Girls in tbe gym: question



  • katiew00t
    katiew00t Posts: 164
    Well you pretty much got a 50/50 split, some ppl love it some ppl hate it. So don't be a creep, be polite and friendly and keep in mind what's the worst that could happen? I've never seen a girl carry pepper spray into the gym.

    lol...well I have my pepper spray at the gym, but it's in my purse, which stays in the locker :tongue:
  • theleftie
    theleftie Posts: 366
    I recently chatted up a woman who was killing it on a bosu ball. I was impressed with her balance and strength and told her... We have chatted a bit since then and in no way does it feel creepy. Well, at least not yet.
  • JenAiMarres
    JenAiMarres Posts: 767 Member
    People are there to work out...and most people have ear phones in...if you see someone repeatedly say hi if u feel like it IF you bump into them off the equipment..but yes super awkward to go up to someone let's say on the treadmill, earphones in...I mean what would a person even say that could be conceived as half way non douchy???? Lol!!!
  • thepetiterunner
    thepetiterunner Posts: 1,238 Member
    I'm at the gym to get my *kitten* done, so I really don't care about anything else that's really going on. There are a few people who have given me nods or smiles, mostly because we come in at the same time and they don't try to approach me, which is fine. There have been a couple of times when someone has come up to help me remove weights left by someone else on a machine (that were obviously too heavy for me to lift myself) or helped me make sure a notch was secure before I started a move on a machine (though that was sort of borderline - he was watching me close enough to see that the screw wasn't all the way locked in, which also, coincidentally, was between my legs).

    Having said that, I've had two memorable experiences with guys talking to me at the gym:

    Scenario 1 (the flattering one):
    I hit the gym pretty early in the morning and roll in with the 430-5 am crowd. These are the hard core, we don't mess around, are disciplined gym goers. Well, after about 5 months of going 3-4 times a week at this time, an older guy (late 40s maybe) came up to me, tapped me on my shoulder and just said "Hey, I've just noticed that you've been doing really well. I come to the gym a lot and see people progress a lot and you look really good, you can tell in your arms and upper torso, nice work." Smiled and went about his business, never approached me again. That was totally appreciated.

    Scenario 2 (the douchy one):
    I'm on the treadmill, sweating my butt off and I just finish and I have to walk past this guy who's in a Hooter's shirt with a trucker hat on who is obviously NOT working out (he had been standing around the cardio machines for the past 10 minutes just watching people) and I go to grab some paper towels to wipe the machine down. On my way to my machine he asks me if my name is "Alyssa" and I'm like "Nope, sorry" and put my earbud back in and go about my business. I then have to pass him again as I go to the stretching area and this time he says "Oh sorry about that" and I smile and say "No problem, you really don't have anything to apologize for". Like dude, when I gave you a one or two word response the first time, that should have been your cue to go hit on some other girl - this one has no interest in you, your Hooters shirt or your creepy attitude.
  • lovinmysoldier
    lovinmysoldier Posts: 156 Member
    Okay, perfect place to tell about the african american guy at my gym. He looks great! He's about my height and I've run into him a few times at the water fountain. Each time he says "You first Beautiful" or "Have a nice day Beautiful!" Its soo cute but weird at the same time! He is obviously comfortable in his nice bod, and he is cute but there's a difference when the social norm doesn't find tacking "beautiful" on the end of every sentence normal so I am not sure how to respond!

    Either way, why not? Just don't go as far as this guy does!

    You respond with "Thank you handsome"
  • maletac
    maletac Posts: 767 Member
    Well you pretty much got a 50/50 split, some ppl love it some ppl hate it. So don't be a creep, be polite and friendly and keep in mind what's the worst that could happen? I've never seen a girl carry pepper spray into the gym.

    Ohh you got a point here.... Maybe creeping hard is just the right thing to do.. Walk up to a chick with head phones on and on a machine stop it for her.. You know so she doesn't have to lift a finger. Maybe even pat her dry before even saying hi so she knows I'm harmless. Then say hi :) rule of thumb no pepper spray no problem :)

    it seems like it's a 50/50 here I'm pretty big on one ear phone on and leaving the other one out so I can be aware of my surroundings.. its not really about picking up chicks just curious. Usually I get to know people everywhere but that place just feels like a jungle gym
  • maletac
    maletac Posts: 767 Member
    People are there to work out...and most people have ear phones in...if you see someone repeatedly say hi if u feel like it IF you bump into them off the equipment..but yes super awkward to go up to someone let's say on the treadmill, earphones in...I mean what would a person even say that could be conceived as half way non douchy???? Lol!!!

    hey the creep is strong with some people
  • almonds1
    almonds1 Posts: 642 Member
    When I'm at the gym, I seriously expect to be left the F alone.
    Unless it looks like I'm about to kill myself and I don't have a spotter, or you need a quick spot, you probably want to just keep doing your thing and let me do mine.

