Reliable/honest source for Beachbody DVDs?



  • Ripken818836701
    Ripken818836701 Posts: 607 Member
    I bougth P-90x for $50.00 and Insanity for $60.00 off of craigslist. Both were new in box.
  • kimr41
    kimr41 Posts: 219 Member
    I bought P90x for my son for his birthday last year and he has never used it. I'm willing to sell it for $85
  • amccart4
    amccart4 Posts: 12
    Beware purchasing "used" on the above mentioned sites....Craigslist, eBay, even Amazon...I ordered what I thought was a "used" Turbo Fire set from a private seller on it and it was clearly a pirated set...albeit, very convincingly packaged...but the literature with it was FULL of typos, and I've read elsewhere that the nutrition and workout guides are actually, I've seen many people fall victim to these pirated copies without knowing it, only to have them freeze and crash their computer/DVD/BluRay player. Ends up costing them more than a legit set would in the end, having to repair or replace their equipment. However...I've heard that trying to deal with Beachbody customer service for returns is a I'm thinking I may go the route of ordering on Amazon but doing the "Beachbody, fulfilled by Amazon" option so that the returns/etc are subject to Amazon and not Beachbody.:wink: