Can't we all just get along?



  • fieldsy4life
    Just a friendly FYI, there is no metabolic advantage to low carb or keto diets

    It works for him and I'm sure that's all that concerns him.

    I'm sure it does, but no reason to make silly claims about it then

    Here's a fun story bro.

    When I was getting back into strength training after taking a long hiatus, I started with a Keto diet (20 net carbs per day), and lost 20 pounds (that I shouldn't have had anyways, but that's another convo). I wasn't restricting calories or doing cardio at all.

    I also wasn't smoking meth and didn't adopt an eating disorder.

    It worked for me. I did lose some strength (which is to be expected with Keto), but I'm at an age where my max bench isn't a concern.

    Just don't say I was claiming anything or call me silly. It worked for me, despite me not having a MySpace picture for my avatar (just kidding bro, take it easy).
  • BondBomb
    BondBomb Posts: 1,781 Member
    I will agree to be nicer if MFP as a whole can agree to stop using the word "haters".
    Seriously. It has gone the road of 'you go girl' and 'gag me with a spoon'.
    Lets put that *kitten* to bed already.

    Also, let's all stop saying "*kitten*". :wink:
    I would if they would let me use the real word. :sad:
  • Contrarian
    Contrarian Posts: 8,138 Member
    I will agree to be nicer if MFP as a whole can agree to stop using the word "haters".
    Seriously. It has gone the road of 'you go girl' and 'gag me with a spoon'.
    Lets put that *kitten* to bed already.

    Also, let's all stop saying "*kitten*". :wink:
    I would if they would let me use the real word. :sad:

    Yeah. They don't want us to be happy.

    Also, can everyone just stop nitpicking and missing the entire point of this thread, please? Please? I will give you $5*.

    *not really
  • sarahp86
    sarahp86 Posts: 692 Member
    Well said, sometimes it puts me right off the forums when people can be so b*tchy!!!
  • SwannySez
    SwannySez Posts: 5,864 Member
    People are not homogeneous, physically, culturally, spiritually, nor in ideas. They never should be. Therefore you will always find disagreement, online or in the real world. By the time you are an adult I would expect most people to realize this and react accordingly.

    Instead we get an incessant stream of "why can't we all get along" threads. Clearly I set the bar too high.
    Also, let's all stop saying "*kitten*".

    I would if they would let me use the real word.

    I love my friends. Love. Them.

    To pieces.
  • fieldsy4life
    Also, can everyone just stop nitpicking and missing the entire point of this thread, please?


    In other news, it's Saturday. Let's enjoy the weekend. Have a great night everyone, thanks to those who responded, regardless of whether I agreed or not.
  • MustangCindy67
    MustangCindy67 Posts: 91 Member
    Thanks..... well put..... and cheers...:)
  • Acg67
    Acg67 Posts: 12,142 Member
    Just a friendly FYI, there is no metabolic advantage to low carb or keto diets

    It works for him and I'm sure that's all that concerns him.

    I'm sure it does, but no reason to make silly claims about it then

    Here's a fun story bro.

    When I was getting back into strength training after taking a long hiatus, I started with a Keto diet (20 net carbs per day), and lost 20 pounds (that I shouldn't have had anyways, but that's another convo). I wasn't restricting calories or doing cardio at all.

    I also wasn't smoking meth and didn't adopt an eating disorder.

    It worked for me. I did lose some strength (which is to be expected with Keto), but I'm at an age where my max bench isn't a concern.

    Just don't say I was claiming anything or call me silly. It worked for me, despite me not having a MySpace picture for my avatar (just kidding bro, take it easy).


    Just tried to to let you know that low carb diets have to metabolic advantage and to realize that fat loss on keto or low carb compared to another diet (holding cals and protein constant) there won't be a significant, if any difference in fat loss
  • SuffolkSally
    SuffolkSally Posts: 964 Member
    Can anyone help me a bit with understanding the differences in the US, where most members seem to come from? I sort of knew that obesity is a bigger (sorry; LOL) problem in the US than most places in Europe, and I'm certainly much too fat myself so I don't mean to be at all judgemental. I'm just curious, having noticed that many US members want to lose a lot of weight, and/or have done so but are on a second go-round. Maybe this ought to be a different topic, and perhaps it already has been - I'm quite new. I did wonder whether particular US dietary issues cause some extra fustration which comes out as anger and judgementalism in posts?
  • CoryIda
    CoryIda Posts: 7,887 Member
    Can anyone help me a bit with understanding the differences in the US, where most members seem to come from? I sort of knew that obesity is a bigger (sorry; LOL) problem in the US than most places in Europe, and I'm certainly much too fat myself so I don't mean to be at all judgemental. I'm just curious, having noticed that many US members want to lose a lot of weight, and/or have done so but are on a second go-round. Maybe this ought to be a different topic, and perhaps it already has been - I'm quite new. I did wonder whether particular US dietary issues cause some extra fustration which comes out as anger and judgementalism in posts?
    Americans tend to be more sedentary on average and consume more calories.
    We are a culture that tends to gravitate towards what is convenient.

