40+Club-Making it Work



  • Swissmiss
    Swissmiss Posts: 8,754 Member
    Texssippian...I have a Polar F6. It was very expensive though. I used my tax refund to buy health equipment.

    Texas...That smoke must be terrible. How long will this last? I was planning on using my daughter's bike since she moved out. She has, however, forgotten the combination for the lock. I guess I will have to cut it off. I hate to do this because the lock cost $15. One of my other daughters also forgot her combination over the winter. So, I will be out $30.

    I am hoping that all of you moms will be careful if taken out for dinner tomorrow. And have a wonderful Mothers Day.:flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou:
  • tron3002
    tron3002 Posts: 440 Member
    I am really excited!!! I decided to measure my tummy and it was an inch smaller!!! You have no idea how excited I am about that!!!:love:
  • icandoallthings
    icandoallthings Posts: 1,212 Member

    Erika - You'll do great tonight. Enjoy yourself!! :bigsmile: Remember this is a daily journey and your achieving success each day by wanting to continue the journey. :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou:

    I did it! I did it! :happy:
    We went to PF Changs for dinner and I didn't leave the
    restaurant so stuffed that I feel sick!
    I had the Mushu Chicken with 2 pancakes and plum sauce,
    a couple of bites of my hubby's Sesame Chicken (mostly the
    broccoli since he won't touch it) and -- get ready -- 2 (big) :blushing:
    bites of Tony's "Great Wall" chocolate cake. AND had 72 calories
    to spare for my daily limit. Yay!!
    Thx for the encouragement! For me, this is a big deal! :drinker:
    Tony said he is very proud of me - hee hee!
    What a great day!

    Have a wonderful evening everyone and a HAPPY MOMMIES DAY
    tomorrow! :flowerforyou:
  • GearJammer
    GearJammer Posts: 47 Member
    Happy Mothers Day to all Moms out there... :drinker:
  • Maria061
    Maria061 Posts: 118
    Hi girls, I am mew to this group, may I join a group?
    It's looks that we have a same similarity with loosing weight. I will loose two - three and then gain them back. I weigh myself every morning right after i go party, before I put drink or eat because I like you see my progress daily.
    I have some little problem with my cholesterol, slow metabolisom, and menopause, seating job and very little exercising
    I was reading lot of web sides, what and how is better to loose weight. Ye, slower is better, that way weight will stayed off.
    With me first weeks I lost avrg. 1lb/week. During past 3 weeks I stayed with same weight, couldn't loose any. Well, this past week I tried something different, and I lost 2lb.
  • StiringWendel
    StiringWendel Posts: 3,813 Member
    Happy Mother's Day to all our mothers. And I wish everybody else a good morning! :flowerforyou:

    Welcome 1Maria! Sounds like whatever changes you've recently made are working. Good for you. I think that's the toughest part of weight loss....figuring out what your body is going to respond to....since everybody is so different.

    tron, great news on the body measurements! That feels so good, doesn't it? I think you'll probably find that working out will continue to make changes in your body shape. I know I find that to be the case.

    icandoallthings, great job at PF Changs. I have just recently figured out that it IS possible to eat out and stay within a calorie allowance, and it feels so great! So I totally understand your excitement.

    So as I said yesterday, I hit my goal weight. And last night my husband and I had dinner with his boss and his boss' wife. We've been trying to get together since before Christmas to go out. And I just wanted to enjoy the evening but without completely blowing the calories out of the water. In other words....I wanted a nice balance. So I researched the restaurant (Olive Garden) before we went. I drank alot of water throughout the day. I worked out before we went. I ate an apple with peanut butter before we left the house. And then I said to myself 'I'm going to enjoy the night'....and I did.

    I ate the salad, with the dressing on the side. I had half a bread roll. I had the linguini marinara (which is very low cal, but was delicious), and couldn't finish it. I had two glasses of wine (the first wine I've had since January!!), and a couple of pieces of dark chocolate. It all fit into my calorie allowance, yet I felt like I had a feast and a wonderful celebration. It was great. And this morning, I was down another half a pound (to 109.6 :noway: ). I am so very, very happy. I won't eat like that everyday, but it just felt wonderful to be able to go out like that, enjoy the meal, enjoy the company, and NOT be hurting myself physically and health-wise. I felt it was the perfect balance. And it is exactly what I needed.

    Hope this finds everybody well. Enjoy your day!
  • Swissmiss
    Swissmiss Posts: 8,754 Member
    Stiring...If I had a choice of restaurants right now I would choose Olive Garden. I would want to go there because I do not like Italian food at all.:laugh: This way I would not eat too much.
    I am not eating much right now either. I have a touch of the flu and the only thing I have been able to keep down is a smoothie.
    :flowerforyou: Happy Mothers Day to all of you moms. :flowerforyou:
  • Maria061
    Maria061 Posts: 118

    thank You for a warm welcome. I saw that You had lost 30lb, yes, You had done a very good job. Enjoy a have a nice Sunday - MOM'S Day.
  • Lisabeth
    Lisabeth Posts: 268
    I would like to join in on here. Is this where it all starts?
  • Swissmiss
    Swissmiss Posts: 8,754 Member
    Welcome Lisabeth :flowerforyou: Yes, this is where you start. Just go to the last page of the thread and start sharing. You will get great advice and support here.
  • singfree
    singfree Posts: 1,591 Member
    Happy Monday everyone! AND>>>Happy Mother's Day (belated)!!!

    Sorry, but I did not post at all this weekend. Its a busy time for us here. We had a big rehearsal with my Church choir (I'm the director) for a concert next Sunday. I'm finishing rehearsals for our Spring concerts with the Susquehanna Chorale this Friday and Saturday. Next week we have our Grandson ALL week, as his mom & ded are going to the Dominican Rep. for a wedding.

    I FINALLY feel as though I am reaching my goal!! Just a slight bit of body fat to shed and I know there is a 6-pack lurking somewhere (not in the fridge)!! :laugh: I have 3 weeks until my finish date of June 1 (we go to Cal. to visit my bro-in-law). I'm having more success since I am allowing myself to sleep a bit longer. I am doing shorter, more intense strength training at the gym and bike riding in the evenings. My diet is still the same, but I think that I can tweak that a bit more, too.

    Welcome to all the new members! And for all of you "old" members, I'll check back in as soon as I catch up on the posts from the past few days!

  • SandraD1064
    SandraD1064 Posts: 11
    Happy Monday 40 somethings!!!


    I`m a qualifying 44 years old :blushing:
  • cardigirl
    cardigirl Posts: 492 Member
    Welcome SandraD, you may indeed join us! We are a lovely bunch of people! :happy:

    Hope everyone had a great Mother's Day weekend. It was good weather here, for the most part and I spent as much of it as I could, outside!

    I went out on Saturday for a friend's birthday dinner, and we went to the North End in Boston for some real Italian food. I prepared for it by exercising and burning a few more calories than I normally do on Saturday, but still...arancinis, handcut pasta (fettucini alfredo), red wine, and of course, creme caramel and ricotta pie for dessert. It was AWESOME!:love: Heh. I won't be doing that again for awhile. But sometimes you just have to have a good time.

    And for what it's worth, I spoke with my trainer about the value of a heart rate monitor, whether he thought it would be worthwhile for me, and he told me he didn't think I needed one. He feels they are really valuable for people who are at risk from heart failure, have had heart surgery, etc, to monitor their heart rate, but for someone like myself, he felt that it was more of a gadget rather than a necessary tool. Now I just throw this out there, to give additional information. Your mileage may vary on this and that's cool. Just wanted to present another side.

    I asked him how to know if I was getting the most out of my workouts, and he said that I should be able to tell if I'm working hard enough by the way I feel. For instance, if I cannot easily carry on a conversation during my workout, then I'm working hard enough. :laugh:

    Oh and the best news is that I'm down another half a pound. Yay!
  • singfree
    singfree Posts: 1,591 Member
    Cardigirl, the trainer is right...but if you really want to know how hard you are working out or if you wandt a more precise measure of workout cals, then get a HRM with chest strap. You seem to have a good handle on how hard you are working out otherwise, so the choice is up to you. I don't use a HRM all the time, but is a good tool to use from time to time, even if it only to check your progress.

    The north end Italian restaurants are great!
  • alf1163
    alf1163 Posts: 3,143 Member
    Hello!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! More newbies :drinker: :drinker: LOVE IT!!! WELCOME! :drinker: :drinker:

    I finished the burn phase from Chalean extreme this morning. I am not sure if I should move on to the next phase this week because I will be on vacation next week. What do you guys think? Should I start the new phase and pick it up after I come back? Or should I do one more wk of the burn phase and then start the new phase when I come back? I feel great about doing this program and I definitely feel stronger but I really don't feel I have lost any weight/nor inches. I have a feeling I havent.:cry: I am NOT giving up though :noway: Depending on what I decide I might weigh in and measure tomorrow or on Friday.

    :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou:
  • singfree
    singfree Posts: 1,591 Member
    Alf, why not try a test week of phase 2, maybe it will give you a jump-start going into vacation. Then you can wait 'til Friday to measure/ weigh (so you know how "good or bad" you were in Vegas)! :happy: Hey--getting stronger without weightloss is not a bad thing!! I weighed myself last night :blushing: and I did not lose any weight even though I am more lean.
  • cardigirl
    cardigirl Posts: 492 Member
    Cardigirl, the trainer is right...but if you really want to know how hard you are working out or if you wandt a more precise measure of workout cals, then get a HRM with chest strap. You seem to have a good handle on how hard you are working out otherwise, so the choice is up to you. I don't use a HRM all the time, but is a good tool to use from time to time, even if it only to check your progress.

    The north end Italian restaurants are great!

    Yes, I feel lucky to live so near to Boston! Of course temptation sometimes is too great!

    Well, as I said about the HRM, I just wanted to get my trainer's opinion of them. I think that when I am no longer working with him on a regular basis, it might be something I'd invest in then. Apparently there are applications you can buy for Iphones that track all of that info for you and put it into spreadsheets, etc. My son even told me about the Nike+ shoe that stores information from your running and you use it in conjunction with your iPod, hee! All kinds of gadgets abound! Truly an amazing era we live in.:happy:
  • duffyzmom
    duffyzmom Posts: 644 Member
    Happy Monday All ! I've been missing you but just couldn't stand the sight of MFP while I'm still on restricted activity. Today I get my post-op X-Rays and then 1 week till my appointment with the surgeon. So I thought I'd start back with counting my calories to gear up for the all clear :drinker: I'm doing a little light weights and have been taking the dog on longer walks each day. The weather is nice today so I'm going to try a little baby run to see how I feel. I've been avoiding the scale mainly because I'm sure the Vicoden and Valium have my metabolism at a really slow pace. But my clothes seem to still be fitting about the same (probably because I have no appetite).

    Alf: I've very jealous of you and your completion of the first phase. Are you still happy with the program? I can't wait to start although I'm pretty sure I'm going to have to negotiate with the doctor she orginally said 6 weeks - 2 months before I could do push-ups.
  • kelligirl
    kelligirl Posts: 210
    I'll be 45 on 5/23 and I'd love to join your 40+Club! It's been a bugger to lose weight since I hit my forties, with thyroid issues topping the problem. It will be nice to have a group who understands and can give advice / encouragement. I had a near-perfect last week in regards to what I ate, but when I weighed in I hadn't lost a thing. My exercise time was on track, but my goal # of calories to burn was too low - so I'm sure that's my problem. I have hip and knee issues, and I tend to injure easily, so I've found that when I exercise I do so very carefully.... and hence, I'm not burning a great deal of calories. I keep telling myself to take it slow and get strong, so I'm not so apt to hurt so much or injure myself. It's been a struggle. I do feel better since I've been eating good and that's a start!
  • Hoosiermomma
    Hoosiermomma Posts: 877 Member
    Wow! This thread has graduated to a whole new page! I am back from daughter # 2's grad. I plan to weigh once a week but will weigh before and after periods of time when i can not keep the food diary. Great news for me! 1 pound down for the 20 hour trip and only one day to excercise! :happy: Keeping the diary has really helped me to be aware of my eating even when we are away!

    Welcome newbies! This has been a great place to be accountable. Reading about Alf's (nice new pic), excercise routines are inspiring to me. and more of yours' whose names escape me. I do feel great when I get in the good work outs. I am looking forward to the checking my metabolism on the reccomended site. i am curious about mine. so far i have been losing a bit more than a pound a week with about 1300 cals and eating my exercise calories.

    Hope you all had a great Mother's day. I felt so blessed being taken care of this Sunday and sitting with the 11 of us at dinner! I even enjoyed doing dishes since I was the helper this time instead of the boss!