40+Club-Making it Work



  • phetzgetfit
    phetzgetfit Posts: 89
    ooops, forgot to post weight: 157 this morning. kept the pound i finally lost last week off and that's good news. Had a particularly challenging week with unexpected houseguest, lots of drama, and lots of unhealthy food around me all of a sudden. I managed to stay on my own program and the houseguest has moved on. whew.
  • Hoosiermomma
    Hoosiermomma Posts: 877 Member
    Friday is posting day? I will try to keep up to date. So many sucesses Congratulations!:flowerforyou: I will add my own. We had our mid-way weigh in for the Biggest Loser Club at the Health Center and I have lost over 5% of of my body weight! I have been taking measurements and have lost 2 inches in my waist and the same on my hips!:happy:

    The question of the day, do you like working out in front of the mirror? I like watching the other people, but not myself. I usually choose the treadmill without the mirror. It was good in kickboxing to watch my form but I didn't particularly care for the red faced woman i was looking at. Oh, well she's not gonna stop me!

    Big events this weekend, Jr Sr banqet at our place tonight and then Double engagement party Saturday night. Time to make lots of food of which I plan to enjoy small portions!

    Have a great Weekend All!
  • tron3002
    tron3002 Posts: 440 Member
    Well I didn't work out as much this week and I'm pretty disappointed in myself but I have been so busy with other things along with the Yosemite hike killing my legs that I just didn't find the time. I'm gonna get back on track starting today and hopefully I will have some progress to report next week. I have to start walking on my treadmill on the steepest incline. Not so much for weight loss but I was informed yesterday that on my husbands vacation in July he wants to hike down to the bottom of the grand canyon. And of course when you go down you have to go back up right... I definitely need to work on my endurance going up those step hills.

    Hope everyone has a wonderful weekend and congratulations on all of your successes you had this last week.
  • mzaccardi
    mzaccardi Posts: 29 Member
    Good afternoon everyone, I hope everyone is having a great day. Personally I've had the week from down under! I've been working 12 hour days all week and looking very forward to 5:00 today! I only worked out 3 days instead of my usual every day and eating has been anything I can eat in the car, which means nothing healthy. Now for the good news: my doctor finally took me off the Tamoxifin. Yeah!!!! I did a little victory dance over the toilet as I flushed the offending pills down into oblivion:laugh: I am going out tonight to celebrate with my hubby. Tomorrow starts a new day!
  • 2BLean
    2BLean Posts: 2,373 Member
    Happy Friday Everyone!

    It's been a pretty good week. As I mentioned (many pages back I think) I started my second round of ChaLEAN Xtreme. So this week finished up the BURN Phase which is the first 4 week phase. Will start PUSH next week. Loving it again and happy with the few inches that seem to be staying off. Worked out 6 days. I may weigh myself tomorrow a.m. and see how I've done. :tongue:

    Hope everyone has a great weekend ~ thanks for the great thread! I enjoy everyone's advice and words of encouragement. It really helps. I don't have workout buddies or anyone in my household that works out so sometimes a lonely process, thanks for being here! :flowerforyou:
  • mkwood10
    mkwood10 Posts: 428
    Good afternoon everyone, I hope everyone is having a great day. Personally I've had the week from down under! I've been working 12 hour days all week and looking very forward to 5:00 today! I only worked out 3 days instead of my usual every day and eating has been anything I can eat in the car, which means nothing healthy. Now for the good news: my doctor finally took me off the Tamoxifin. Yeah!!!! I did a little victory dance over the toilet as I flushed the offending pills down into oblivion:laugh: I am going out tonight to celebrate with my hubby. Tomorrow starts a new day!

    Congrats on flushing the Tamoxifin!!!:bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile:
    Don't stress over this week; just start fresh. Enjoy an evening celebrating, then start begin serious again tomorrow. You deserve to celebrate:drinker: :drinker: :drinker:
  • Texssippian
    Texssippian Posts: 235
    Hello all and happy Friday! I weighed on Wednesday and am down 10 pounds from where I started. 7 pounds since finding MFP. I planned to work out every day this week but missed yesterday. We came home Wednesday night to a warm upstairs. The ac unit was out. (We're north of Dallas and Fort Worth.) Slept downstairs sharing the sofa bed with the dogs. Hubby slept in the guest room but we did not want the dogs to think it was ok to be in there. Repair man was supposed to come at 3:00 yesterday. Did not show up until 6:30! Did fix the unit in 30 minutes for $150. But it took a couple of hours for the upstairs where the treadmill and bike are to cool down. Did spend the time waiting by sorting through MOUNTAINS of old bills and household paperwork. More cerebral than aerobic but equally satisfying. After my dad died in November, no one else in the family had the heart to go through his papers, so I did it. I vowed to myself to do a better job with our papers but yesterday was the first day I felt I could tackle it.