    That being said, I'm an American who shed a ton of weight and is never putting it back on. It's challenging, but I don't imagine it is all that different from what people in any other (developed) country would encounter.
  • linguist98
    People are not homogeneous, physically, culturally, spiritually, nor in ideas. They never should be. Therefore you will always find disagreement, online or in the real world. By the time you are an adult I would expect most people to realize this and react accordingly.

    Instead we get an incessant stream of "why can't we all get along" threads. Clearly I set the bar too high.

    I know I have nice skin and a pretty smile, but don't assume I'm not an adult hun ;)

    Calling someone "hun" is pretty passive aggressive. I'm not even going to comment on your self absorbed statement.

    yeh, I read that calling you Hun and thought the same.

    dont you have some laundry to fold?... jk :)
  • fieldsy4life
    Just a friendly FYI, there is no metabolic advantage to low carb or keto diets

    It works for him and I'm sure that's all that concerns him.

    I'm sure it does, but no reason to make silly claims about it then

    Here's a fun story bro.

    When I was getting back into strength training after taking a long hiatus, I started with a Keto diet (20 net carbs per day), and lost 20 pounds (that I shouldn't have had anyways, but that's another convo). I wasn't restricting calories or doing cardio at all.

    I also wasn't smoking meth and didn't adopt an eating disorder.

    It worked for me. I did lose some strength (which is to be expected with Keto), but I'm at an age where my max bench isn't a concern.

    Just don't say I was claiming anything or call me silly. It worked for me, despite me not having a MySpace picture for my avatar (just kidding bro, take it easy).


    Just tried to to let you know that low carb diets have to metabolic advantage and to realize that fat loss on keto or low carb compared to another diet (holding cals and protein constant) there won't be a significant, if any difference in fat loss

    I was just busting your chops man. I love House by the way - so I LOL'd at the pic. What you're doing is working for you, just like my diet is too. I agree, people have just as much success with carb-based diets when they restrict cals and add cardio to their routine. I just happen to like this diet, and I can sustain it long term (and have). My favorite benefit to being on a carb-restricted diet is that I'm getting plenty of protein, so instead of spending money on Muscle Milk, I'm spending it on filet mignon (grilling one now - time to go eat).
  • chevy88grl
    chevy88grl Posts: 3,937 Member
    I completely agree. What works for ME - may or may not work for you. While we all have the same stuff on the inside, it does work differently.. if it all worked the same, we could all do the same thing and we'd all be thin, fit and healthy!

    I personally don't have to watch anymore than calories - carbs, sodium, etc doesn't phase me. I know what I can eat, how much I can eat and maintain my weight. I eat a lot in a day (around 2500 NET calories) and I do just fine. I know what works for me and I do it. I have been told by MANY people on this site that I'm doing it "wrong". That if I don't do this or that, I'll get fat again. Um. Okay. I've been doing it for awhile now.. I know what I'm doing, thanks.

    Do what works for YOU.
  • hollyberry2012
    Ha! I just found an advantage to being sooooooooo overweight.. I can try all the diets on here a month at a time..

    seriously... stress makes me hungry. y'all stress me out when you bicker. Just talk like Mr. Rogers and I'll be okay and thank you for caring in advance.

    nah, you can bicker... I'll just search for the old(er) people threads, we have to conserve our energy!!!

    just a passing thought tho... since we're all gonna DIE...does it matter "how" that much? I've learned from the message boards that I'm gonna croak from all sorts of stuff.... even SOY BEANS... they looked so harmless... evil little beasts! If I would have known that before now, I would have at least rolled em and smoked em! so I could look cool :smokin:

    now since you are probably gonna blast me and that's probably gonna make me hungry.... I'm running away!!! :))) moving to another country and changing my profile... okay... I'll just put sunglasses on my own profile...

    I wish I was snoopy.. he never had these problems!
  • Buddhasmiracle
    Buddhasmiracle Posts: 925 Member
    Can anyone help me a bit with understanding the differences in the US, where most members seem to come from? I sort of knew that obesity is a bigger (sorry; LOL) problem in the US than most places in Europe, and I'm certainly much too fat myself so I don't mean to be at all judgemental. I'm just curious, having noticed that many US members want to lose a lot of weight, and/or have done so but are on a second go-round. Maybe this ought to be a different topic, and perhaps it already has been - I'm quite new. I did wonder whether particular US dietary issues cause some extra fustration which comes out as anger and judgementalism in posts?
    Americans tend to be more sedentary on average and consume more calories.
    We are a culture that tends to gravitate towards what is convenient.

