40+Club-Making it Work

Good Morning Everyone - Lets get this thread going.

I am empowered by all the encouragement you guys give me and don't want it to stop.

Alf and Sing - I can't wait until my clothes are falling off like yours are. WAY TO GO!!! :bigsmile:


  • TexasMom
    TexasMom Posts: 70
    Good Morning Everyone - Lets get this thread going.

    I am empowered by all the encouragement you guys give me and don't want it to stop.

    Alf and Sing - I can't wait until my clothes are falling off like yours are. WAY TO GO!!! :bigsmile:
  • TexasMom
    TexasMom Posts: 70
    Eriny - Your progress is amazing. Keep up the great work.

    Texssippian - Welcome to the site. You'll love it here, this a great bunch of people and with all that you've been through recently I know you will find encouragement and joy here.

    Tron - Way to go!! You'll be strong before you know it. :flowerforyou:

    Stiring - Wow, Jillian's book sounds like it has a lot of great info, but not sure I could do away with the household cleaners either. I think I'll run by the book store and take a look. :smile:

    SunshineLady - thanks for the website tip, sounds good. Keep up the good work.

    I cut my workout short today, just 75 minutes. I've got a full agenda and needed the extra time. I'm now only 1 pound away from my first milestone and it feels really good. I can see a difference in my face and neck mostly and being able to see a change is awesome.

    Many blessings to all of you, Happy Friday.
  • 2BLean
    2BLean Posts: 2,373 Member
    Hi Everyone & Happy Friday! :smile:

    TexasMom - Thanks for your encouragement and enthusiasm ... glad I found the new thread!

    Alf - How are you liking ChaLEAN Xtreme? I completed one entire round and started again I have enjoyed it so much! (Currently in my 3rd week of BURN phase).

    Icandoallthings - We are almost neighbors; I'm in N. Idaho. p.s. Love your message board name.

    Thanks for being here everyone and for welcoming me. :flowerforyou:
  • mkwood10
    mkwood10 Posts: 428
    Hello all and Happy Friday!!:bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile:
    TexasMom - you are such an optimist - reading your posts made my day.:laugh:

    I'm hoping I can sneak in at least a walk this weekend, if not a trip to Curves. Not having time to work out sucks:frown: :frown: :frown:

    I AM SO READY FOR MY CARPET TO BE INSTALLED AND THE HOUSE TO BE FINISHED!!!!! I miss my house:cry::sad: :sad: - I want it back:grumble:

    Have a good weekend all - get out there and enjoy the sunshine if you've got it :happy: :tongue: :wink:
  • GoDoAndBe
    GoDoAndBe Posts: 20
    Hi - I'm a week new, and I am wondering if 40+ is for those who need to lose over 40 pounds, or for those who are over aga 40? Either way, i qualifiy, but wanted to clarify anyway. Thank you.
  • tron3002
    tron3002 Posts: 440 Member
    Day 2 of the 30 day shred....I did a little more push ups than yesterday but my upper body is still really weak. :grumble: But on the positive side I did do more right?!!!:bigsmile: I just hope I can get as strong, fit, and dedicated as you alf!!!

    mkwood... At least your house is getting done. My husband works so much that when he does start a project he gets it to where its 90% done and then moves on to another project. It annoys me to pieces.:explode: But to his credit, he does do a beautiful job at what he does.

    Hope you all have a nice mothers day weekend :drinker: :flowerforyou:
  • cardigirl
    cardigirl Posts: 492 Member
    Hi - I'm a week new, and I am wondering if 40+ is for those who need to lose over 40 pounds, or for those who are over aga 40? Either way, i qualifiy, but wanted to clarify anyway. Thank you.

    I believe it's for those of us who have passed the age milestone of 40! Welcome to the boards and to MFP! Lots of support to be had here!
  • GearJammer
    GearJammer Posts: 47 Member
    Found the new thread.. Thanks for the warm welcome TexasMom..and a howdy to everyone on this wonderful Friday.
    I need a swift kick in the donkey to get myself back into my workouts. Since I went back to work I've been slacking big time.
  • Swissmiss
    Swissmiss Posts: 8,754 Member
    Hello everyone. I found the new thread quickly this time. I think that when the last one was started it took me a few days to find it.

    Does anyone here have trouble working out alone? I was doing so well when my husband was going with me. He injured his shoulder three weeks ago and now can not go. I have only been to the gym once since then.
  • alf1163
    alf1163 Posts: 3,143 Member
    Nita, thanks for starting the new thread!!! :drinker: :drinker: :drinker: I am glad a lot of members have found their way into the new thread.

    Tron, keep shredding!! You will be amazed at how strong you will become by doing it. One suggestion, give yourself a day's rest in between workouts. You will feel more energetic to workout harder. It is just my suggestion...If it takes you 30 days to progress to the other levels so be it...you can do each level for 30 days as well.

    Stiring, you are doing great!!! Wow!!! I might have to consider STS after I am done with ChaLean.
    2blean, I am enjoying ChaLean. I am on my 4th week. I cannot wait to move on to the new phase and be challenged.

    mkwood, soon you will be working out on your new carpet!!! I am sorry to hear about your husband, I hope he is doing better.

    GearJammer, consider yourself KICKED!!!!! :laugh: :laugh: JUST DO IT!!!

    My grandbaby is here this weekend. She is already a handful, whew!!!! :laugh: But she is sooooo cute.
    Have a great evening!! :flowerforyou:
  • tron3002
    tron3002 Posts: 440 Member
    Alf... A day of rest? Do you mean totally or do something besides the shred?

    Swissmiss... I totally hate working out by myself. But both of my daughters have moved out and the hubby works 2 full time jobs on top of taking care of rentals. I see him for a total of 4 hrs he gives himself to sleep. And my son is a typical teenager who god forbid he be seen with his mom... haha Quite honestly if it weren't for you all I dont think I'd be as motivated.

    And for all you mothers out there... Happy Mothers Day!!!!:flowerforyou:
  • alf1163
    alf1163 Posts: 3,143 Member
    Tron, do something else besides shred, such as any other type of cardio, non weight trng related. If you need to select one day a week when you do no exercise at all. I usually do that during the week because it is easier for me to stay within a low calorie allowance. I tend to eat more on weekends. :laugh:

    I did CX burn it off and extreme abs this morning. Gotta get ready to go to Sea World with my daughter and grandbaby. Jessica Simpson is performing today. It should be fun. It's been pretty hot in San Antonio this week, high 90's :noway:

    Have a wonderful weekend and HAPPY MOTHER'S DAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :flowerforyou:
  • Swissmiss
    Swissmiss Posts: 8,754 Member
    I love McDonlds Egg Mcmuffins. I am making them at home a lot healthier. I use whole wheat English muffins, low fat cheese and I poach the egg instead of frying it. I don't know how many calories I am cutting but they taste as good as the real thing.
  • icandoallthings
    icandoallthings Posts: 1,212 Member
    Good morning everyone!!
    Happy Saturday and Happy Mother's Day weekend to all of you Mommies! :flowerforyou:

    TexasMom & singfree - - thank you for the being so warm & welcoming. Makes

    2BLean - - Yes, we are almost neighbors, huh? It still weirds me out that I live in
    the Northwest (I've never lived anywhere but in CA). I like it but I live in the
    desert so it's taking some getting used to.
    Glad you like my message board name. I was surprised that it wasn't already taken!

    Ok, gang,
    So I'm a little worried about this evening's calorie intake! My husband is taking me
    out for dinner so that I can celebrate Mother's Day too (he's so sweet - he's trying
    to cheer me up….we've beeing trying to conceive for over a year, no baby yet and
    time is running out!).
    We're going to PF Changs so I have to be really careful!
    Check this out - I looked up the nutritional info for some of their menu items
    (planning ahead is a MUST for me) and their "Great Wall of Chocolate" cake is
    2240 calories and 89 grams of fat! :noway: :noway:


    That is UNbelievable. I've remember ordering that years ago but split it with
    someone (but STILL!!!!!).

    Anyhoo - I'm seeing a lot of veggies that are doable and very tasty. I just need
    to watch that sodium as well as my food intake all day today.

    Have a great day team! :happy:
  • StiringWendel
    StiringWendel Posts: 3,813 Member
    Thanks for starting the new thread TexasMom!!

    Swissmiss, I do that kind of 'egg mcmuffin' alot as well. With really good english muffins (I get some organic ones with flax which are all kinds of tasty), I don't even need the cheese. Good stuff!

    alf, I honestly can't say enough good things about STS, so if you have the money after Chalean, I highly recommend it. My arms and legs have never looked this good, even when I was 20 years younger. My husband commented this morning that I should have been taking pictures while doing this and sending them to Cathe Friedrich with 'thank you' notes. :laugh: While I'm not going to do that, it really is an amazing series...and enjoyable as well, which is always a good thing.

    icandoallthings, I think you'll be able to find some good things at PF Changs. I'm a fried rice lover, which is something that most people recommend avoiding when trying to lose weight. But the portions are so big at PF Changs that about 1/4 to 1/3 is more than enough...and only about 500 calories. My husband and I split a plate of combo fried rice last weekend and some lettuce wraps, I drank plenty of water, and it had no impact on my weight at all. So enjoy! And Happy Mother's Day!

    So my weight has been fluctuating alot more losing these last ten pounds than it did the first 20, so I've been weighing myself every day just to monitor what's going on. Last night we had a formal military function, and right before the function I learned that the meal was caeser salad, filet mignon with wine gravy, scalloped potatoes, etc. In other words, not the best 'diet' meal. I felt like I ate more than I should have, but I watched the salad dressing, avoided the potatoes (minus a few bites), etc. This morning I woke up and went to the scale sure I'd probably added some weight if for no other reason than from the sodium levels in the food. I weighted 110.1!!! :drinker: Bring on maintenance!!!

    My inclincation, unfortunately, is to want to celebrate with a piece of carrot cake, but I will avoid that. I think my husband and I might be headed to the Olive Garden for dinner tonight with his boss. I do think I will celebrate with some pasta, though. I can eat half of a pasta entree and still be within my calories. And a plate (or half) of ravioli with marinara will feel like such a treat!

    Hope everybody enjoys their day and for the mothers out there, Happy Mother's Day tomorrow!
  • InTheMoney
    InTheMoney Posts: 249 Member
    does anyone know why it takes so long to find the new thread?
  • tron3002
    tron3002 Posts: 440 Member
    W e are going to the mothers day parade this morning. I haven't been for a couple of years so it should be fun. Then the hubby wants to go to the derby. He took a few days off from both jobs so he can do something fun for his birthday, its on the 12th. Tomorrow we are going to my daughters house to have a mothers day/birthday BBQ. Its going to be a busy weekend so I hope I have enough time to get my workouts done. Have a great weekend everyone!!!

    Swissmiss... I remember them making a version of that egg mcmuffin last season on BL. I dont remember how many calories but I do remember it was an option they were allowed to have. And we all know the weight they drop on that show so it must be pretty darn healthy
  • Swissmiss
    Swissmiss Posts: 8,754 Member
    :flowerforyou: Stiring...I am at the same place. The last few pounds will not budge. I will lost two or three and then gain them back. I have been told not to weigh myself more than once a week but I, like you, find that I can keep track of what is happening if I weigh everyday.

    :flowerforyou: InTheMoney...I had trouble with this the first couple of months that I was here. Go to Message Boards. We are in the General Diet and Weight Loss Help area. This time I had to check two times before the thread showed up.
  • TexasMom
    TexasMom Posts: 70
    Happy Saturday!!! I'm sure everyone is going ot have a great weekend. And for those with kids HAPPY MOTHERS DAY!!!!! For those without kids HAPPY MOTHERS DAY to your mom!!!!

    Stiring - Big congrats on your success!! :bigsmile: :bigsmile: Watching the progress and victories of each of us is such a motivator.

    InTheMoney - Glad you found the thread. I still feel somewhat new to this website so I'm still stumbling through it at times as well.

    Sing - I know you're having a great weekend with your grandbaby there. What a blessing!!!

    Alf - Your doing great!!! I love to read about your progress and your commitment. Have you always been good at sticking to a discipline? I remember listening to a motivational speaker many years ago talking about the success achieved with discipline and that we should start each day by making the bed. Funny thing is, it's hard to make the bed every day when hubby is still in it. :laugh: You are truly an inspiration. Hope your enjoying Seaworld. I know you've got the same weather factors that we're dealing with in Round Rock. Sure will be happy when the haze clears.

    Erika - You'll do great tonight. Enjoy yourself!! :bigsmile: Remember this is a daily journey and your achieving success each day by wanting to continue the journey. :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou:

    Swissmiss - Thanks for the egg mcmuffin variation. I used to love those from McD's but swore off them years ago. I'm looking forward to trying your version. Healthy mcmuffins. yummmm!!!!!

    I was planning a bide ride today but decided to stay inside and do my elliptical. Between the heat, humidity and smoke from the fields burning in Mexico the air quality has a little to be desired. For those that don't know, the farmers in the Yucatan area of Mexico burn their fields each year and for some reason the upper level winds always want to bless south and central Texas with the smoke. :grumble: :grumble: And I have a form of asthma that would prefer I stay inside today. :smile:

    Many Blessings to all,
  • Texssippian
    Texssippian Posts: 235
    Hello everyone!
    Thank you for the warm welcome! We are looking for a wrist heart rate monitor for my husband. The chest belt one that came with our treadmill talks more to our wireless router than to the treadmill! I think I remember reading that someone had gotten one that they liked. Any suggestions? Thanks.