    In our picture for our 25th anniversary last September, both of us look rather portly. I told my husband the other day that we would take another picture this September and we would both look better! I am tracking his calories too because we have to turn them in to our trainer each week. I think he is not telling me everything he is eating so I am going to start adding things that I notice have "disappeared" to his food journal! The 100 calorie Hostess cupcakes are vanishing into thin air!

    Mzaccardi: Congratulations on being able to give the toilet a good dose of Tamoxifin. Way to go!

    Congratulations to all the successes! And tomorrow starts a whole new day!
  • cardigirl
    cardigirl Posts: 492 Member
    Well, if this is reporting day, I didn't do my best this week. :cry: Missed a work out day today due to some work drama...but will be back at the gym tomorrow.

    Also fell down on the food intake tonight, but felt I needed the martini. :wink: Going back to the straight and narrow this weekend and hopefully will stay there for the next few weeks.

    Weight is holding steady...so hope to see another downward trend in the next couple of weeks.

    Good job to everyone...sounds like you all are doing quite well! Yay!
  • tron3002
    tron3002 Posts: 440 Member
    My husband decided last night that he too wants to start counting calories so I made him a profile, not that he'll use it just to see what his calorie intake should be. I almost fell to the floor when it came up with 2090 calories!!!! Shoot all's he has to do is give up a candy bar once a week and he'll drop 20 pounds.
    I guess if I want to keep up with him on this trip to the Grand Canyon in July I'm gonna have to train my butt off...
  • tron3002
    tron3002 Posts: 440 Member
    I was just wondering... Should I change my starting weight to where I was before starting my diet or leave it from when I started MFP? I actually did lose 23 lbs. Which would you chose if you were me? I'm just debating cuz I feel like I'm not giving myself the full credit for all the hard work I did before I found this sight.
  • alf1163
    alf1163 Posts: 3,143 Member
    Hi!!! I have not eaten well at all today!!! :laugh: But the good thing is that I don't remember when it was the last time I "splurged" this way on the "wrong" foods. We celebrated my son's 16th birthday today at Peter Piper Pizza. That is his favorite food. So lots of pizza, cake and ice cream. Oh well...:laugh: I did workout this morning, ChaLean's burn intervals. I am planning on running tomorrow and doing push 3 in the morning.

    Then on Monday my husband and I are going to Vegas for 4 days. Oh brother :noway: :noway: I really don't know how I am going to resist temptations at the buffets and all the drinking...any suggestions? I told my husband that we really did not have to eat at the buffets and we did not have to drink to have a good time and all I got was a dirty look and a "oh, now you are going to start with that now?" :grumble:

    Tron, if I were you I would add all the weight I have lost on my ticker. Congrats!!!! :drinker:

    I hope everyone is having a nice weekend!!!! :flowerforyou:
  • Texssippian
    Texssippian Posts: 235
    Tron, I agree that you should include all your weight loss!

    Alf, I have started using a little salad plate at a buffet. If they don't have one, I try to fill up most of the plate with salad greens and then little dabs of the other stuff. I also ask for sparkling water with lemon or lime instead of a drink. (I NEVER have a real drink at a work function.) If you want a drink, ask for a wine spritzer with sparkling water in it. Have fun and enjoy the time!

    We are taking our kids (20 and 24) over Labor Day weekend to see some cousins their ages who are all in Chicago. We realized at my sister's funeral in September and my dad's funeral in November that these kids had not seen each other in 10 years. My brother in law and nephew are coming too. We will have 5 "adults" in their 50s and early 60's" and 10 "kids" in their 20's. I don't plan on going crazy on food but it is a family time to celebrate each other. We are really looking forward to it.

    My husband got on the exercise bike this morning after I got on the treadmill after we got back home from doing weights at the gym...
  • Swissmiss
    Swissmiss Posts: 8,754 Member
    tron...I think that I would begin with my very beginning weight. The number will look so impressive. I know what you mean about husbands. Mine can lose weight just by not thinking of food. So frustrating when we are trying so hard.

    alf...I have found that if I spurge occasionally that I do better. I however, really over-did it last night at a company reunion.

