man advice, you know we need it sometimes



  • starsnyc21
    starsnyc21 Posts: 436 Member
    Turn down the sex and see if he remains a really “good guy“. Guys like this only seem great because you’re giving them what they want. When you stop giving him what he wants, he’ll get it from someone else. Try not to read more into the relationship or his actions. Woman get into trouble like that. See it for what it is. He likes you as a friend and you come with a bonus that he doesn’t have to work for. I don't want to sound negative but 2 years it a long time.
  • sunkisses
    sunkisses Posts: 2,365 Member
    If you even have to ask, the answer is "he's not that into you." He's already had as much of a relationship as he's willing to have with you (he gets to do whatever he wants and you can't be angry with him), and he's already had sex with you. There is nothing left for him now.

    This is totally going to be a rude and offensive comment but, men are not mysterious or confusing. They're so simple it hurts sometimes. I'm really sorry :frown: And I'm not bitter or a man-hater. In fact, I adore men because they're so simple. I'm just a woman with a lifetime of nothin' but guy-friends.
  • Elizabeth_C34
    Elizabeth_C34 Posts: 6,376 Member
    I think he couldn't get another date for the casinos and he's horny. Your Birthday is a perfect way to get a little and he can look like a good guy by doing something for your birthday. That way you're still out there dangling on a string if he needs a future rematch.

    You are not making the rules in this relationship. Your only option is to play or not to play.

    Opt out. You can do better.

    Listen to this man. He is a smart one!

    If all you want is to be the "go to" girl, then that's fine. Nothing really wrong with that as long as you are comfortable with it. You're both adults here, but don't expect anything more from this guy... ever.
  • LuckyAng
    LuckyAng Posts: 1,173 Member
    I think he couldn't get another date for the casinos and he's horny. Your Birthday is a perfect way to get a little and he can look like a good guy by doing something for your birthday. That way you're still out there dangling on a string if he needs a future rematch.

    You are not making the rules in this relationship. Your only option is to play or not to play.

    Opt out. You can do better.

    Sadly, this. You deserve SO much better :(
  • McKayMachina
    McKayMachina Posts: 2,670 Member
    What do you need advice about?

    It sounds like what you want right now. Just enjoy it.

  • audigal2008
    audigal2008 Posts: 1,129 Member
    I think he couldn't get another date for the casinos and he's horny. Your Birthday is a perfect way to get a little and he can look like a good guy by doing something for your birthday. That way you're still out there dangling on a string if he needs a future rematch.

    You are not making the rules in this relationship. Your only option is to play or not to play.

    Opt out. You can do better.
    Story of my life/marriage...easier said than done, but toss him
  • wickedcricket
    wickedcricket Posts: 1,246 Member
    I think he couldn't get another date for the casinos and he's horny. Your Birthday is a perfect way to get a little and he can look like a good guy by doing something for your birthday. That way you're still out there dangling on a string if he needs a future rematch.

    You are not making the rules in this relationship. Your only option is to play or not to play.

    Opt out. You can do better.

    I like this ^ guy. Straight up, you just wasted two years of your life and GOOD years. Don't wait til your my age to wise up. Players play
  • mdj1501
    mdj1501 Posts: 388 Member
    I think he couldn't get another date for the casinos and he's horny. Your Birthday is a perfect way to get a little and he can look like a good guy by doing something for your birthday. That way you're still out there dangling on a string if he needs a future rematch.

    You are not making the rules in this relationship. Your only option is to play or not to play.

    Opt out. You can do better.

    Ditto... my guess is that he was seeing someone else. it didn't work out so why not schmooze you on your birthday and keep you dangling..... Have you ever seen the movie "He is just not that into you?" You can do SOOOOOOO much better girl!!
  • mdj1501
    mdj1501 Posts: 388 Member
    He had/has another lady so he walked away from you,when that didn`t work out he wanted to get his FWB back.
    If you are cool with this then have at it but sounds like you want more.
    Tell him outright and if he says no then walk away and don`t look back.
    You will only be miserable and you deserve better.

    You read my mind...