soda drinkers!!!!



  • DieVixen
    DieVixen Posts: 790 Member
    Yes, that, among other reasons, is why I haven't drank pop since high school. My cross-country coach forbade it because the phosphorous in it can deplete bone strength (something to that effect, not entirely 100% sure what the science behind it is) so he didn't want his runners more prone to stress fractures. Also, people usually think drinking diet pop will help them lose weight... not the case.

    Wow so that 61 pounds i lost all while drinking diet soda must have been my imagination?

    haha, oh, not at all! Clearly you've been eating healthily and exercising. I'm referring to the people that order a Big Mac Extra Value meal, extra large fries, an apple pie and a Diet Coke. There is a disconnect there somewhere...

    actually thats me except not the big mac because I hate McDonalds. More like a jumbo jack large curly fries and a diet coke,I like the way diet soda tastes and no longer like the taste of regular soda. So I am one of those people,and its not really about the diet its about the taste. My big problem with regular soda was how much I drank 6+ a day thats A LOT of calories so I switched to diet,now I tend to drink maybe 2 diets a day,but I noticed when I took a sip of my husbands regular coke the other day it does not even taste good to me anymore. I do get funny looks when im in a fast food place an order a diet coke lol not only that but switching to diet helped me go from 6 a day to 2 which i think is a good thing,atleast i dont burp as much now:laugh:
  • FitLink
    FitLink Posts: 1,317 Member
    What about club soda? Isn't that just fizzy water?
    The chemical we are panicking over today is only found in sodas with caramel color, so club soda is OK.

    But OTHER people are panicing about phosphoric acid, which club soda DOES have. The key here is "panicking over TODAY" [emphasis mine] The risk here is imaginary. In some non-zero quantity, EVERYTHING causes cancer. Look at the actual risk. You take a bigger risk leaving your house.
  • sprfly
    sprfly Posts: 57 Member
    I have a pair of shoes that have a sticker on the bottom that says they may contian a chemicle known to the state of CA to cause cancer.
    I love my cancer shoes

    ...that brought a chuckle to my Friday. :-)
  • FitLink
    FitLink Posts: 1,317 Member
    It seems like everything is considered a carcinogen these days. Although I'm glad they're finally putting it out there that fizzy drinks aren't good for the body.

    This PARTICULAR warning has NOTHING to do with "fizzy drinks." And caramel coloring is in almost every "brown" beverage and food. LOOK at the labels THIS warning only applies to brown beverages, like Coke, Pepsi, root beers, Dr Pepper, etc, and not to 7UP, Sprite, orange sodas, yadda, yadda.

    "Fizzy drinks" are, in themselves, no worse for you than any other beverage. The sugar-sweetened ones are a lot of calories for no real nutrition, but apple juice, for instance, doesn't have any real nutrition either, and it's generally got more sugar than Coke or 7UP.
  • mack1238
    mack1238 Posts: 11
    I guess I'm screwed then. I drank about 12 diet cokes a day for about 4 years. I probably already have cancer from it. On a side note, I gave it up completely about 3 months ago and have never felt better. Much more energy and no headaches anymore. I thought I'd never be able to give it up but it was actually no problem as long as you drink a ton of water in its place.
  • FitLink
    FitLink Posts: 1,317 Member
    ABC News reported on this last night. They said Coke is going to be changing their recipe for the "caramel color" and removing the carcinogen. They also reported that the pink filler that is featured in Food, Inc. for McD's meat... is also in most grocery store meat. And, unless the meat is stamped USDA Organic, it probably has the filler (which is basically the leftovers melted down into a pink slime and used to be used for dog food)... so it's still animal... just not the quality expected for human consumption. MORE PANIC! ACKKKK!

    Well....I agree that the actual risk of pink slime is much lower than the panic people are fussing about, but it's more than scraps. It's treated with ammonia, that's why it's so pink, and that's why they are up in arms. I'll continue eating it, as I haven't seen convincing evidence that it's not safe, but this is why it's important to know the real science and not just read news reports.
  • AllTehBeers
    AllTehBeers Posts: 5,030 Member
    Yes, that, among other reasons, is why I haven't drank pop since high school. My cross-country coach forbade it because the phosphorous in it can deplete bone strength (something to that effect, not entirely 100% sure what the science behind it is) so he didn't want his runners more prone to stress fractures. Also, people usually think drinking diet pop will help them lose weight... not the case.

    Wow so that 61 pounds i lost all while drinking diet soda must have been my imagination?

    haha, oh, not at all! Clearly you've been eating healthily and exercising. I'm referring to the people that order a Big Mac Extra Value meal, extra large fries, an apple pie and a Diet Coke. There is a disconnect there somewhere...

    actually thats me except not the big mac because I hate McDonalds. More like a jumbo jack large curly fries and a diet coke,I like the way diet soda tastes and no longer like the taste of regular soda. So I am one of those people,and its not really about the diet its about the taste. My big problem with regular soda was how much I drank 6+ a day thats A LOT of calories so I switched to diet,now I tend to drink maybe 2 diets a day,but I noticed when I took a sip of my husbands regular coke the other day it does not even taste good to me anymore. I do get funny looks when im in a fast food place an order a diet coke lol not only that but switching to diet helped me go from 6 a day to 2 which i think is a good thing,atleast i dont burp as much now:laugh:

    I'm glad its not just me!
  • beckylawrence70
    beckylawrence70 Posts: 752 Member
    Nothing good in soda, diet or regular......
  • badknees29
    badknees29 Posts: 23 Member
    im 14 days without any soda and i feel like my body went through hell and back...sucking down as much water as possible, but its amazing how dependent the body becomes to it. Its a struggle every day.
  • ElizabethRoad
    ElizabethRoad Posts: 5,138 Member
    What about club soda? Isn't that just fizzy water?
    The chemical we are panicking over today is only found in sodas with caramel color, so club soda is OK.