    ^^ This

    but 10 years ago I had a girl from my gym hand me her number as I left lol... Only once haha
  • netchik
    netchik Posts: 587 Member
    I bloody hate it. I wear big over the ear headphones to deter it. And yet, still. some knob-jockey will still try and make conversation. Cue, stopping the machine, taking the headphones off, with a strained, but polite "I'm sorry?" then you find out they want to chat?

    WTF man, I was in my zone!!!!!!!
  • dngortegae
    dngortegae Posts: 27 Member
    Funny you should write this. A friend of mine is always talking about this "hot gym guy," but she never talks to him or anything. She is afraid and thinks that he is probably thinking who is this woman. It is funny. We tell her to just say hi. They have even bumped into each other in the hallways at work and they say nothing. Be the bigger man and just say hi.
  • cekeys
    cekeys Posts: 397 Member
    So maybe I'm weird. I have never tried talking to someone in the gym. maybe its cause it's the last place I think I look decent. Or it's just outa my comfort zone. But I have never tried taking to a female in the gym.

    I mean even when we make that weird eye contact a few times I'm like meh. Shrug it off and continue. Guess having more gym friends would be cool buutt I think the gym is pretty much "creep only when your feeling extra douchy" zone.... But maybe I'm wrong

    Opinions experiences?

    Being married, I've never talked to anyone in the gym except the staff & instructors.

    A lot about what the lady is doing will clue you in to whether or not she'd be open to talking.

    1. Does she have a ring on the left hand ring finger? If yes, move on.
    2. Is she wearing headphones, exercising with her eyes looking at a far off spot? If yes, move on.
    3. Is she moving at a leisurely pace thumbing through a women's magazine? If yes, continue.
    3a. Is that women's magazine Cosmo? If yes, move on.
    4. Is she constantly looking around while exercising, looking for something better to do? If yes, continue.
    5. If you make eye contact, does she smile politely or does she immediately refocus on what she was doing?
  • mickipedia
    mickipedia Posts: 889 Member
    Just start it off casual, show interest in her workout (ask about what weights she uses etc) and then you could probably tell from body language/tone of voice whether she's taking it as a compliment or wants to be left alone.

    I'd wait until after the workout tho so you don't knock her out of her "workout" mindset.. Maybe try something like "whoa I'm tired now, could do with a coffee.. Do you fancy one?" May sound cheesy but its casual and also won't be too embarrasing if she does turn out to be married etc.

    Good luck!
  • carlie_carl
    carlie_carl Posts: 285
    I half stalk my gym receptionist, shes lovley and we do conversate, a hello and goodbye with a smile counts!!!!! ok! :)

    on a serious note, I think its ok to maybe conversate withsome one who is in a class with you or by the water fountain if its politley done there is no problem, Ive said hello to a few girls (I wasnt hitting on them although I would probly like to but I will hold out for the receptionist haha) best place at a gym for conversation at a gym if yours has one is in the pool area but not actually in the pool lol
  • almonds1
    almonds1 Posts: 642 Member
    So maybe I'm weird. I have never tried talking to someone in the gym. maybe its cause it's the last place I think I look decent. Or it's just outa my comfort zone. But I have never tried taking to a female in the gym.

    I mean even when we make that weird eye contact a few times I'm like meh. Shrug it off and continue. Guess having more gym friends would be cool buutt I think the gym is pretty much "creep only when your feeling extra douchy" zone.... But maybe I'm wrong

    Opinions experiences?

    Being married, I've never talked to anyone in the gym except the staff & instructors.

    A lot about what the lady is doing will clue you in to whether or not she'd be open to talking.

    1. Does she have a ring on the left hand ring finger? If yes, move on.
    2. Is she wearing headphones, exercising with her eyes looking at a far off spot? If yes, move on.
    3. Is she moving at a leisurely pace thumbing through a women's magazine? If yes, continue.
    3a. Is that women's magazine Cosmo? If yes, move on.
    4. Is she constantly looking around while exercising, looking for something better to do? If yes, continue.
    5. If you make eye contact, does she smile politely or does she immediately refocus on what she was doing?

    "Being married, I've never talked to anyone in the gym except the staff & instructors."

    Really? Most of the guys I see talking up the girls at the gym are wearing rings lol
  • lacroyx
    lacroyx Posts: 5,754 Member
    I personally don't approach or talk to girls.

    1) I'm shy to begin with.

