Does anyone do a cheat day?



  • tinaruby
    tinaruby Posts: 74 Member
    Last time I did a cheat day it took me almost a week to start losing weight again. No more for me.

    I second that, I went out drinking with friends (actually my profile pic was taken that night) and I won't be doing that again until I hit at least a 40 lb weight loss. :-)
    FORIANN Posts: 273 Member
    Last time I did a cheat day it took me almost a week to start losing weight again. No more for me.

    I second that, I went out drinking with friends (actually my profile pic was taken that night) and I won't be doing that again until I hit at least a 40 lb weight loss. :-)

    Do some more reading about alcohol calories vs other types of calories. It's not the same thing and something to be aware of.
  • I do a cheat day every 2 weeks or so. girls get cravings for certain hormonal reasons.. i gotta satisfy them or people are gona see a grumpy meee :laugh: I work it off at the gym though!
    BIGJIMMYU Posts: 1,221 Member
    I do one cheat day evry 3 weeks. Don't ask me why, it just works better that way. So long in between keeps me on the wagon.
  • HI everyone!
    Just found this site and I love it :) Anyway, I have been counting my calories and trying to work out more. Just wondered if anyone allows themselves a cheat day once a week? I only have about 10 or so pounds I want to lose and am currently eating about 1500 cal a day.

    Thanks for any advice!

    I agree with Tourney; I do the same thing. Of course, I have a lot more pounds left to lose (156). I am currently eating around 1800 calories a day but that's because I've become more active since starting my weight loss plan.
  • rockerbabyy
    rockerbabyy Posts: 2,258 Member
    i do a sort of cheat day - i use sunday as a day to make up for any exercise calories i didnt eat throughout the week. i never go over my weekly goal, though.
  • bshedwick
    bshedwick Posts: 659 Member
    The only time I have a "cheat day" is when I do my long runs. On those days, I still log, but I can almost eat anything I want (within reason), and still not go over my calories.
  • ampa916
    ampa916 Posts: 189 Member
    I just started my weight loss journey, but I don't think I will have like planned cheat days, Like my anniversary is coming up and we might do something special this upcoming weekend for it, but I will still have to be conscious of what I am eating and plan ahead and choose the healthier option.
  • bendybum
    bendybum Posts: 1 Member
    I have the odd cheat meal, but I make sure that I still log what I have eaten so I have to 'face it;. I have heard that it is helpful to rev up your metabolism as your body gets used to your calorie allowance.
  • Dilfster
    Dilfster Posts: 416 Member
    sundays are my cheat days. That doesn't mean I go nuts though.
  • neverstray
    neverstray Posts: 3,845 Member
    I'm a big proponent of a once a week cheat day.
  • Athijade
    Athijade Posts: 3,300 Member
    I don't do "cheat" anything. To me, that implies I am doing something "bad" or "wrong". I do splurge days where I allow myself to not really even think about it. Sometimes I still come out at calories, sometimes I go up to maintenance, and other times I don't even log. I have yet to have a day like that impact my weekly weight loss.

    I am also a "everything in moderation" person so I still eat pizza, cupcakes, burgers, fries, ect on normal days. I can have pizza any time I want as long as I take it into account in my calories and the like. A homemade hamburger isn't all that bad especially when you only eat one and you have a huge salad with it.
  • Faeriegirl74
    Faeriegirl74 Posts: 187 Member
    I "cheat" every now and again... I just practice the motto of "if it passes my lips, I will log it"
  • KatKatatrophic
    KatKatatrophic Posts: 448 Member
    I do "treats". If I workout, and burn 1,000 calories, I give myself something sweet. I drink a soda and have half of cookie or maybe even one. But that's only...2-3 days out of the week when I go to volleyball games.
  • momma3sweetgirls
    momma3sweetgirls Posts: 743 Member
    I eat what I want, log it, and try to stay under my calories for the day. No specific day to eat junk, I eat it everyday!
  • JenAiMarres
    JenAiMarres Posts: 743 Member
    I try not to cheat but Fridays are usually bad days food and alcohol wise...I feel derailed usually and wish I hadnt!!! But maybe it keeps me sane?!?!?!?
  • alyson820
    alyson820 Posts: 448 Member
    I don't schedule cheat days, but when I'm going out with my friends I'll let myself indulge.
  • Well, I did have a cheat day for all of my diet. And I did lose 47 pounds on doing it, BUT, I found my 1 cheat days turned into a cheat weekend. You do need to find something you can live with, and not completely cut everything good from your life. I think that I am just going to quit having a cheat day because I found that if I diet all week and eat unhealthy meals that I have been craving on the weekend, then I never really get over my cravings. I have been on this diet for a couple months now, and I still crave the bad foods on the weekdays, maybe because I eat it on the weekends. SO yeah, cheat days can't be for everyone.
  • imasaf
    imasaf Posts: 8
    Yes... I am watching calories and exercising and eating healthy (no unnatural sweets... Really as little sugars as possible... Homemade meals... No coffee/caffine). I used to eat cupcakes, candies, drink 2-4 cups of coffee each day so its hard to just give them up on sundays, i let myself have a cup of coffee or some sort of caffine if i crave it and have me some pancakes and such. Its something i get to look forward to each week. I do still find ways to stay within my calorie allowance... typically I just exercise more or eat smaller portions of the unhealthy foods on sundays. :). I think everyone should have a cheat day or as i like to refer to it a REWARD DAY for all the hard work and restraint we had during the week.
  • GinGinSweden
    GinGinSweden Posts: 36 Member
    I lead a weight loss group and during those yrs I always skipped dinner and after my group was over would go for a veggie slice of pizza from my fav pizza spot , now I am back to my dieting ways I will do something once a week again but I always made sure it was with in my calorie count what ever it is :)