    That being said, I'm an American who shed a ton of weight and is never putting it back on. It's challenging, but I don't imagine it is all that different from what people in any other (developed) country would encounter.

    Actually, obesity is not a bigger problem in the US than most places in Europe. According to a study released in 2007 by the German Government, Germany has the highest rate of obesity in Europe, the same rate as that of the United States. The study also found that other countries, including the United Kingdom, Greece and some Eastern European countries have an even higher rate of "morbidly obese" than Germany. If you want to read a synopsis of the study, check out Spiegel online, first quarter of 2007. I don't recall the exact publication date. I remember the study because a cousin called me from Munich moaning about how awful it was to be "as fat as an American tourist!!"

    Regardless, being fit and healthy is "borderless." Best wishes to you in your effort!
  • SuffolkSally
    SuffolkSally Posts: 964 Member
    Can anyone help me a bit with understanding the differences in the US, where most members seem to come from? I sort of knew that obesity is a bigger (sorry; LOL) problem in the US than most places in Europe, and I'm certainly much too fat myself so I don't mean to be at all judgemental. I'm just curious, having noticed that many US members want to lose a lot of weight, and/or have done so but are on a second go-round. Maybe this ought to be a different topic, and perhaps it already has been - I'm quite new. I did wonder whether particular US dietary issues cause some extra fustration which comes out as anger and judgementalism in posts?
    Americans tend to be more sedentary on average and consume more calories.
    We are a culture that tends to gravitate towards what is convenient.

    That being said, I'm an American who shed a ton of weight and is never putting it back on. It's challenging, but I don't imagine it is all that different from what people in any other (developed) country would encounter.

    Yea good on you! I love your very sensible eat less, move about, drink water. And mainly focus on health. Some of the posts I have found a bit hard to understand, and they are mainly US ones. How - sorry; I don't mean to be personal, but just as an American friend on this site - did you come to gain so much weight in the first place? As in terms of the US culture and dietary issues, not your stuff whatever that may have been, and in any case you sound like you're well sorted
  • SuffolkSally
    SuffolkSally Posts: 964 Member
    Can anyone help me a bit with understanding the differences in the US, where most members seem to come from? I sort of knew that obesity is a bigger (sorry; LOL) problem in the US than most places in Europe, and I'm certainly much too fat myself so I don't mean to be at all judgemental. I'm just curious, having noticed that many US members want to lose a lot of weight, and/or have done so but are on a second go-round. Maybe this ought to be a different topic, and perhaps it already has been - I'm quite new. I did wonder whether particular US dietary issues cause some extra fustration which comes out as anger and judgementalism in posts?
    Americans tend to be more sedentary on average and consume more calories.
    We are a culture that tends to gravitate towards what is convenient.

    That being said, I'm an American who shed a ton of weight and is never putting it back on. It's challenging, but I don't imagine it is all that different from what people in any other (developed) country would encounter.

    Actually, obesity is not a bigger problem in the US than most places in Europe. According to a study released in 2007 by the German Government, Germany has the highest rate of obesity in Europe, the same rate as that of the United States. The study also found that other countries, including the United Kingdom, Greece and some Eastern European countries have an even higher rate of "morbidly obese" than Germany. If you want to read a synopsis of the study, check out Spiegel online, first quarter of 2007. I don't recall the exact publication date. I remember the study because a cousin called me from Munich moaning about how awful it was to be "as fat as an American tourist!!"

    Regardless, being fit and healthy is "borderless." Best wishes to you in your effort!

    Yes - didn't mean anything different. I'm a fat UK person. It was just in response to some of the posts I've seen, where finding healthy food options seemed to create difficulties. So I wondered whether there are problems with access to good nutrition and why this might be. Also there are people on this site who have most admirably lost huge amounts of weight - I suppose it's just surprised me, but then I've never joined a website like this before.
  • hollyberry2012
    """How did we Americans come to gain so much weight in the first place. """

    You can't ask it of all of us at once!!! We don't speak in unison as has probably been reported in British tabloids!!!

    I personally ate out all the time and it made me sluggish and drowsy.. like a hibernation.

    And lots of other reasons!

  • watboy
    watboy Posts: 380 Member
    I would guess no we cant all get along. I eat and work out and dont eat work out calories like millions of people dont who dont know what MFP is and eating calories back mean and people on here say I have an eating disorder lol. Crazy. So millions of people workout and dont eat because they are done and go to bed all have eating disorders lol. noooo we can't all get along.
  • shanahan_09
    shanahan_09 Posts: 238 Member
    Very well said!

    I was smiling as I finished reading your post wondering how far I would have to scroll down before someone disagreed. :laugh: