I feel like a failure.



  • FollowThatUnicorn
    FollowThatUnicorn Posts: 200 Member
    Thank you so much everyone. I'm crying here at work and everyone thinks I'm crazy! (I cry a lot, can you tell?)

    I WILL go back tonight and really try to do 20 minutes. I'll make sure that I drink more than I did yesterday.

    I feel so much better knowing it's ok to not be able to do stuff right now, but that I will get there one day.


    KICK SOME *kitten*!!!!

    ROWRRRRRRRRRRRRR!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Like that? :)
  • deftanker
    deftanker Posts: 105 Member
    uhhhhhh yes???
  • trentnivins
    trentnivins Posts: 68 Member
    Oh wow don't think that, you have done the hardest step already! You have stepped in the right direction!
    Everyone here is right 20 mins great start, yes you will get stronger, more stamina! feel great!

    but maybe tone down the pace a bit as you don't want to over do it and then hate the pain you have the next day or worse get so dizzy you fall and hurt yourself

    keep up the good work!:smile:
  • GrandmaJackie
    GrandmaJackie Posts: 36,596 Member
    Honey, I went from NEVER excerising because I WOULD get dizzy to running 5 miles every morning! It took 6 months here but remember take BABY step! YOU CAN DO this! :smile: :smile: :bigsmile:
  • christine24t
    christine24t Posts: 6,063 Member
    When I first started exercising, I could do 10 minutes before I couldn't do it anymore. Now last week, I ran 3 miles. Just keep trying!! One day you will be able to do more. And also vary your activities at the gym - walk around the track or treadmill, bike a little...
  • xonikitashafferxo
    xonikitashafferxo Posts: 150 Member
    you have to start somewhere. I went from being active and always on the go to being a lazy couch potato who ate like crap and didn't want to even walk outside. If it weren't for my kids and my husband I wouldn't of went outside. I was so ashamed and still am ashamed of myself and who I have become. I am slowly getting a little of my confidence back the more I workout. I often cry because I feel like I can't do it, but I can, you can, we all can... we just have to fight for it. Just keep you head up and NEVER give up even when it doesn't seem like you can do it.
  • PeaceCorpsKat
    PeaceCorpsKat Posts: 335 Member
    Start walking... everywhere, get off the elevator 2 flights early and walk up. It used to be panting when I got to the top of the big hill on the way home, and now I will talk on my phone the entire way up - no problem.

    You just have be dedicated to it.
  • Linbo93
    Linbo93 Posts: 229 Member
    Just wait until you realize you're doing twice that, then three times that...the feeling of accomplishment, power and confidence that comes with those realizations are worth your weight in gold!! They inspire you to do more, and more again! Stick with it, cause you'll get there, and you'll feel GREAT when you do! :O)
  • dorseykm
    dorseykm Posts: 412 Member
    You can only be a failure by failing to try. It seems to me that so far you are a success. :wink:
  • lorenzoinlr
    lorenzoinlr Posts: 338 Member
    Everyone you see at the gym had to start from the beginning. The beginning can be difficult and a little frustrating. Be patient with yourself. 20 minutes was a stronger workout than most people are able to do their first time. You might feel sore the next few times so whatever you can do, that's enough. Whatever that is. When you're done, give yourself a pat on the back for showing up. And post your workout and your friends will salute you.

    Before you know it, things will get so, so much easier. But the hardest part is over. YOU......SHOWED......UP..... :)))
  • klynn81
    klynn81 Posts: 178 Member
    Stick with it and you'd be amazed at how it gets easier. I thought the same thing and eventually built up my time, then stopped doing it and whoa it kicked me int he butt all over again when I started back up again.

    Don't be so hard on yourself. 20 minutes is better than nothing!