    Tex...I love using a small plate. It looks like I am eating so much more.:happy:
  • Swissmiss
    Swissmiss Posts: 8,754 Member
    :flowerforyou: :heart: Good morning everyone. I have a busy day planned....cleaning the house, yard, laundry, etc. I will also be here more the next couple of weeks. So you can expect to be hearing from me. I am one pound away from my first goal. I will then go for another five pounds. Depending on how I look and feel, I may go on a maintenance plan at that time.
  • StiringWendel
    StiringWendel Posts: 3,813 Member
    tron, I echo everybody else in thinking you should give yourself credit for all of the weight you've lost. You've done great!

    Swissmiss, I look forward to hearing from you more often. Isn't your surgery this week? If so, please take care of yourself.

    I kind of had a bad food day yesterday, but not too bad. We had a day-long event that had me eating out both lunch and dinner. My major 'oops' was wine with dinner, but I couldn't resist. At least I managed to skip the dessert. :tongue: But this morning.....I was down 1.3 pounds. Go figure. I actually am not trying to lose weight, but there you go. I'm sure it will find me again. I'm having 16 people to dinner tonight (ack!!), so I'm not so sure how good today is going to be either.

    alf, my husband and I are going away next weekend as well. We're driving, so we have a little easier time managing food than I suspect you will since I imagine you're probably flying up to Las Vegas. But what I've decided is that I'll really manage what I eat for breakfast and lunch (probably buying food for our lunches from a grocery story and such), but then I'll enjoy the dinner meals (within reason, of course, but not as restrictive as I am during my non-vacation life). I figure that's a decent compromise. For me, no doubt, the biggest temptation is going to be wine....and I don't really plan on avoiding it :drinker:
  • alf1163
    alf1163 Posts: 3,143 Member
    Good morning!!! Long workout today. I did ChaLean push circuit 3 this morning and then went outdoors for a nice walk/run intervals for a little over 6 miles. The weather is just perfect today.

    Thank you for your suggestions. I will definitely watch my portions at the buffets by using the salad plates and eating little bits of what I want to try. I KNOW I can do this!!! We are planning on walking everywhere so that will be my exercise. Maybe some pushups and core work in the hotel at times. I am looking forward to the break and spending time with hubby without the kids, dogs, house, etc etc. I will miss you guys. My husband will be happy that I will be away from my laptop. Yesterday he told me that it was excessive. He is soooooo jealous of MFP :noway: :laugh: Oh well...I don't nag him when he is in front of the tv for hrs at a time...:noway: Ok, enough of that...:laugh:

    I hope everyone has a pleasant Sunday and the start of the new week. I am off soon to get my eyebrows done and a manicure/pedicure. Packed already...I will "see" you guys on Friday or so...Take care!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Annette :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou:
  • Swissmiss
    Swissmiss Posts: 8,754 Member
    :flowerforyou: Good morning stiring. Yep, I have more surgery tomorrow. I have been having trouble finding time to check in here with all of you since I went back to work. I get done with my eight hour day and then come home to a messy house which becomes like another job. It is even harder to get to the gym. I was going there rather regularly with my husband but then he injured himself at work and hasn't been able to lift weights.
    I did really bad on Friday night when the company that my husband used to work for had a reunion. But I will go on.
    :flowerforyou: alf...I hope you have a wonderful time away with your husband. I think that you know what you need to do to continue eating healthy. You will do fine.
  • tron3002
    tron3002 Posts: 440 Member
    I added my starting weight so my ticker reflects what I have lost, and unfortunately what I gained back before finding this sight. But I measured myself today. I always measure around my waist where my belly button is, and even though the scale hasn't budged (which is discouraging) I did lose a 1/2 inch... That gets me excited to keep going. I know I should be proud of myself for the amount of weight I have lost already ( went from a 39 inch waist down to 34 1/2) but I want my belly gone so bad that all's I see is one huge gut and not the improvements. I really need to work on the mental part I guess.

    Alf... Have fun in Vegas. Dont worry too much about your calories because with all the walking I'm sure if you were to gain anything it wouldnt be very much. Just relax and enjoy the time with your husband. Life is too short.

    Swiss... Hope everything goes smoothly with your surgery and you have a speedy recovery....

    To everyone else, Have a great day!!!!
  • Swissmiss
    Swissmiss Posts: 8,754 Member
    tron...I measured myself yesterday. I lost one inch. Guess where....my bust.:laugh:
  • angele
    angele Posts: 11 Member
    hi. i am over 40 too. its hard for me to lose also . in 2 months i've lost approx. 10 lbs. wish it would leave faster and stay off. to say i don't get hungry at night would b a lie. i do . i go to the gym try to not eat over 1500 cal. a day . i get sooo discouraged. but keep trying. is there a key to this that some of us not getting ?