
  • tropaze
    tropaze Posts: 317 Member
    I posted the calories burned per the game, but it was probably closer to 1500 calories per my HRM. But there's no way I can eat all those calories back, so I just put the lower calorie count in. If you're throwing yourself into it you burn tons, but I don't feel like I'm getting much in muscle definition, so I've added another workout that I'm easing into (my muscles are so sore, so I only do it twice a week).
  • Em28wxm
    Em28wxm Posts: 50 Member
    so just out of curiosity what was the difference in calories between what the game said you had burned and what your HRM told you? I really need to invest in one of these HRM i think cos im just going by what the game tells me but im not sure how accurate it is
  • tropaze
    tropaze Posts: 317 Member
    Today I did 83 min on the game and it said I burned 386 calories, according to my HRM I burned 1050 calories. (One 20 min and one 60 min session, for 216 and 834 respectively.) The game doesn't take any of your information and gives you a generic calories burned, my HRM has age and gender and HR. Here's a website I used until I got my HRM, it's as close as you're gonna get without one (IMO)

    Edit: except for that the game is awesome and I can't wait until May when they start the new DLC.
  • Em28wxm
    Em28wxm Posts: 50 Member
    my game gives me much higher calories burned than that! the calories that mine gives are around the same as what your HRM readings were and im sure i had to put personal info in when i set it up, i wonder if we have the same game lol
  • tropaze
    tropaze Posts: 317 Member
    We have mostly the same game, they made some changes between the wii and kinect versions. You guys sound like you got the kick butt calorie counter, we got the downloadable content.
  • XtyAnn17
    XtyAnn17 Posts: 632 Member
    Wow i am exhausted from todays workout. Just wanna say i think my fav. song so far is PAUSE. because i can keep along with the moves and its fun and it works me :)
  • Em28wxm
    Em28wxm Posts: 50 Member
    i've just finished 72 mins, can definately tell my legs have had a good workout!! :) im quite excited about fridays weigh in now!! this is my 1st challenge ive taken part in on MFP
  • cmccoy0901
    cmccoy0901 Posts: 156 Member
    I would love to join. I love doing wii Zumba 2. It is so much fun.

    Goal Weight: 318

    3/9 Starting Weight: 328
    Final Weight 4/7:
  • maher2006
    maher2006 Posts: 94 Member
    so happy you are all doing good!! i think this challenge will help all of us!! also, my fav song is ALSO Pause! lol..keep up the good work girlies!!!
  • CM9178
    CM9178 Posts: 1,265 Member
    I just got the game today and tried it.. I only last 1 song, about 10 minutes and I was exhausted.. this is going from me NEVER working out.. so I think I'm going to need to ease into it. There is no way in the world I could do it for an hour, I'd drop dead of exhaustion...hopefully there will be another challenge in about a month or so when I can last a little longer!
  • Em28wxm
    Em28wxm Posts: 50 Member
    I just got the game today and tried it.. I only last 1 song, about 10 minutes and I was exhausted.. this is going from me NEVER working out.. so I think I'm going to need to ease into it. There is no way in the world I could do it for an hour, I'd drop dead of exhaustion...hopefully there will be another challenge in about a month or so when I can last a little longer!

    push through that wall girl :) mind over matter and u will soon be doing an hour :) x
  • CM9178
    CM9178 Posts: 1,265 Member
    I posted the calories burned per the game, but it was probably closer to 1500 calories per my HRM. But there's no way I can eat all those calories back, so I just put the lower calorie count in. If you're throwing yourself into it you burn tons, but I don't feel like I'm getting much in muscle definition, so I've added another workout that I'm easing into (my muscles are so sore, so I only do it twice a week).

    I'm sorry, but unless you are running up and down a mountain for 4 hours or you weigh 3000 pounds, I don't think there is any way possible you could burn 1500 calories doing Zumba. The average calories burned I believe is somewhere around 300 or 400.
  • CM9178
    CM9178 Posts: 1,265 Member
    I wish, but I certainly don't have an hour or more to do Zumba. Even if I did it immediately when i got home from work, by the time I was done, took a shower, etc, I'd be cooking dinner at 8pm or eating dinner at 9pm. Not exactly a good idea. And I can't work out after eating, it would make me throw up.
    Hopefully I'll be able to find 30 minutes a few times a week to squeeze it in. Something is better than nothing.
  • XtyAnn17
    XtyAnn17 Posts: 632 Member
    Wont have time to weigh in tomorrow! So posting it tonight!

    Goal Weight: 268

    3/9 Starting Weight: 278.6
    3/16: 275.6 (-3)
    Final Weight 4/7: