Starting P90X



  • Lissakaye81
    Lissakaye81 Posts: 224 Member
    Just a question if anyone knows the answer - I'm trying to work my way up to doing p90x. How in shape would you recommend someone be to be able to complete the program

    I just started working out about two monthes ago but I am doing pretty good now. I'm looking to try it maybe over the summer if possible. Currently I am doing Jillians 30 day shred level two and it is hard but manageable. I also do Turbo Jam almost daily - a 30 or 45 minute cardio jam and also a 20 min ab jam routine.

    Any answers or even guesses would be greatly appreciated!

    In MY case... I started it when I was 201 at 5'6 and completelly out of shape... Im doing just fine.. I've lost 13 lb.. seeing lots of definition.. I guess it depends on how much you're willing to put into it.. excuses will always exist.. I've seens guys wayyy out of shape do it... you can modify every move... good luck :)

    oh this is good to hear. Im waiting for it in the mail too, Been workin out for the last month, The set I got is missing the yoga disk, think that will be a prob, should i buy it too?
  • a7iiid
    a7iiid Posts: 2
    does p90x for iphone app works. does anyone have an idea ?
  • AsaraFuriosa
    AsaraFuriosa Posts: 293 Member
    OH! And good luck to you both and anyone else thinking of doing it! You don't have to be in shape really, but it helps ;) I lost 50lbs before I started MFP or P90X and I feel like it helped me prepare to truly 'bring it' lol
  • a5sk1ck
    a5sk1ck Posts: 21
    You will love P90X guaranteed but be aware it will screw up with your mind specially in the first few days:
    1. You will feel pain and soreness in many parts like you've never felt before and Tony Horton does not expect you to skip a day or two. He wants you to "push play"! lol...This is the time to find yourself googling "I am unbelievably sore should I continue P90X?"
    2. Depending on your life situation but you will have to find time to squeeze that one hour (1hr30 for Yoga!) to your everyday schedules. Some even go to the point of doing it as early as 4:30 am before work or at midnight as those are their only available times to BRING IT.
    3. Finding the Will to keep up with the P90X Nutrition Plan. It is challenging, so get things planned out and your pantry and fridge supplied.

    This will keep you motivated:
    1. Go online. Hundreds share the same challenges you wil face.
    2. Watch P90X transformation videos in Youtube. They are powerful tools to keep you motivated.
    3. Massive amounts of improved mood and confidence coming your way.

  • libby328
    libby328 Posts: 287 Member
    Good luck, I also started today, hope you do better then I did! I made it through half lol!!!
  • AmyEm3
    AmyEm3 Posts: 784 Member
    Just a question if anyone knows the answer - I'm trying to work my way up to doing p90x. How in shape would you recommend someone be to be able to complete the program

    I just started working out about two monthes ago but I am doing pretty good now. I'm looking to try it maybe over the summer if possible. Currently I am doing Jillians 30 day shred level two and it is hard but manageable. I also do Turbo Jam almost daily - a 30 or 45 minute cardio jam and also a 20 min ab jam routine.

    Any answers or even guesses would be greatly appreciated!

    I was running and doing several different Jillian dvds before starting P90X. I feel like the JM dvds prepared me well for P90X. I'm not doing her videos much at all right now but I'm still running in addition to doing P90X. I'm starting the 2nd week of month 2.
  • NateDad
    NateDad Posts: 55
    That's awesome! I just started yesterday. Did workout #2 today... gotta say *pace yourself* on Plyometrics. I did it once last week for "fun" and died 40 minutes in. I was trying to keep up with Tony & the gang, and just could not... no wonder, I just started! Today, I paced myself, going slower than them, not dipping so deep in the squats, etc, and was able to finish strong. I think that's more valuable than not being able to finish.... plus the last 15 minutes is a little easier and a little more fun.

    I've also done Kenpo, which was a lot of fun, and Yoga, which was a lot tougher than I expected.. really worked out my upper body... and by the end I was able to touch my toes, which is not something I've ever been able to do.

    All that was in my "fun" week last week, since I didn't have all the weights I needed to really start. Yesterday I started for real. It's hard, but Tony makes it fun, and makes it clear how to make things easier.

  • liftandcycle
    Just a question if anyone knows the answer - I'm trying to work my way up to doing p90x. How in shape would you recommend someone be to be able to complete the program

    I just started working out about two monthes ago but I am doing pretty good now. I'm looking to try it maybe over the summer if possible. Currently I am doing Jillians 30 day shred level two and it is hard but manageable. I also do Turbo Jam almost daily - a 30 or 45 minute cardio jam and also a 20 min ab jam routine.

    Any answers or even guesses would be greatly appreciated!

    In MY case... I started it when I was 201 at 5'6 and completelly out of shape... Im doing just fine.. I've lost 13 lb.. seeing lots of definition.. I guess it depends on how much you're willing to put into it.. excuses will always exist.. I've seens guys wayyy out of shape do it... you can modify every move... good luck :)

    oh this is good to hear. Im waiting for it in the mail too, Been workin out for the last month, The set I got is missing the yoga disk, think that will be a prob, should i buy it too?

    yoga is painfull, but after a while I just LOVE it! yoga is very important to the program according to Tony, he urges us to not skip it, I would tell you to get it, but if you cant I would replace it with cardio X.
  • ceaton80
    ceaton80 Posts: 37
    Thanks everyone for the support and tips. First night went ok! We made it through the full workout, but skipped half of ab ripper because we were exhausted and didn't want to overdue it. At one point of the workout, diamond pushups I did only one! I was like whoa! Rested a second and did a few more. I never felt my arms Soooooo tight and wore out.

    We got a long way to go but were are committed so far and want to change our lives for good. Nutrition will be the biggest hill to climb to be honest.
  • Lissakaye81
    Lissakaye81 Posts: 224 Member
    Ty liftandcycle
  • pg1girl
    pg1girl Posts: 268 Member
    I have completed p90x three times but I have to do it on silent because I think tony Horton is one of the most annoying individuals I have ever come across. It definitely works though but in this case silence is golden.
  • rkr22401
    rkr22401 Posts: 216 Member
    I have completed p90x three times but I have to do it on silent because I think tony Horton is one of the most annoying individuals I have ever come across. It definitely works though but in this case silence is golden.

    Holy cow girl! Your abs are amazing. Way to go!
  • TropicalSeaShell
    Hey everyone. I am starting P90x DAY 1 on 3/12/2012. :) I just completed 40 days of Turbofire and lost 15 Im ready to step it up to drop the last 20 pounds w/ P90X because we all know that MUSCLE burns FAT!

    Im ready to work HARD get the best body of my life.....whos with me????? One of my goals is to see some ABS at the end of 90 days baby!!! Good luck everyone. Find me in WOWY and in Team BB my name is FITNESSismyBFF.


    p.s. ----if you guys are serious about this then you MUST get some sort of Recovery Drink or you are going to be too damn sore to do your workouts the next day haha. It is God-sent!!
  • PetersonMatthew
    I'm starting the p90x today, anyone want to start a group for it? Help each other out and able to talk about it. Just a idea
  • Slimithy
    Slimithy Posts: 348 Member
    I also started this morning, after doing some of the cardio work outs last week to get me ready and in the zone. I am a supporter of "MODIFY, MODIFY, MODIFY". Starting at 280 pounds (down from 344) there is some stuff I simply can't do yet (diamond push-ups anyone?) so I modify and keep moving during those exercises. I'd love to join a group if you guys start one.

    "Do your best, forget the rest" -- Tony Horton
    "LET'S KICK THIS PIG!!" -- Slimithy AKA Big Love
  • MariaMariaM
    MariaMariaM Posts: 1,322 Member
    I am in week 11 on my second round. The first round I did it in 2010. May 1st will be 2 years since I decided to commit and P90x transformed my body.
    I finished in July 2010 and kept working out here and there until I decided to do a serious round again in Jan 1 of this year. I lost over 25 pounds with my first round and I have lost around 9 pounds with this round.

    One think to keep in mind is that you might want to lose the scale, at least for the first few weeks. Your sore muscles will accumulate water and you might see an increase in the scale. This will go away but if you are obsessed about the numbers on the scale you need to keep this in mind. Take your measurements because that is where your will truly see results.

    Good luck to everyone.

    To whoever said to form a group, I think that will be a good idea.
  • MariaMariaM
    MariaMariaM Posts: 1,322 Member
    I'm starting the p90x today, anyone want to start a group for it? Help each other out and able to talk about it. Just a idea

    I think that is a good idea.
  • fionat29
    fionat29 Posts: 717 Member
    Bring it!! I love P90X!!
  • FitqueenT
    FitqueenT Posts: 120 Member
    Good luck to you guys. I love p90x.
    I'm on day 71 of the classic program.
  • usc2626
    usc2626 Posts: 186
    P90X Classic Round 1, Phase 2 week 2 starting tonight for me and I'm loving it. I'm already at a weight I haven't seen in MANY years and getting in the best shape I've been since my high school days. Good luck to all on their life changing journey! Bring it!!