Seriously ... 1200 calories or less



  • love4fitnesslove4food_wechange
    Blah blah blah blah... new topic please.

    Rude and unhelpful.
  • gogojodee
    gogojodee Posts: 1,261 Member
    I know this post isn't calling out anyone in particular, but remember, this doesn't necessarily apply to everyone. I'm VERY short and have a small bone structure. Following even this advice (maintenance cals - even only 10%) takes me right around that magic 1200, by the time I'm near my goal the minimal 10% is under 1200, I believe.

    Yeah, if you're a 6 foot, 300 pound man exercising daily, 1200 cals is definitely not the way to go. But for the other 5 foot desk job girls, 1200 is not starvation. Rather than take these rules as hard and fast ("never eat less than 1200 no matter who you are or what your situation!"), it's much better to work out the best plan for your personal weight loss. Of course this isn't to say every shortie can eat this much (or little, rather), as I know of several in my family alone who can eat much more thanks to vigorous daily exercise.

    Same here - I'm 5'2" and sometimes I'm not as hungry even when I eat 6 times a day. I usually fill up on water all day - so like this gal, I rough it up to 800-1200 a day depending on what I do. For longer runs, I typically go 1200-1500 and that's cutting it pretty close. I have a really small frame for most 5'2"ers and I feel like I'm doing fine. And I've been losing weight, just steadily.
    I still keep myself over 1200 a day because I like how I feel best around 1300, but there are definitely people over 10 years old that 1200 is just fine for.

    Agreed! I'm 4'9, 98 lbs, and small boned. I usually net 800-1100, depending on how hungry I am. And I have lost 32 lbs in 5 months.
  • TurnLeftNow
    TurnLeftNow Posts: 171
    These posts are so controversial and so many people reply with hundreds of things, I doubt my post will even be read by anyone. It will probably pass on to a far away page within an hour. But I feel like I should say something anyway, just in case someone reads it.

    I was eating under 800 calories for a good 4 months. Then the holidays came and I went to visit my mom and I stopped calorie counting because I was eating so much. I was terrified of how much weight I was gaining. She didn't have a scale so I had to wait until I got home. I came home, weighed myself... and I didn't gain ANYTHING. Keep in mind I was up there for three weeks! I resumed my normal eating habits (less than 800-900) a day and I lost another 5 pounds for a couple of months. Again came a period of eating 1400+ calories a day and guess what? I haven't gained loads of fat back. I gained about a pound but it hasn't moved since then.
  • kwest_4_fitness
    kwest_4_fitness Posts: 819 Member
    Blah blah blah blah... new topic please.

    Rude and unhelpful.

    Not rude or unhelpful. Not everyone is the same and unless you know what's going on in their life, don't presume to tell them they're crazy for eating the way that they eat. I wouldn't tell someone to follow the WW diet simply because I am. I would tell them to check it out and talk to their doctor about it. Nor would I tell someone not to follow any other "diet" or "lifestyle" out there. It's presumptuous and potentially sabotaging.
  • Sarauk2sf
    Sarauk2sf Posts: 28,072 Member
    One thing that has not really been addressed here is what type of weight people are losing. I am not saying that this is true for everyone, but when I lost weight the last time, I was eating about 1300 - 1500 a day, and yes I lost weight, but when I had my body fat composition checked (the dunking in the water method) I had actually lost more lean body mass (muscle) in proportion to fat even though I was doing strength training. Basically, my body had fueled itself from my muscle, trying to horde away that fat.

    I know people want to look smaller and fit into those jeans they can no longer fit into (and I am definately one of those), but I also want to look toned and be healthier when doing it. More fuel (food) means more energy which our body can use to build muscle which in turn boosts our metabolism. Plus, there is the added bonus of being able to get more nutrients, reap the health benefits of having more muscle and, lets face it, maybe the best benefit, of being able to eat more!!
  • CMcBryer
    CMcBryer Posts: 139 Member
    This seems to be an excellent calorie calculation.

