Can anyone see a difference?



  • Heather2784
    Heather2784 Posts: 124 Member
    I feel like I see a slight difference in the love-handle/hip area. Try going for measurements. Much more accurate when you're working out a lot. Scales really only work if you ONLY burning calories to drop weight, not if you/re doing intense workouts to get leaner also.

    Another thing, those that have less to lose, have a harder time doing it, when doing it properly. Don't give up! You're doing great.

    One thing I do to try to keep steam (tho just getting back from a period of slacking for life reasons) is to set personal fitness goals. i.e. How far and fast you can run a certain distance. Or the weights you put on the machine. Then you can see progressive numbers, if that's something you need.
  • ArtGeek22
    ArtGeek22 Posts: 1,429 Member
    You defidently looked more toned! Just forget the scale and focus on the measurement! (as I know, this is hard :grumble:)

    Keep Calm and Carry On,
  • I definently see a difference, you look so much more toned in the second picture. Keep it up!
  • I definitely can see a difference, you can tell that your losing fat and gaining muscle. Your stomach looks flatter and thighs look more tone and thinner. I think the biggest change I see is the "love handle" area... you are much more trim there. I think if you want to continue to gain muscle and tone up you should increase the number of times a week you are working out and start changing your workouts. For example, if you do 50 crunches normally try doing 25 circular crunches combined with 25 bicycle crunches.

    If you have access to joining a Bodypump class I highly recommend it. I have seen major changes in body since I started taking the class, I go 2-3 times a week
  • shellimus
    shellimus Posts: 158 Member
    Yep! Keep it up.:smile:
  • Aerohead21
    Aerohead21 Posts: 333 Member
    I see it! It is a small difference but your tummy right under your ribs looks more toned to me. You are already so small, I'd ignore the scale and focus on building muscle/toning up.

    Great job! Keep it up :)
  • I can see the difference. Keep it up :smile:
  • BlaireV
    BlaireV Posts: 137
    I disagree with anyone saying they can't see a difference - I definitely can. Granted, it's not a massive difference but it is a notable one. You look smaller and much more "toned"/shapely. Keep at it because it's working. You should take measurements and take note of how your clothes fit and feel to track changes. The scale is a poor measure of progress :)
  • unmitigatedbadassery
    unmitigatedbadassery Posts: 653 Member
    Hell yes I see a difference! Great job!
  • HalloweenGirl7
    HalloweenGirl7 Posts: 123 Member
    Actually I can see a difference.
    I draw so I notice stuff others might not.
    I see that your rear end looks firmer.
    I see that your tummy looks tighter and more toned.
    I see that you look smaller in inches and the contours of your body are firmer and leaner.
    So, keep it up. :-)
    You are doing great!
  • Edithrenee
    Edithrenee Posts: 546 Member
    I can see a diff, tummy is smaller to me and the side pic it looks like side is uneven looking bumpy but the new side pic looks smooth and tones.. You look great anyway though you sure dont have alot to lose so that is great
  • Beatrix0810
    Beatrix0810 Posts: 138
    Thanks so much you guys! I love this site and now I love all of you! Some good advice in here: take measurements and all seem to say I should ignore the scale no matter what. I'm going to keep doing what I'm doing (and maybe even step it up) and I'll post another update in a few months. Thanks so much to ALL of you for the motivation. You guys are awesome.
