Stop lying about nutritional info or supporting the lie



  • ❤_veggies_rock_❤
    186 Calories in a sandwich - that dont even cover the bread - dream on

    it depends how much of the sandwich they ate actually, I had 3 bites of a Buffalo Wild wings chicken wrap yesterday night & logged in that I ate 1/4 of the sandwich so the calories might be close, but the thing is I didn't eat the tortilla chips or salsa cause I ordered onion rings instead & gave them to my husband-but I still charted it as eating 1/4 of the whole since I didn't have time or feel like bothering with all the details when I got home. Portions do matter
  • m60kaf
    m60kaf Posts: 421 Member
    Yeah sure - Im sat here eating my chicken n veg thinking If I just ate half a bacon butty it would be much nicer

    Then I could go on to open a post about I dont get why Im not loosing weight even though my bacon butties are only 200 cals a pop

    I do also like this concept of different calories in different countrises. How does it work? Can I go to France and eat more fried food or do I need to ship my bacon in from somewhere it has no cals?

    But what the heck - Im sure Im getting to much salt!!!!

    Thanks for waking me up - it had been a boring Monday morning so far :)
  • peachNpunkin
    peachNpunkin Posts: 1,010 Member
    I always go to the nutritional menu on the websites. If I can't find a nutritional menu, I guesstimate, but I guesstimate high. I'd rather be wrong on the high side and end up eating too few calories then on the low side and screw myself by eating too much.

    Most of the time I look at these websites before i go eat, so that I know what I am getting myself into before hand.
  • MinnesotaManimal
    MinnesotaManimal Posts: 642 Member
    Five Guys isn't even that good... I bet I could make a better tasting burger and fry for less calories.

    some where, an angel lost its wings and died when this was posted^

    I:heart: 5 guys.
  • MB_Positif
    MB_Positif Posts: 8,897 Member
    This is why I cook most of my own food and enter the individual ingredients into the recipe calculator. Even restaurant websites lie about the calories in the food.
  • Siannah
    Siannah Posts: 456 Member
    I think a lot of it may have to do with people being unable to do the maths. For example nutritional info might be given for 100g, but the pack has 225g in it, so info should be multiplied by 2.25.
    What's also an issue is that sodium in the UK/Ireland is given as 0.1g, as opposed to 100mg, or worse, as salt, which is an entire different amount altogether.
  • Connie1979
    Connie1979 Posts: 77 Member
    Thats why I always confirm the correct calorie, fat content, carbs, sugars and sodiums for myself before just adding them to my tracker....if in doubt check it out!
  • EMagineBeingEMazing
    Five Guys isn't even that good... I bet I could make a better tasting burger and fry for less calories.

    THANK YOU!!!! I saw a report that they're one of the top 3 ranked chains in the nation... boy was I disappointed in that crap!!! Burger King makes a better burger, and I don't like them either! UGH!
  • y353
    y353 Posts: 50 Member
    Hum. I never thought in correcting.

    But to not put the wrong item, I always look at 3 "almost the same" foods and put the one between the most caloric and the less.

    And I always log less time exercising in the website, like if I dance 120 min, I put 100 min.
  • QueenJayJay
    QueenJayJay Posts: 1,139
    Just don't use the user entered foods.
  • Mompanda4
    Mompanda4 Posts: 869 Member
    Thank you for your posting.
  • AlsDonkBoxSquat
    AlsDonkBoxSquat Posts: 6,128 Member
    By this point I have at least an idea of the number of calories I'm consuming in one sitting, so if I don't see one that fits I keep looking reviewing portion size and calorie count. If I'm really not sure I hunt through a few looking for an average and then go a little high.
  • HauteP1nk
    HauteP1nk Posts: 2,139 Member
    I find it bizarre how wrong some of the items are as well. This is why I quick log things, or sometimes when I really do not know I do some research online to try to figure it out. If I am really unsure or think something is low I add in extra calories to be sure I don't go over.

    You are right though...this could be the reason that so many people don't understand why they aren't losing weight. They are probably believing all the calories they find on this site.
  • PositivelyFlawed
    PositivelyFlawed Posts: 316 Member
    When i search I always add Canada to my search and I always know what the calorie count and roughly the nutrition of any packaged type foods like bread, pasta, cereal so I can accurately assess which entry is accurate. For raw foods i check several entries to make sure they are all roughly similar.

    All in all, to allow for error I set my journal to display 150c less than my absolute max to lose 2 lbs. This pretty much allows for small variations in food entry.
  • 81Katz
    81Katz Posts: 7,074 Member
    I try to really stay on top of checking, and re-checking and sometimes checking again the nutritional info (not to mention I obsessively weigh my food) I do have to say what annoys me about this site and the food checker is when people put in stuff like:
    1 small chicken breast
    1 medium pear
    1 small apple
    10 blueberries

    Many a times I have actually brought the food item to the computer and check and cross check and I find many wrong entries. So annoying.

    They don't even bother to weight it or check it against a different site, or the USDA site. Sorry but your 1 medium pear might actually be a giant sized pear. :noway:

    Sorry did not read all replies, but how do you correct someone elses entry?
  • TeutonicKnight
    TeutonicKnight Posts: 367 Member
    You are telling me these Thin Mint Cookies aren't 5 calories apiece?!?!?!?!

    True story, saw that on here and had to laugh!
  • maf66
    maf66 Posts: 211 Member
    While trying to log in a "Five guys cheeseburger and fries" I was once again reminded about how many people lie about the actual calories of the food they post and how often I find confirmations of these lies. Its bad enough that people don't take the time to research and post their foods accurately, but it is a real dis-service to the whole community when 4 or 5 or 10 people buy into the lie and confirm the nutritional value which is obviously B.S. Really people a bacon ,egg and cheese sandwich for 200 calories!? wake up! The whole idea of the confirmation system is to prove reliability of fact not wishful thinking. Lying to ourselves got us on this to begin with -stop sharing your self-deception with others. BTW most of the nutritional info posted for five guys is accurate and painful!

    I can make a bacon, egg and cheese sand for 200 cal, why cant you?
    Jenny O 95% lean bacon, 2 slices = 40c
    1 egg = 70 cal
    1/4 c ff cheese = 50 cal
    1 slice pumpernickel = 40 cal Now do the math... *drum-roll please...* A WHOLE 200 CALORIES

    Now that wasn't so hard, was it?
  • BOLO4Hagtha
    BOLO4Hagtha Posts: 396 Member
    Really people a bacon ,egg and cheese sandwich for 200 calories!? wake up!

    Although that is possible, I highly doubt this persona was using the correct ingredients for make that sandwich 200cals. But I agree with you, some of the things entered are hopes and dreams.
  • natalieg0307
    natalieg0307 Posts: 237 Member
    "At Denny’s, a serving of grits, listed at 80 calories, tested at 258. The label on Lean Cuisine’s shrimp and angel-hair pasta says it has 220 calories, but the researchers measured it at 319. They found 344 calories in a Wendy’s grilled chicken wrap listed at 260."

  • Siannah
    Siannah Posts: 456 Member

    Sorry did not read all replies, but how do you correct someone elses entry?

    Search for your food, you should then get a list. Click on the product and on the right, check nutritional content. MFP will ask you if this is correct -- yes/no/don't know. If you click no, it'll prompt you, do you want to edit? And that's where you can make the changes