Red meat can kill!!!!



  • LesliePierceRN
    LesliePierceRN Posts: 860 Member
    The fact of the matter is, that something is going to kill you. Sex can kill. You can die exercising. Driving kills every day. I ain't stopping any of those things, and I'm not giving up red meat.
  • MrsM1ggins
    MrsM1ggins Posts: 724 Member
    In honour of this story I had EXTRA bacon for breakfast!
  • Christina1007
    Christina1007 Posts: 179 Member
    Love stuff like this - I honestly believe that if you were to collect all the food scare stories together and follow them, you would actually not be able to eat anything at all.

    Exactly!!! PLUS, my parents were never really that obsessed with food like people are today, nor were my grandparents and they lived a happy and long life.

    I don't trust any of these researches! Wait one year, they will tell you something different!
  • slay0r
    slay0r Posts: 669 Member
    That's true.. I'm more likely to get killed cycling everywhere at 20+ mph like a loon than I am eating a bit of beef lol..

    What was the other one in california, is it that you can't eat chips from mcdonalds because of the chemical that gets produced when you cook them? I'm sure I read that it's the same chemical that gets produced when you bbq food..meh everything nice will kill you it seems.

    All that said, I'd rather live to 70 and have lived my life the way I wanted, on my own terms and love every second of it, than be conservative and have regrets and live to 80.. maybe that's just me though.
  • _mr_b
    _mr_b Posts: 302 Member
    I take all of it with a pinch of salt now.

    Hope that pinch of salt isn't to big, that'll kill you too :laugh:
  • CaseRat
    CaseRat Posts: 377 Member

    I believe the only way red meat will kill me is if it's still breathing, and angry.
  • Zichu
    Zichu Posts: 542 Member
    If certain foods are so dangerous why don't they ban them instead of getting people to eat them, most likely get cancer like they are saying and spend money on trying to cure these diseases... So stupid sometimes...

    I've been eating red meat since I could probably chew lol.

    If you look at some of health risks of red meat here:

    You got colorectal cancer, esophageal cancer, lung, pancreatic, edometrial, breast, stomach, lymphoma, bladder, prostate. and kidney cancer. Heart disease, diabetes, acute cornonary syndrome, stroke, obesity, hypertension and arthiritis...

    They did a test for obesity and red meat. Higher intake of total protein AND protein from animal sources, so I am assuming on top of what they were eating originally, they had to add red meat into the mix. Which would obviously cause weight gain because you are basically eating more calories than you were before.

    I was eating red meat when I was trying to lose weight and I was still losing weight. I didn't even count calories, macros or anything. I just ate smaller portions and cut out deep fried foods and takeaways.
  • chrishgt4
    chrishgt4 Posts: 1,222 Member
    Re the surgeon giving advice on what foods cause heart disease - to paraphrase a quote from a post in these forums the other day -

    It's as reliable as asking a mechanic for advice on how to drive.
  • Isolt
    Isolt Posts: 70

    If we listened to all of this crap we'd be stuck in a bubble.

    You really don't want to get stuck in a bubble.....lots of serious injuries and fatalities in those Zorbs.

    Life is pretty much a game of dodgeball; something's going to slam you sooner or later and it could be cancer or it could be your cat (80,000 a year die by tripping over their cats....and that's only the start of the feline killing spree!)
  • castadiva
    castadiva Posts: 2,016 Member

    Apparently it's bad for the endocrine system... Just read a really interesting article written by a heart surgeon who said that the anti-cholesterol/anti-fat focus of the 80s and 90s was a)wrong - inflammation causes heart disease, not fats or cholesterol, and b) has created the obesity and diabetes surges we are now seeing. Science is based on theory, and often gets it wrong.

    That wouldn't be the article by the same heart surgeon who was stripped of his license to practice in 2008 would it?

    Science is based on observations that either support or disprove a hypothesis, observations that can be replicated and yes, science changes over time as we learn new things. Pseudoscience is based on unproven hypothesis and even in the light of overwhelming evidence "true believers" rarely will change their acceptance of the myth as fact.

    Not sure about the Doc's licensing status - didn't check, as it came from a fairly reputable source, but as inflammation is now widely held to be the cause of heart disease among the senior medical fraternity (even if that message hasn't filtered through to the Health boards, GPs etc) licensed or not, he was on the right track. You put my point about science rather better than I did - the folly of being succinct on these boards is that one doesn't always say exactly what one means in great detail :blushing:

    How is this inflammation caused in the first place? Just interesting :)

    Viral/bacterial infection, typically.
  • castadiva
    castadiva Posts: 2,016 Member
    Re the surgeon giving advice on what foods cause heart disease - to paraphrase a quote from a post in these forums the other day -

    It's as reliable as asking a mechanic for advice on how to drive.

    I think it's safe to assume that a surgeon is speaking from an informed platform, given that staying up-to-date on the latest research and speaking to colleagues/attending field-specific training is very much a part of any senior medic's job these days. Surgeons do not operate (oops, bad pun!) in a vacuum.
  • kezereth
    kezereth Posts: 41

    I believe the only way red meat will kill me is if it's still breathing, and angry.

    haha ok i laughed....

    I don't understand why they try to scare us with things that at one point they were encouraging us to eat... you just can't win! I have given up my ciggarettes and my alcohol but screw you government, you're not having my beef!!!
  • susannamarie
    susannamarie Posts: 2,148 Member
    If we listened to all of this crap we'd be stuck in a bubble. I take all of it with a pinch of salt now.

    Don't do that, salt is bad for you too!

  • PaleoPath4Lyfe
    PaleoPath4Lyfe Posts: 3,161 Member
    Well that's the latest health scare in the news today anyway.

    Can i just start banging my head against a wall now, in readiness for the next one. Every week, something is really bad for you, and the next it's good.

    I can't keep up!!

    I'll carry on down the "everything in moderation" route I think :-)

    This is bunk. Question everything.
  • PaleoPath4Lyfe
    PaleoPath4Lyfe Posts: 3,161 Member

    Apparently it's bad for the endocrine system... Just read a really interesting article written by a heart surgeon who said that the anti-cholesterol/anti-fat focus of the 80s and 90s was a)wrong - inflammation causes heart disease, not fats or cholesterol, and b) has created the obesity and diabetes surges we are now seeing. Science is based on theory, and often gets it wrong.

    That wouldn't be the article by the same heart surgeon who was stripped of his license to practice in 2008 would it?

    Science is based on observations that either support or disprove a hypothesis, observations that can be replicated and yes, science changes over time as we learn new things. Pseudoscience is based on unproven hypothesis and even in the light of overwhelming evidence "true believers" rarely will change their acceptance of the myth as fact.

    Not sure about the Doc's licensing status - didn't check, as it came from a fairly reputable source, but as inflammation is now widely held to be the cause of heart disease among the senior medical fraternity (even if that message hasn't filtered through to the Health boards, GPs etc) licensed or not, he was on the right track. You put my point about science rather better than I did - the folly of being succinct on these boards is that one doesn't always say exactly what one means in great detail :blushing:

    My mother in laws cardiologist said the same thing. Heart Disease is a product of the body being chronically inflamed and has nothing to do with saturated fat or cholesterol.

    My mother in law also suffered from a hiatal hernia and couldn't eat certain foods and had really bad arthritis symptoms.

    My MIL's heart Doc put her on an anti-inflammatory eating plan which is similar to the Paleo lifestyle I live and she has no more heart issues, arthritis pains have disappeared and hiatal hernia is doing much better where she can eat foods she thought she had to give up for life.

    Apparantly the gluten grains were contributing to her health issues.

    The only grains my MIL eats is small amounts of white rice and steel cut oats. The rest of her eating plan is protein, fats, vegetables and fruit.
  • PaleoPath4Lyfe
    PaleoPath4Lyfe Posts: 3,161 Member
    If certain foods are so dangerous why don't they ban them instead of getting people to eat them, most likely get cancer like they are saying and spend money on trying to cure these diseases... So stupid sometimes...

    I've been eating red meat since I could probably chew lol.

    If you look at some of health risks of red meat here:

    You got colorectal cancer, esophageal cancer, lung, pancreatic, edometrial, breast, stomach, lymphoma, bladder, prostate. and kidney cancer. Heart disease, diabetes, acute cornonary syndrome, stroke, obesity, hypertension and arthiritis...

    They did a test for obesity and red meat. Higher intake of total protein AND protein from animal sources, so I am assuming on top of what they were eating originally, they had to add red meat into the mix. Which would obviously cause weight gain because you are basically eating more calories than you were before.

    I was eating red meat when I was trying to lose weight and I was still losing weight. I didn't even count calories, macros or anything. I just ate smaller portions and cut out deep fried foods and takeaways.

    I had a 9.44 ounce grass fed ribeye slathered with Kerry Gold grass fed butter with a salad last night for supper and I am down 2 pounds this morning..............

    I find I lose easier the more red meat I eat.
  • PaleoPath4Lyfe
    PaleoPath4Lyfe Posts: 3,161 Member
    You know I was thinking...............

    I wonder if this study was done with grain fed beef (which cows were not meant to eat because they are ruminant animals) or with their natural food, grass fed and free pastured?

    I am willing to bet this study was done using grain fed cattle.
  • BrianSharpe
    BrianSharpe Posts: 9,248 Member
    I finally got a chance to read the whole article in the paper today and the assertions are based on a study that followed what should be a statistically significant sample for over 20 years. Sadly the story in paper asks more questions than it answers, for example the study asserts that eating even modest amounts of red meat increased the probability of dying by 13% and if you consumed processed red meat that jumps to 20%.

    Now that sounds good but, did the researchers track causes of death? (it doesn't say in the newspaper)

    My only takeaway from this is that the newspaper reporting is pretty much useless without reading the entire study and supporting data. On the surface it appears to be another case of correlation which is not causation.
  • BrianSharpe
    BrianSharpe Posts: 9,248 Member
    You know I was thinking...............

    I wonder if this study was done with grain fed beef (which cows were not meant to eat because they are ruminant animals) or with their natural food, grass fed and free pastured?

    I am willing to bet this study was done using grain fed cattle.

    And the difference in nutritional value that you're implying is??

    I'm aware that corn a grain feed along with large numbers of cattle cramped together at feedlots is largely responsible for the increased levels of e-coli, are there other implications?
  • RAFValentina
    RAFValentina Posts: 1,231 Member
    And applying logic ... who died of it so far? Just 'cos someone's test tube uncontrolled badly managed study says so, doesn't mean its true or actually in real life is even a factor in conjunction with everything else that goes off...