Starting to think weight loss is just a myth!



  • missfancy1980
    While I agree with everyone on the topic of lifting, I need to add one more thing that has really influenced the shape of my body. That is running.

    Thanks. I just started jogging outdoors the other day. Ran 4.46 miles in just under an hour, average 13 mins per mile, not running all the way, lots of little walks. Was a lot harder than on the elliptical or treadmill but i plan to keep it up. There's a pretty hardcore group of runners in my area that i'd like to go with when i am fit enough.
  • cbear017
    cbear017 Posts: 345 Member
    Ok, here goes, and I hope I don't offend you! I just looked at your diary (only the last three days I admit), but I think you could clean up your food. Try cutting out most of the processed food and try a diet of lean meats, salads, natural yoghurt, vegies, eggs, brown rice, quinoa, fish, etc. Stay away from anything and everything with added sugar/sugar content of more than 5-10gms per 100gms. Hope that helps, and I really wish you well. You're not that far from your goal, and I know when I'm down to my last 15lbs I'm going to struggle too. Lifting heavy as the other members have suggested is definitely the way to go! Lots of luck, keep us posted.

    Thanks hun, no offense taken. I have no money for food shopping so haven't bought any fresh food in a couple of days. If you look back beyond 3 days you will see it was mainly rice cakes, fresh fruit and veg etc. I don't eat meat!

    In this case you're going to need other sources of protein and good ones. It looks like you're typically consuming around 60 grams of protein a day and that's not enough. Getting adequate protein will help retain muscle during fat loss (because you will lose both). Strength training will also help offset this and as long as you're eating at a deficit you're not going to gain muscle, they'll just get stronger.

    Anyhow, try using a whey protein powder and make smoothies with them. Greek yogurt is another good source of protein. I define a good source by around 20 g of protein per 100 calories.
  • missfancy1980
    Again I don't want to offend you either but I had a look over your diary and the 10 or so days I looked at at least 7 or 8 of them were either over on calories or over on fat.
    I have realised that unless I'm hyper aware of my calories its so easy to ruin all my hard work.

    Please don't take offence!

    No offense taken. I've been changing my calorie goals every few days because i am so confused as to what it should be on. For the most part i've been eating 1,200 - 1,500 calories per day, then burning about 500 calories through exercise.
  • LethaSue
    LethaSue Posts: 285 Member
    If your profile picture is a recent picture, I think your body knows it doens't need to lose any weight. A size is just a number and at 130lbs. I think it is just the difference between a teen body and a womans body.
  • love4fitnesslove4food_wechange
    Again I don't want to offend you either but I had a look over your diary and the 10 or so days I looked at at least 7 or 8 of them were either over on calories or over on fat.
    I have realised that unless I'm hyper aware of my calories its so easy to ruin all my hard work.

    Please don't take offence!

    No offense taken. I've been changing my calorie goals every few days because i am so confused as to what it should be on. For the most part i've been eating 1,200 - 1,500 calories per day, then burning about 500 calories through exercise.

    whoa--that's going to lead to muscle loss and you'll be "skinny fat" you cannot leave your body with 700-1000 calories to survive and expect to like the result. not to be mean--it's just not how our bodies are wired.
  • missfancy1980
    Yep whey protein is on my shopping list lol! I posted the other day about good protein foods for veggies and got a lot of good suggestions so i won't repeat myself here. Suffice to say I'm working on it... when i have money to shop again haha
  • missfancy1980
    If your profile picture is a recent picture, I think your body knows it doens't need to lose any weight. A size is just a number and at 130lbs. I think it is just the difference between a teen body and a womans body.

    No, it's the difference between not exercising, and then not exercising AND consuming far too much wine, chocolate, hot chocolate, cream, etc. It's nice when people say things like this, but really... it's not accurate. You're basically advising anyone not seriously overweight to just stay as they are and not try to look after themselves.
  • TinkrBelz
    TinkrBelz Posts: 888 Member
    I get that you want to drop a few dress sizes. And do not let people tell you that a 12-14 is perfect for you! You are wanting to get to an 8 and that seems very reasonable to me!!!

    DO not be afraid of strength training can do it without getting bulky or ripped. What this will do is tighten that but up and make it firmer and smaller.

    But, this is what has worked for me. I have dropped some lbs, but I am not at my "goal" weight yet...but I am wearing the same size clothes that I wore when I was around 15lbs lighter.

    In the past, just dropping my calories made the weight come off....but now that I am about to be 42, this no longer works.

    I try to hit 106-150 grams protein per day
    around 100 range in carbs a day.

    I eat all of the time and you can see that I have lost doing this way. Maybe this way will help you to get that off around your hips and butt and drop you down a couple of sizes. I Promise you that a 130lb woman wearing a size 8 looks more fit than a 130lb woman wearing a 12. You will be pleased with how you look! ;)
  • privatetime
    privatetime Posts: 118
    This is something I'm really struggling with. I don't eat meat so my protein right now tends to come from quorn, mushrooms, eggs, cheese, milk etc, and i don't have a very big or varied list of foods that are high in protein so i kind of get lose trying to think up meals.

    I was just pointing out, the other day, that while there are great vegan proteins, they are also carb's. So, it can be tough to get that optimal carb/protein ratio.

    Like you, I've thrown everything and the kitchen sink at weight loss. I explained my story to you (I think) in another thread. But, to recap, I was thin nearly all my adult life. (5'4", 97 lbs from age 16-30 something...without trying) I spent a few years around 120lbs, but didn't care why I gained that weight because I felt I looked better. In my early 40s I suddenly starting gaining a fair bit of weight, year after year. I found it impossible to lose even a pound. For example, I was sick, at one point, and was unable to eat for 7 days. I didn't lose any weight. September 2011, I tried (again) to make a dent in this weight gain. I slashed my calories and started working out for hours every day. I gained weight. Long story short, I discovered my weight gain was likely due to having become insulin resistant, thus I couldn't possibly lose weight through healthy diet and exercise alone. Being insulin resistant means that when I eat just about anything, my body pumps out too much know...triggering my body to store just about every calorie as fat. It wasn't until I treated the insulin resistance that I was finally able to lose weight.

    That problem seemingly solved, for about 2 months, I'd been losing 2-2.5lbs/week. I grew bored with my existing workouts and tried a DVD. While I liked the routines, my weight loss stalled. When I went back to my regular (evidently more vigourous) workouts, the weight loss picked right back up where it left off. (In my weight loss chart, if I just delete the weeks I did that new DVD, my loss is an unbroken downward line from the day I started treating my insulin resstance.) That emphasized how MUCH I have to exercise to see a loss, since my diet didn't change during that time.

    Now that I'm back on track again, I'm still fine-tuning because, even though I'm close to my pre-IR weight again, I don't look as thin as I used to. I'm plump all over, and have belly fat (which is weird for me). So, now I'm on this protein/fat/carb ratio kick....trying to increase my protein a bit, while lowering my carb's, if I can. As I said, vegan proteins are also carb's, so....

    But, just yesterday, I read an article about total calories, and the importance of not losing sight of that. Remember the doctor who ate nothing but twinkies, Oreo cookies, etc., but kept his total calories at or below BMR (or was it TDEE)? He lost 27lbs, proving his point about total calories. (No, he wasm't recommending people eat twinkies and cookies as their main diet.)

    So, I find myself doing everything.... Cutting overall calories...but not too much...increasing my protein...cutting carb's (esp. smple carb's, so I don't spike my insulin production)...eating a little protein pre-workout...doing more cardio...doing heavier weights...eating a protein with a carb at every meal/snack...getting more sleep...(trailing off)

    Sound familiar?

    Good luck to you. :-)
  • missfancy1980
    I get that you want to drop a few dress sizes. And do not let people tell you that a 12-14 is perfect for you! You are wanting to get to an 8 and that seems very reasonable to me!!!

    DO not be afraid of strength training can do it without getting bulky or ripped. What this will do is tighten that but up and make it firmer and smaller.

    But, this is what has worked for me. I have dropped some lbs, but I am not at my "goal" weight yet...but I am wearing the same size clothes that I wore when I was around 15lbs lighter.

    In the past, just dropping my calories made the weight come off....but now that I am about to be 42, this no longer works.

    I try to hit 106-150 grams protein per day
    around 100 range in carbs a day.

    I eat all of the time and you can see that I have lost doing this way. Maybe this way will help you to get that off around your hips and butt and drop you down a couple of sizes. I Promise you that a 130lb woman wearing a size 8 looks more fit than a 130lb woman wearing a 12. You will be pleased with how you look! ;)

    Thanks, you do NOT look 42!!!:noway: I'm just ignoring the comments about not needing to lose/ it's natural/ age/ etc etc from now on, not worth the effort trying to explain to some people.

    Congrats on your own weight loss :smile: x
  • TinkrBelz
    TinkrBelz Posts: 888 Member
    I get that you want to drop a few dress sizes. And do not let people tell you that a 12-14 is perfect for you! You are wanting to get to an 8 and that seems very reasonable to me!!!

    DO not be afraid of strength training can do it without getting bulky or ripped. What this will do is tighten that but up and make it firmer and smaller.

    But, this is what has worked for me. I have dropped some lbs, but I am not at my "goal" weight yet...but I am wearing the same size clothes that I wore when I was around 15lbs lighter.

    In the past, just dropping my calories made the weight come off....but now that I am about to be 42, this no longer works.

    I try to hit 106-150 grams protein per day
    around 100 range in carbs a day.

    I eat all of the time and you can see that I have lost doing this way. Maybe this way will help you to get that off around your hips and butt and drop you down a couple of sizes. I Promise you that a 130lb woman wearing a size 8 looks more fit than a 130lb woman wearing a 12. You will be pleased with how you look! ;)

    Thanks, you do NOT look 42!!!:noway: I'm just ignoring the comments about not needing to lose/ it's natural/ age/ etc etc from now on, not worth the effort trying to explain to some people.

    Congrats on your own weight loss :smile: x

    Thank you! Ya, do not listen be cause according to everyone, after having six kids, I should be happy to be in size 10 jeans. But no...I was not! I want to be my best...and if your best is size 8, then go for it!!!
  • ladyraven68
    ladyraven68 Posts: 2,003 Member
    At 5'6 and 130 you're at a perfectly healthy weight. Perhaps, your body is defending this weight because it's a HEALTHY and DESIRABLE weight for you. I understand that everyone has goals but perhaps eating at maintenance and lifting weights will shape your body and get you closer to looking the way you want.

    I don't think getting to 115 pounds is necessarily the answer.

    ^^^ This - your weight seems fine, toning might be a better approach.

    Thanks but I WANT to lose some lbs. I don't care if i get to 115 or not, but i am 100% certain i'm not going to get into size 8 jeans without losing some, weight training or not!

    Look at these 2 photo's


    in the one on the right she looks smaller - but she weighs 12lbs more.

    It's not all about the scales.
  • tigersword
    tigersword Posts: 8,059 Member
    At 5'6 and 130 you're at a perfectly healthy weight. Perhaps, your body is defending this weight because it's a HEALTHY and DESIRABLE weight for you. I understand that everyone has goals but perhaps eating at maintenance and lifting weights will shape your body and get you closer to looking the way you want.

    I don't think getting to 115 pounds is necessarily the answer.

    ^^^ This - your weight seems fine, toning might be a better approach.

    Thanks but I WANT to lose some lbs. I don't care if i get to 115 or not, but i am 100% certain i'm not going to get into size 8 jeans without losing some, weight training or not!

    Look at these 2 photo's


    in the one on the right she looks smaller - but she weighs 12lbs more.

    It's not all about the scales.
    That would Staci, the powerlifting super hero! She's 5'4" and I think 142 pounds in that second pic on the right, and 130 on the left.