    2) I know not ALL girls are like this but majority of the topics I see on here relating to this the ladies hate it. They want to work out and be done. They don't wanna be hit on or otherwise. I don't wanna be labeled as that creepy, stalker loser guy. I'll look, I find girls, especially ones that lift weights attractive. But I am not gonna hit on them.
  • warmachinejt
    warmachinejt Posts: 2,167 Member
    I've been hit on at the gym--I don't mind. flattery is always welcome. Douchiness is not. There's a difference. Be subtle, not clingy or weird. If she seems to be into you (making eye contact), reciprocating conversation, then ask if she'd like to grab coffee BEFORE the gym one day--if she shrugs you off or make an excuse not to then leave it alone--avoid future eye contact or you'll look like a creep.
    this eye contact thing hasn't worked for me in the past. also either i'm wack in the head or something but i see a lot of girls look at me or at least glance very often
  • Louise1583
    Louise1583 Posts: 97 Member
    Seriously, no. Don't talk to me. Don't even try to make eye contact. Gym time is Louise time, p*ss off!

    I'm not really this aggressive but I would not want to be hit on in the gym. It's really not appropriate!
  • cekeys
    cekeys Posts: 397 Member
    So maybe I'm weird. I have never tried talking to someone in the gym. maybe its cause it's the last place I think I look decent. Or it's just outa my comfort zone. But I have never tried taking to a female in the gym.

    I mean even when we make that weird eye contact a few times I'm like meh. Shrug it off and continue. Guess having more gym friends would be cool buutt I think the gym is pretty much "creep only when your feeling extra douchy" zone.... But maybe I'm wrong

    Opinions experiences?

    Being married, I've never talked to anyone in the gym except the staff & instructors.

    A lot about what the lady is doing will clue you in to whether or not she'd be open to talking.

    1. Does she have a ring on the left hand ring finger? If yes, move on.
    2. Is she wearing headphones, exercising with her eyes looking at a far off spot? If yes, move on.
    3. Is she moving at a leisurely pace thumbing through a women's magazine? If yes, continue.
    3a. Is that women's magazine Cosmo? If yes, move on.
    4. Is she constantly looking around while exercising, looking for something better to do? If yes, continue.
    5. If you make eye contact, does she smile politely or does she immediately refocus on what she was doing?

    "Being married, I've never talked to anyone in the gym except the staff & instructors."

    Really? Most of the guys I see talking up the girls at the gym are wearing rings lol

    This isn't about other guys. It's my advice to you. Respect the ring, or someone may not respect it when your wife has one.

    Additionally, many women remove their jewelry when exercising because of the corrosiveness of sweat. If she's leaving it on, it's usually an announcement that she's taken.

    [Edit for addition]
  • _Bob_
    _Bob_ Posts: 1,487 Member
    So maybe I'm weird. I have never tried talking to someone in the gym. maybe its cause it's the last place I think I look decent. Or it's just outa my comfort zone. But I have never tried taking to a female in the gym.

    I mean even when we make that weird eye contact a few times I'm like meh. Shrug it off and continue. Guess having more gym friends would be cool buutt I think the gym is pretty much "creep only when your feeling extra douchy" zone.... But maybe I'm wrong

    Opinions experiences?

    Being married, I've never talked to anyone in the gym except the staff & instructors.

    A lot about what the lady is doing will clue you in to whether or not she'd be open to talking.

    1. Does she have a ring on the left hand ring finger? If yes, move on.
    2. Is she wearing headphones, exercising with her eyes looking at a far off spot? If yes, move on.
    3. Is she moving at a leisurely pace thumbing through a women's magazine? If yes, continue.
    3a. Is that women's magazine Cosmo? If yes, move on.
    4. Is she constantly looking around while exercising, looking for something better to do? If yes, continue.
    5. If you make eye contact, does she smile politely or does she immediately refocus on what she was doing?

    "Being married, I've never talked to anyone in the gym except the staff & instructors."

    Really? Most of the guys I see talking up the girls at the gym are wearing rings lol

    This isn't about other guys. It's my advice to you. Respect the ring, or someone may not respect it when your wife has one.

    Additionally, many women remove their jewelry when exercising because of the corrosiveness of sweat. If she's leaving it on, it's usually an announcement that she's taken.

    [Edit for addition]

    My wife keeps hers on for that reason. she gets annoyed when guys try to talk to her at all at the gym or when they hover. seriously just be friendly say Hi in passing and such. start up a conversation if you are doing the same lift.
  • love4fitnesslove4food_wechange
    I've been hit on at the gym--I don't mind. flattery is always welcome. Douchiness is not. There's a difference. Be subtle, not clingy or weird. If she seems to be into you (making eye contact), reciprocating conversation, then ask if she'd like to grab coffee BEFORE the gym one day--if she shrugs you off or make an excuse not to then leave it alone--avoid future eye contact or you'll look like a creep.
    this eye contact thing hasn't worked for me in the past. also either i'm wack in the head or something but i see a lot of girls look at me or at least glance very often

    well, if youre legitimately interested then wait for an opportune moment to strike up a conversation. Today I asked a guy about his headphones--not even flirting, I just wanted to know what brand they were because I'm always buying crappy ones it seems.

    Ask her about the brand of shoes she's wearing--if different from yours--say you're looking to change brands because yours aren't good for X. If she seems into you then I hope you'd notice. Let the relationship progress naturally after that.