    But OTHER people are panicing about phosphoric acid, which club soda DOES have. The key here is "panicking over TODAY" [emphasis mine] The risk here is imaginary. In some non-zero quantity, EVERYTHING causes cancer. Look at the actual risk. You take a bigger risk leaving your house.
    What if I leave my house with a soda in my hand? What then?? (Seriously, try looking at my other posts in this thread.)
  • nikkylyn
    nikkylyn Posts: 325 Member
    I think with everything else moderation. An every once in a while soda most likely wont kill you ;)

    But good to know regardless. :)
  • ladybg81
    ladybg81 Posts: 1,553 Member
    I do not drink sodas and have banned all (diet included) from my home. Water or milk only (which also probably causes cancer.)
  • Fubar_Bill
    Fubar_Bill Posts: 120 Member
    Caramel Color has been on the list of possible carcinogens for a while. If you look, you will find it in more things than just your soda.

    True, but I must admit that I was a little concerned when I found that caramel coloring was the 2nd (yes is said 2nd) ingredient on a can of diet coke. There is more caramel coloring in there than flavoring.


    Nonetheless, I have no intention of stopping my 1-2 cans a day habit.

  • FitLink
    FitLink Posts: 1,317 Member
    ABC News reported on this last night. They said Coke is going to be changing their recipe for the "caramel color" and removing the carcinogen. They also reported that the pink filler that is featured in Food, Inc. for McD's meat... is also in most grocery store meat. And, unless the meat is stamped USDA Organic, it probably has the filler (which is basically the leftovers melted down into a pink slime and used to be used for dog food)... so it's still animal... just not the quality expected for human consumption. MORE PANIC! ACKKKK!

    Well....I agree that the actual risk of pink slime is much lower than the panic people are fussing about, but it's more than scraps. It's treated with ammonia, that's why it's so pink, and that's why they are up in arms. I'll continue eating it, as I haven't seen convincing evidence that it's not safe, but this is why it's important to know the real science and not just read news reports.

    Oh, and Coke doesn't make it's caramel color, they buy it. It is manufactured near Clinton, IA.
  • AmeliasGrumma
    Personally--for the most part our family no longer drinks SODA. We believe that the Diet Soda my baby sister drank for years (15+ years)--was the cause of her brain tumor. Fortunately it was benign--and after a rough recovery--had to learn to walk again.

    But think again--what these drinks do to our car batteries--we pour it on them to clean off the terminals. I no longer touch the stuff.

    We actually don't know if it was the artificial sweetner or the other ingredients. Either way--i try to go organic on those items--no aspartame in my house.
  • FitLink
    FitLink Posts: 1,317 Member
    Caramel Color has been on the list of possible carcinogens for a while. If you look, you will find it in more things than just your soda.

    True, but I must admit that I was a little concerned when I found that caramel coloring was the 2nd (yes is said 2nd) ingredient on a can of diet coke. There is more caramel coloring in there than flavoring.


    Nonetheless, I have no intention of stopping my 1-2 cans a day habit.


    That is because "caramel color" provides both color and flavor to Coke. It is not flavorless...
  • Pocket_Pixi
    Pocket_Pixi Posts: 1,167 Member
    haha, oh, not at all! Clearly you've been eating healthily and exercising. I'm referring to the people that order a Big Mac Extra Value meal, extra large fries, an apple pie and a Diet Coke. There is a disconnect there somewhere...

    I do this all the time, not because I think its a healthier option, but because regular soda is far to sweet and gives me migraines, normally though I leave the apple pie out (its gross).
  • Contrarian
    Contrarian Posts: 8,138 Member
    An accidental overdose of soda interacted with my unique body chemistry, and now, when I grow angry or outraged, a startling metamorphosis occurs.

    Don't make me angry. You wouldn't like me when I'm angry.
  • BrendaLee
    BrendaLee Posts: 4,463 Member
    In all seriousness, living on this planet as it is, can we really escape the threat of cancer? I'm pretty sure that caramel coloring in soda is low on the list of potential threats. There are potentially-cancer-causing chemicals in and on just about everything we eat, drink, breathe and touch. We spray chemicals in the air to make the house smell better, we clean with chemicals, we wash our clothes in chemicals, we eat food sprayed with chemicals. Either find a nice little unspoiled patch of land somewhere, grow your own food, and hope for the best, or accept the inevitable and enjoy a soda. :)
  • DieVixen
    DieVixen Posts: 790 Member
    An accidental overdose of soda interacted with my unique body chemistry, and now, when I grow angry or outraged, a startling metamorphosis occurs.

    Don't make me angry. You wouldn't like me when I'm angry.

    But I like it when you are all green and bulky,totally smoking hot