no one's noticed!



  • Christine1110
    Christine1110 Posts: 1,786 Member
    No one noticed mine until I lost fifty....then they all seem to wake up. I could tell in my clothes at about 15 pounds

    Congrats : )
  • sarahc001
    sarahc001 Posts: 477 Member
    Are these women you're wanting to notice? Some women are jealous and don't want to make you feel good about yourself. I find this is a big problem for me. Only the secure people will speak up.

    It may be that only observant people will speak up (eventually.) I generally find that people have an easier time noticing change on their own bodies (man are my pants tight today, or gee, they're a bit looser- yay!) than they do on others. We are just far more nit-picky where our own bodies are concerned. Just be happy for the changes you are making and keep plugging away at it, and soon people won't be able to help but notice, even if they aren't the overly-observant type.
  • PeanutsMamaTx
    PeanutsMamaTx Posts: 76 Member
    Yeah, no one has really noticed my weight loss except for some family members. If people did notice, they haven't say anything.
  • hollyberry2012
    hollyberry2012 Posts: 239 Member
    Of all God's creatures, I think we humans might be the most unobservant! lol...I get new glasses, I cut my hair drastically, I lose weight, I wear make-up vs none....and nothing!!! Sometimes I say to my friends, did you even NOTICE I did this or's not that they don't care..they are very attuned to my moods, my words, my countenance. But the physical things...not so much. I'm okay with that. :) I'm in it, physically, for me. I'm in it emotionally for me and everyone around me. I'm in it spiritually for you know Who. :)
  • whip67
    whip67 Posts: 32
    They notice. Trust me. Some are jealous, some don't want to imply you were fat before you lost it. It won't be long before they start commenting left and right. It takes 20-30 pounds of loss or more to get the comments. The main thing is that you feel better and can tell by photos a huge difference. Keep it up!
  • wittlelacey
    wittlelacey Posts: 391 Member
    Haha it happens to all of us! When I had first lost about 10 pounds a friend of mine (who I don't see all that often) said I was withering away and my waist was tiny and whatnot, and he totally made a huge scene. As of lately and a few more pounds gone, my mom makes comments more often. My boyfriend's noticed the whole way. He started saying "oh my gosh, you've gotten so skinny!" whereas, he didn't say that before. He also calls me "sexy" more often and whatnot. Besides these three people, no one else has noticed. But I had ways of making myself appear skinnier, so I think a lot of people assumed I was this tiny from the beginning. Plus, most of my fat is in my legs-and that's the last place it disappears-___-
  • jadedone
    jadedone Posts: 2,446 Member
    Yup. But frankly, no one really noticed (except for my Dad! I swear he notices every pound, but only see my parents every 2-3 months or so) when I gained the last 20 too. I gain in my bust, thighs and lower tummy mostly. When my bras start fitting funny, I know something is up.

    I finally noticed a difference in my torso and around my knees this week. So I am sure in a few more weeks everyone else will too.
  • janeite1990
    janeite1990 Posts: 671 Member
    You may have very sensitive friends and coworkers. I've told people before, "Hey, have you lost weight. Looking good!" and had them get mad at me. This has happened more than once. Some people don't want their bodies commented upon. Unless I know someone has been trying to lose and they are happy about being complimented on it, I keep my mouth shut.
  • matthew67899
    matthew67899 Posts: 58 Member
    I have a friend at work who was around 285 about 2 years ago. He didn't use this site but he did just about everything this site promotes (keeping close track of what you eat and how much activity you're getting) and lost about 110 pounds by last summer. All of us who work with him everyday did notice the weight loss over time but I think we noticed his eating habits had changed 1st which led to...."Are you losing weight?" We deal with the public everyday and people that only came in from time to time were always shocked when they saw him.
  • Vandysan
    Vandysan Posts: 1 Member
    OMG, How did you lose so much in 2 months
  • kandi810
    kandi810 Posts: 70 Member
    Ditto. I hit 20 this morning and other than my child that hugs me around my tummy nobody has said a word. It is all how you feel about yourself, and you're doing it for the right person - YOU! Congratulations on the 20 and I bet people start noticing soon!
  • inside_lap
    inside_lap Posts: 728 Member
    I feel your pain. No one has noticed the 12 pounds I've lost since Christmas, not even my fiance! But he sees me every day so I guess it would be harder for him to notice. On the plus side, the thinks I'm perfect at any weight!
  • Saffyra
    Saffyra Posts: 607 Member
    I never expected my coworkers to notice OR say anything about my losses. At about 20 pounds down (13 from my goal) a few women did notice and compliment me.

    I did like that people had noticed, I admit.

    On the other hand, there is a quite overweight young lady that I work with and I am almost positive that shes lost weight. She hasnt mentioned anything about trying to, though, so Im not 100% sure. I want to tell her that Ive noticed but what if Im imagining it (she still has a long way to go) and then I offend her?!
    That is the dilemma that a lot of people have so dont be upset if no one says anything. Especially if you havent made it known what you are doing.
  • donna_glasgow
    donna_glasgow Posts: 869 Member
    My daughter said to me mum what do you mean you have lost weight ... you look the same to me..... I had lost 28lbs (it took 6months) ... I carry my weight all over my body I dont gain or lose in one place in particular ... .... It wasnt till I showed her a photo of me last year that she said ahhh OK I do see the difference lol shes only 11 thou ...
  • Love the quote from Kellyrorie.....Hoping tomorrow mine will be 20...
  • KF1216
    KF1216 Posts: 175 Member
    I totally know what you mean! I'm down 18lbs and other than my step sister in law, who is the nicest person in the world and would probably compliment me on a 2lb loss, said I looked amazing, and one friend said she noticed I had lost some. But other than that, nada. My dad, who I hadn't seen since christmas, saw me last week and didn't say a thing. I finally broke down and posted a very slimmed down looking photo of myself on facebook ( I NEVER put pics of myself on there, just of my kids or husband bc I feel so yucky, so this was pretty noticeable that I had a pic of myself on there at all) and two or three people were like, "hot mama" or "looking good" but not necessarily weight loss related.

    Then my husband on the other hand keeps going on and on about how I'm shrinking and how "skinny" I am - hello, I'm 193lbs...not skinny by any means. It's nice that he loves me and all but it feels a bit like a mother telling their kid how pretty they are, he's gonna think it no matter what so it doesn't mean much.
  • alise_lmx
    alise_lmx Posts: 292 Member
    OMG, How did you lose so much in 2 months

    Oh I didn't lose it in 2 months! I've been at this since last June! :)
  • alise_lmx
    alise_lmx Posts: 292 Member
    Thank you everyone for your replies! You all made me feel much better. I'm thinking the reason my coworkers haven't said anything is because all of them, except for the lady that gave me the compliment, are married guys! (it's a small company) I'm sure they would think its crossing the line to complement me. That is, if they even noticed, haha!

    Thanks again :) just another reason why mfp is the best!
  • usernamejoe
    usernamejoe Posts: 219 Member
    everyone notice my first 30 or so. Since Xmas I've lost 12 pounds and only a few people have said anything. Sometimes people are worried about what they say. For instance, "Wow you've lost some weight" - they could feel uncomfortable about how you feel about the statement they make
  • sherry9300
    sherry9300 Posts: 149 Member
    I'm just glad people didn't comment as I was putting it on. It's really a personal thing, so some people don't feel comfortable commenting on your weight, no matter what direction it may be going.