    I've been cutting about 20% from what is recommended on this calculation and I've seen some really nice results. I'm losing fat and gaining strength.
  • delilah47
    delilah47 Posts: 1,658
    So, if a person comes to MFP after many attempts to lose weight on a 1200 or less calorie diet, then follows the BMR, won't they actually gain weight? Isn't that why people get into the yoyo trap? I suspect that's why I have had so many problems with the BMR. I finally started losing when I cut down to about 1300 calories when MFP suggests 1520. It's not like I only gave it a week. I was stalled for almost 2 months and kept telling myself to stick with it. Thankfully, I didn't just quit, but made some changes so it works for me.

    I don't know why there are so many people here that treat you like an idiot if you don't follow MFP's guidance 100%. Do you really think *anything* would work 100% for *everyone*? There are so many variables across the "population" of MFP. I think a person would almost be abnormal if it all worked 100% efficiently for them without any tweaks.

    The most important thing I have learned here is about one's body going into "starvation mode" when you consume way too few calories. It explains a lot in my mind.
  • Sarauk2sf
    Sarauk2sf Posts: 28,072 Member
    Blah blah blah blah... new topic please.

    Rude and unhelpful.

    Not rude or unhelpful. Not everyone is the same and unless you know what's going on in their life, don't presume to tell them they're crazy for eating the way that they eat. I wouldn't tell someone to follow the WW diet simply because I am. I would tell them to check it out and talk to their doctor about it. Nor would I tell someone not to follow any other "diet" or "lifestyle" out there. It's presumptuous and potentially sabotaging.

    Just commenting by saying 'Blah blah blah blah... new topic please.' IS rude and unhelpful. There was no point made here and I am pretty sure the respondant did not call anyone crazy. If someone is bored with a topic, just don't read the thread and definately don't comment. The OP had a valid question and people are trying to help.....which is the point of this site and the forums.
  • strongandhealthy78
    strongandhealthy78 Posts: 90 Member
    I think a lot of people are eating more calories then they think.

    I agree with you! Ok, so I'm in a slightly different boat. I'm new to this diet plan BUT it's working so far. I'm on a 1200 calorie diet and it is MEDICALLY-SUPERVISED! This means that a doctor tracks my progress monthly. I attend classes weekly too. I had the choice of the 900 calorie diet (all shakes) or the 1200 one and I PICKED, that's right, I CHOSE the 1200 calorie plan so that I could add in fruits and vegetables and cook, not just drink/eat (they can become pudding too) them. But that's me and that's for now. Maybe one day, if I am not losing weight, I will decrease my calorie intake with my doctor's supervision. Maybe, I'll just continue as I have been doing, drinking lots of water, slowly building up my daily exercise, and packing my diet with lots of fruits and vegetables.

    I didn't realize that I was eating so many calories until I found out how many calories were in the muffin and coffee drink that I used to drink almost daily from the good folks at *$s and other fine retailers. Now that I know, I am having a protein shake instead that tastes even better and cuts out about 1000 calories a day from my old diet. It's super hard eating only 1200 calories a day and I am sure that there will be days when I eat more than that, but I have to tell you that right now, it is working for me.

    PS If there are any of you out there who are on a similar diet plan and are sticking to it, please friend me. I'd love to have more mfp friends who are making similar food choices in their lives.

    PPS I am a 5'10" vegetarian who has over 100 lbs to lose. Best.
  • sparkly96
    sparkly96 Posts: 120
    Blah blah blah blah... new topic please.

  • kwest_4_fitness
    kwest_4_fitness Posts: 819 Member
    Blah blah blah blah... new topic please.

    Rude and unhelpful.

    Not rude or unhelpful. Not everyone is the same and unless you know what's going on in their life, don't presume to tell them they're crazy for eating the way that they eat. I wouldn't tell someone to follow the WW diet simply because I am. I would tell them to check it out and talk to their doctor about it. Nor would I tell someone not to follow any other "diet" or "lifestyle" out there. It's presumptuous and potentially sabotaging.

    Just commenting by saying 'Blah blah blah blah... new topic please.' IS rude and unhelpful. There was no point made here and I am pretty sure the respondant did not call anyone crazy. If someone is bored with a topic, just don't read the thread and definately don't comment. The OP had a valid question and people are trying to help.....which is the point of this site and the forums.

    I think the OP had a rant and/or complaint, simply put. And unfortunately, this topic has been done to death, as evidenced by the massive results list when you search "starvation mode" in the forums. There is not a single clear answer, one size does not fit all. There are people out there that are fit and have gotten that way on a 1200 or whatever calorie diet. I say if you feel satisfied, are feeling fit, are working with your doctor who went to college for 8 to 12 years to get a degree that qualifies him to advise you on your health, and are losing without harming, then go ahead and eat that 1200 calories.
  • Sarauk2sf
    Sarauk2sf Posts: 28,072 Member
    This seems to be an excellent calorie calculation.

    I've been cutting about 20% from what is recommended on this calculation and I've seen some really nice results. I'm losing fat and gaining strength.

    Thanks for this - its really flexible. I 'played around' with the hours to see what my body would burn 1) just sleeping all day 2) sleeping normal hours with the rest sedentary 3) just doing a normal day with no exercise and 4) a day with exercise. I know that these are never totally accurate as they do not take into account individual specifics, but it is a great guide.
  • sparkly96
    sparkly96 Posts: 120
    Blah blah blah blah... new topic please.

    Rude and unhelpful.

    Not rude or unhelpful. Not everyone is the same and unless you know what's going on in their life, don't presume to tell them they're crazy for eating the way that they eat. I wouldn't tell someone to follow the WW diet simply because I am. I would tell them to check it out and talk to their doctor about it. Nor would I tell someone not to follow any other "diet" or "lifestyle" out there. It's presumptuous and potentially sabotaging.

    I agree with you 100%
  • dalmom
    dalmom Posts: 8 Member
    That is so true I am new at this I was eating 1760 calories day then went down to 1500 I was doing fine then I increased my exercise form 1/2 hour to 3 hours a day sometimes more and I gained 4 pounds back in a week then 1 pound I was so upset. then it clocked I was burning way more calories than I was eating so I went back to 1760 calories and now I am losing agin i even cut back on exercise to 2 hours a day and if I fell up to it i do more. I have been doing water aerobics I just can not believe how much you burn . SO eat and you will lose :-)
  • delilah47
    delilah47 Posts: 1,658
    Blah blah blah blah... new topic please.

    Rude and unhelpful.

    Not rude or unhelpful. Not everyone is the same and unless you know what's going on in their life, don't presume to tell them they're crazy for eating the way that they eat. I wouldn't tell someone to follow the WW diet simply because I am. I would tell them to check it out and talk to their doctor about it. Nor would I tell someone not to follow any other "diet" or "lifestyle" out there. It's presumptuous and potentially sabotaging.

    Just commenting by saying 'Blah blah blah blah... new topic please.' IS rude and unhelpful. There was no point made here and I am pretty sure the respondant did not call anyone crazy. If someone is bored with a topic, just don't read the thread and definately don't comment. The OP had a valid question and people are trying to help.....which is the point of this site and the forums.
    No, the OP didn't call anyone crazy, but they didn't just have a "valid question" either. The question was something like "why do people continue to eat this way?" Then gave instructions on HOW they should eat. I responded to that in a previous post. In other words my take on it was another condescending "expert" telling us idiots how to eat.
  • Sarauk2sf
    Sarauk2sf Posts: 28,072 Member
    Blah blah blah blah... new topic please.

    Rude and unhelpful.

    Not rude or unhelpful. Not everyone is the same and unless you know what's going on in their life, don't presume to tell them they're crazy for eating the way that they eat. I wouldn't tell someone to follow the WW diet simply because I am. I would tell them to check it out and talk to their doctor about it. Nor would I tell someone not to follow any other "diet" or "lifestyle" out there. It's presumptuous and potentially sabotaging.

    Just commenting by saying 'Blah blah blah blah... new topic please.' IS rude and unhelpful. There was no point made here and I am pretty sure the respondant did not call anyone crazy. If someone is bored with a topic, just don't read the thread and definately don't comment. The OP had a valid question and people are trying to help.....which is the point of this site and the forums.

    I think the OP had a rant and/or complaint, simply put. And unfortunately, this topic has been done to death, as evidenced by the massive results list when you search "starvation mode" in the forums. There is not a single clear answer, one size does not fit all. There are people out there that are fit and have gotten that way on a 1200 or whatever calorie diet. I say if you feel satisfied, are feeling fit, are working with your doctor who went to college for 8 to 12 years to get a degree that qualifies him to advise you on your health, and are losing without harming, then go ahead and eat that 1200 calories.

    While I still think the response was rude and unhelpful, I admit got confused with the (long) thread and thought it originated from a valid question rather than a rant (I had just responded to one that was a valid questionon a different thread!!). While I do not agree with all your comments (we will just have to agree to disagree here!), I definately agree that 'one size does not fit all' and everyone's circumstances are different.
  • kwest_4_fitness
    kwest_4_fitness Posts: 819 Member
    Blah blah blah blah... new topic please.

    Rude and unhelpful.

    Not rude or unhelpful. Not everyone is the same and unless you know what's going on in their life, don't presume to tell them they're crazy for eating the way that they eat. I wouldn't tell someone to follow the WW diet simply because I am. I would tell them to check it out and talk to their doctor about it. Nor would I tell someone not to follow any other "diet" or "lifestyle" out there. It's presumptuous and potentially sabotaging.

    Just commenting by saying 'Blah blah blah blah... new topic please.' IS rude and unhelpful. There was no point made here and I am pretty sure the respondant did not call anyone crazy. If someone is bored with a topic, just don't read the thread and definately don't comment. The OP had a valid question and people are trying to help.....which is the point of this site and the forums.
    No, the OP didn't call anyone crazy, but they didn't just have a "valid question" either. The question was something like "why do people continue to eat this way?" Then gave instructions on HOW they should eat. I responded to that in a previous post. In other words my take on it was another condescending "expert" telling us idiots how to eat.

    Oooooh...I like you! :drinker:
  • fineartlady
    fineartlady Posts: 2 Member
    But what if you have to lose X pounds by a certain date? I don't have the time to do anything long term. I need to drop another 13 pounds in a little over 4 months.

    Not to be mean, but... there's is no valid reason anyone has to lose X pounds by a certain date.
  • fineartlady
    fineartlady Posts: 2 Member
    Have you ever heard of the military? I get weighed every month and my body fat is calculated. I must make progress every month and be in compliance within a year. Otherwise, I will be discharge. And I cannot gain the weight back within a year after loosing the weight as I won't be given another chance to loose it. So yes, there are reasons to loose by a certain date, and I am going to loose by that date by tracking calories along with swimming and weight training.
  • _VoV
    _VoV Posts: 1,494 Member
    These posts are so controversial and so many people reply with hundreds of things, I doubt my post will even be read by anyone. It will probably pass on to a far away page within an hour. But I feel like I should say something anyway, just in case someone reads it.

    I was eating under 800 calories for a good 4 months. Then the holidays came and I went to visit my mom and I stopped calorie counting because I was eating so much. I was terrified of how much weight I was gaining. She didn't have a scale so I had to wait until I got home. I came home, weighed myself... and I didn't gain ANYTHING. Keep in mind I was up there for three weeks! I resumed my normal eating habits (less than 800-900) a day and I lost another 5 pounds for a couple of months. Again came a period of eating 1400+ calories a day and guess what? I haven't gained loads of fat back. I gained about a pound but it hasn't moved since then.

    Interesting, and very reassuring. Thank you for posting your experience.