How to tone?



  • tigersword
    tigersword Posts: 8,059 Member
    If you are looking to get muscled up then yes you lift heavy but if you are trying to "tone" then high reps of lighter weights is what is needed. If you want to build strength and gain muscle then the best way to do it is when you do your weightlifting exercises do 80-85% of the heaviest weight you can do one rep of. Build your program on this and do 6-8 reps and 3 sets then gradually build. Yes, protein helps to build lean muscle. Good luck.

    This is crap advice. Sorry, but it's completely untrue. Low weights for high reps does nothing. Women who lift are incapable of bulking due to hormones, but it will give you the "toned" look most women are seeking. Those that do look bulky lift 4564828 hours a week at the gym and take "supplements".

    The New Rules book discusses this at length.

    Im sure New Rules is a great book and all, but to say lighter weights and higher reps does nothing is also untrue. I am doing sets of 24, 20, 16, and 12 with lighter weights while Im cutting and believe me theyre doing something. Im quite sore right now and the definition is starting to show.
    Low weight and high reps is fine for fat burning, but doesn't do anything for strength or muscle building. Feeling sore after a workout is actually meaningless and has no bearing workout effectiveness.