Food that makes you gassy?



  • toffee322
    toffee322 Posts: 186 Member
    carbohydrates (starches and sugars) are what ferment in the gut and cause excessive gas (and yes even fiber). It could also be a lack of beneficial bacteria (a high fiber diet will destroy beneficial bacteria).

    I suffered my whole life from IBS, flatulence, bloat, pain, intestinal muscle spasms, constipation. When I went Primal it all went away.

    I get my carbs through cooked veggies and occasional berries, nuts and seeds. That's it. My main macronutrient is fat.

    can you explain what is "Primal" means? sorry if i'm stupid :P
  • toffee322
    toffee322 Posts: 186 Member
    i went a naturopath for similar problems but for me its more constipation.. and big belly.. im not overweight but my belly makes me look like im 5 months pregnant!!! i feel there are a lot of trapped air inside.. it's swollen and huge!!! anyway.. she put me on probiotic and told me to take some supplements and vitamins.. it helps with constipation but not the big belly... i know i eat a lot and i'm trying to workout more to compensate that! but i would love to hear others who have similar problems and have a great solution to share.. any supplements that help? i also take digestive enzymes.. thanks!
  • mes1119
    mes1119 Posts: 1,082 Member
    people assume the overweight people are the one passing gas, but we all know what veggies and fiber do to you.'s always the skinny ones...
  • fbmandy55
    fbmandy55 Posts: 5,263 Member
    Veggies. Especially Broccoli, Spinach, Carrots... etc. :explode:
  • TeutonicKnight
    TeutonicKnight Posts: 367 Member
    I am naming my band ,Trapped Wind. AWESOME.
  • dma1988
    dma1988 Posts: 7
    INULIN...When I used to track points, and fiber was important, I loaded up on WW yogurt and oatmeal, Fiber One Bars, etc. After many nights in pain and constantly worrying about it, I finally figured it out. That ingredient is showing up in EVERYTHING these days to claim "high in fiber" unfortunately.

    And butter...cannot eat real butter on anything, or saute veggies with it, etc.
  • TrailRunner61
    TrailRunner61 Posts: 2,505 Member
    I'm not sure what you could do to prevent it. I've never tried Beano so I don't know if it works. Maybe it would help you?
    A few of my tmi gas facts:
    I eat too much broccoli and cauliflower.
    My poor husband is embarrassed to be in public with me, but at least he has a sense of humor about it. Men usually do!
    It's bad enough to have gas but when you can clear a room, aisle in a store or have to open the car window when it is very cold out, it's well, just not good. lol
    'HOT" gas is deadly! If it feels warmer than usual, run from yourself. :noway:
    Gas can be veryyyy painful. Have you seen a Dr. about it?

    Oh yeah, I forgot this one.. when I was on one of those fad Atkins-like diets, I had NO gas, probably due to the lack of carbs.
    Good luck to you!
  • SueSlick
    SueSlick Posts: 268 Member
    I am similarly affected by white onions...cooked & raw. The red ones raw seem to be ok. I have IBS, so I always watch a small list of foods: Whole wheat products, onions & peppers, corn, dairy esp. ice cream, artificial sweeteners and sometimes fried foods. I have found that taking Gasex with the first bite of meal does help (maybe partly in my mind since I really want it to work?). My family also teases me about being so gassy. One year my husband got me a joke gift of "Fart stoppers" a bag containing 3 corks. I keep it on my bulletin board at work, but they all know to stay away from my desk after lunch anyway!

  • brianz72
    brianz72 Posts: 17
    any other suggestions?

    Yes - learn how to not be embarrassed by it. Whether I'm in a client meeting, on a conference call, or in a crowded but quiet elevator, I not only rip 'em in comfort and style, but with an almost defiant sense of pride and purpose. I always make sure to announce them just prior to their emission, and if anybody nearby happens to be wearing headphones, I will pull out one of their earbuds. Immediately afterward, I loudly claim responsibility without a hint of remorse.

    Style note - it's helpful to the performance for you to fan the cloud toward bystanders.

    Exercise note - make sure you practice your glute kicks regularly to maximize the velocity and volume of your output.
  • brianz72
    brianz72 Posts: 17
    I am naming my band ,Trapped Wind. AWESOME.

    Awesome. I always wanted to name my punk band Bloody Stools, even though I never had a punk band.
  • cowgirlslikeus86
    cowgirlslikeus86 Posts: 597 Member

    Yes - learn how to not be embarrassed by it. Whether I'm in a client meeting, on a conference call, or in a crowded but quiet elevator, I not only rip 'em in comfort and style, but with an almost defiant sense of pride and purpose. I always make sure to announce them just prior to their emission, and if anybody nearby happens to be wearing headphones, I will pull out one of their earbuds. Immediately afterward, I loudly claim responsibility without a hint of remorse.

    Style note - it's helpful to the performance for you to fan the cloud toward bystanders.

    Exercise note - make sure you practice your glute kicks regularly to maximize the velocity and volume of your output.

  • bcattoes
    bcattoes Posts: 17,299 Member
    I'm not sure what you could do to prevent it. I've never tried Beano so I don't know if it works. Maybe it would help you?

    For me Beano works pretty well for beans, but not so well for crusiferous veggies (cabbages/onions).