Anybody not hate stevia?



  • birdlover97111
    birdlover97111 Posts: 346 Member
    I love Stevia, but I have found that I have to use very little...Too much and it is over powering...I put it in coffee and in my oatmeal...Much better then the artificial chemical sweeteners... :drinker:
  • Keladry
    Keladry Posts: 58 Member
    I like it in drinks or yoghurt, I only use about half a teaspoon because it's sweeter than sugar so I don't get the after taste. I don't mind it in porridge but I do miss the the caramelly flavour of brown sugar (what I used to use) there.

    I haven't had much success using it in baking, the after taste is very noticeable, even if I only substitute it for half the sugar. I've tried the Natvia and Truvia brands in crystal form and they taste the same to me.
  • IvoryParchment
    IvoryParchment Posts: 651 Member
    I grew the herb. Chewing a leaf tasted like saccharin to me, so I never bothered learning to use it in cooking.
  • Hoakiebs
    Hoakiebs Posts: 430 Member
    I don't know if Kroger brand Stevia blend is pure stevia or not, but it tastes just like sugar to me.
  • Aureilie
    Aureilie Posts: 213 Member
    I don't like it. I've learned to deal with it in the Sobe Lifewater but I believe it's cut with some other sweetener in that. I bought a huge box of Truvia thinking it was going to replace sugar in my morning coffee and that was terrible. If I used one packet of real sugar and one packet of Truvia I could handle it but I'd rather just use the one packet of sugar. My fiance likes it and used up my whole box though he prefers aspartame. I personally prefer Splenda as far as fake sugar goes but usually I just use the real thing.
  • skywa
    skywa Posts: 901 Member
    i dont use any diet sugars. :3 real sugar is the way to go.
  • DPernet
    DPernet Posts: 481 Member
    Just got a tub of Truvia for the first time 2 weeks ago. Made the mistake of using too much in the first cup of tea I made, that was pretty foul. Now I use it in everything. Tastes great :happy:
  • kettrickenx
    kettrickenx Posts: 92 Member
    I've been using it for 2 weeks and I still don't like it :/ It is not that bad though, it's better than some other sweeteners that I've used.
  • emeraldowl
    emeraldowl Posts: 33 Member
    I have been using a Tate and Lyle brown sugar and stevia mix for my coffee and it tastes fine. I usually hate the taste of sweeteners. I also use a sprinkle of it on my Total 0% greek yogurt now and again. Maybe introduce a mix if you are not like straight stevia.
  • maf66
    maf66 Posts: 211 Member
    Stevia is the only artificial sweetener I've found that isn't completely disgusting. I only use it in my coffee, and even sometimes use real sugar instead because of the slight after taste, but it's much better than Splenda or Sweet-n-Low in my opinion.

    It's not artificial.
  • BobbyDaniel
    BobbyDaniel Posts: 1,460 Member
    I use a little bit of it, usually in either tea or to sweeten my oatmeal if I'm not using honey or guava extract. I drink my coffee black, so I haven't tried it there. Haven't noticed any bad taste with it.
  • LaMujerMasBonitaDelMundo
    LaMujerMasBonitaDelMundo Posts: 3,634 Member
    At first I didn't like the gingery taste of my coffee with it but then after a couple of days, I got used to it. I love the fact that it is 100% natural & as a diabetic, I have to be careful with sweeteners.
  • wickedcricket
    wickedcricket Posts: 1,246 Member
    I like it. I confess to only using it in coffee. But I think it is the safest of the artificial sweeteners.

    I like it too- lasts forever. I use it in my coffee, oatmeal- most anything but I do still prefer honey in my (hot) tea. What don't you like? Use it VERY sparingly- it's easy to over do. Also I've found in hot foods it's best to add it last- after cooking, it doesn't cook well. Some ppl on here actually use/ have stevia plants - I would if I could.
    I'd say- experiment with it and if you still hate it, try something else.
    it's NOT artificial sweetner- it's natural, like unrefined sugar.

  • LaMujerMasBonitaDelMundo
    LaMujerMasBonitaDelMundo Posts: 3,634 Member
    Stevia is the only artificial sweetener I've found that isn't completely disgusting. I only use it in my coffee, and even sometimes use real sugar instead because of the slight after taste, but it's much better than Splenda or Sweet-n-Low in my opinion.

    It's not artificial.

    Agree. Stevia is actually made of a plant (forgot the name)that is found in Paraguay.
  • UrbanRunner81
    UrbanRunner81 Posts: 1,207 Member
    I use it daily. I like it. I liked it from the beginning.
  • Whinchat
    Whinchat Posts: 84 Member
    Bought some the other day (Truvia brand) - tried it, and it may not *be* artifical* but it tastes how I remember artificial sweeteners tasting 15 years ago. Grim.

    I now own a box of sachets that are just going to sit there not being used while I go back to my agave nectar, maple syrup, lyles golden syrup, demerera sugar, honey and other sugars/sweeteners that have a place in my cupboard (I bake a lot :tongue: )
  • Sueboo31
    Sueboo31 Posts: 128
  • sweetbeckymarie
    When I first started using stevia I had been used to splenda which is WAYYY sweeter. It took some adjusting and getting used to but now I use much less sweetener over all and my taste buds have adjusted I suppose.
  • buildingdreams
    buildingdreams Posts: 173 Member
    loved it right from the st art!! Truvia is my choice. Everyone else I speak to tells me it has an after taste. Never experienced it
  • 000WhiteRose000
    000WhiteRose000 Posts: 266 Member
    I LOVE it. I bake with it all the time, and you could never tell the difference. I bring my baking into work and people don't believe me. I like it in my yogurt and cereal. I don't take any sweets in my coffee or tea so can't comment about that.