Looking for buddies



  • Myweightlossdiary
    Myweightlossdiary Posts: 185 Member
    Hi Jo, Congrats on your goal and I'd love to help provide support. We all are in this together. My goal is to lose 70 lbs by the end of the year.
  • marfeez
    marfeez Posts: 17 Member
    Can anyone tell me how I add my picture on my profile?
  • hopedreams
    Hey, thanks for the invite! I'm new, and at 5'5 also, I have 50-60lbs to lose, and this will be my first ever "diet".... I am beginning by logging my first week of my regular eating habits, and now I see why I am where I am! I like the challenge you have going, very inspiring! Good luck and let's check in soon. (I'm a student again at 54, working on deciding on a third career, so I am very motivated to get back to my optimum weight and fitness level.)
  • BartsGurl
    BartsGurl Posts: 19
    Hi, again, all. Thanks for the positive posts. I see a lot of similar struggles with losing weight, feeling great and then putting it back on. ONe person mentioned stress eating and I can totally relate to that. On Sunday I lost my 17-yr-old cat and so I just turned to food for comfort. When I logged in the calories for the day (especially the cake and the ice cream), I was shocked. I love how MFP shows you your daily totals and I can see two line items next to each other for comparison. Like: 1 cup mixed vegetables - 100 calories, no fat, good fiber, no carbs....then 1 cup Blue Bunny Red Velvet ice cream - 350 calories, 32 g fat (!), 50 carbs, etc.... I guess I just need this tool that puts it right there in front of my face. The numbers don't lie, and they don't let me lie to myself (which I've been really good at for a long time).

    On another note, I saw that Jackie recommended to Hanah to have a little bit of her binge foods throughout the day to keep the cravings under control. I just want my experience on that. For me, that's a recipe for disaster. If I get even a small taste of my binge foods, I HAVE to have MORE. If I try to eat only one forkful of cake, I'll end up coming back five minutes later for a whole piece, then five minutes later for a second piece. I find it's much more effective for me to just not take the first bite.

    Hope that helps someone. Loving all the support and stories here!
  • bionicdiver
    bionicdiver Posts: 198 Member
    Welcome to MFP. Feel free to add me, if you would like. I would be happy to help support you on your journey.
  • lilrainbow89
    i'm new..feel free to add me :) xx
  • Ric19k
    Ric19k Posts: 35
    feel free to add me to i could use all the help i can get
  • jmb1416
    jmb1416 Posts: 1 Member
    Hi! I'm Jean and I just started back on MFP, I would also like to have friends on here so feel free to add me:smile:
  • MadCanuck
    Hi All
    I am a madd Canadian (hence nickname on the forum), have been living here for approx 12 yrs and am looking to loose 5 stone in total or 75 lbs altogether. Started 2 weeks ago and lost 10lbs so far, find the weekends the toughest!

    Not sure how to connect on here i person has asked me to connect and I have accepted. Keep up the great work everyone...........I personally love MFP as it keeps me honest quite simply I can log in a meal that am thinking of having tomorrow for dinner/lunch/brekkie and i know exactly what that tots up to! Then I go shopping, if I slip or eat too much i adjust it on MFP.

    if you are honest with yourself and you have set yourself realistic goals then the sky's the limit it would seem with MFP!

    Don't get me wrong i've done every diet going WW, UniSlim, SlimFast, Atkins, HerbalLife etc etc. some of them worked some of them didn't the key to all of them is you have to keep buying their stuff!!!!!!!!! Arghhhhhh

    With MFP I can eat what I like when I like and simply track it and be honest with myself regarding my intake and is working a treat for me.

    Hope this post helps others, if you are honest with yourself you'll be onto a winner!