HELP I'm afraid of the gym...



  • eriny
    eriny Posts: 1,509 Member
    I'm with ya...and most of the hilarious comments on this thread. I'm not so much afraid of the gym, I just HATE the gym. I don't care for the sleazy trainers (sorry PT's no offense, as I'm sure most are great, the ones at my gym can't hold their job for longer than 30 days), leaching onto me asking me what I'm trying to achieve while being there and if I need help. NO THANKS!! What am I trying to achieve? Well, LOOK AT ME??!! I need to lose some weight wise-*kitten*! LOL.

    Ok, seriously, after I realized I wasn't seeing the results I deserved for going 4-5 days a week, I got pissed and discouraged. Make-up and all...didn't help! :sad:

    For the last year, I've been working out at home with various Beachbody at home workout programs. Particularly P90X. It was a God send. I finally got results and much quicker than hanging around that meat factory. 25lbs, 14 inches and 10% BF in 90 days. GONE, forever. Now sketching leaches, nothing. Professional training from a celebrity, in the privacy of my own home. I'd be happy to share my experience if you'd like to hear it!

    hi there ive been hanging around p90x topics waiting on tv like results from some one my age and weight loss do you know anybody with picture results they could post . this body i show now is from mfp and garage floor until oct08 started going to ymca for 30 min a day m-f
    thank you for any help
  • themetra
    themetra Posts: 174 Member
    I joined Planet Fitness (the no judgement zone), it was by far one of the most comfortable gyms I have ever used. Then I switched over to a local gym thats much closer, and I have never been more intimidated in my life. All the machines are plate loaded or straight free weights - i had no idea how to use ANY of them. So what did I do? I started recruiting my out of shape friends ro join with me! Strength in numbers, lol. I prefer to go early in the mornings or after 7 at night, once the out of work crowd is gone. Maybe if you have a friend go with you, you could split the cost of one or two training sessions, just to get to know the equipment.
  • chicaloca6470
    chicaloca6470 Posts: 117 Member
    its nice to know im not the only intimidated one!! im scared to death to go, seeing all the skinny people (men and women) that are in great shape scares me. im like they are gonna look at me and laugh. i was going to sign up for the YMCA but money is tight right now so im just doing what i can at home.
  • mnichol
    mnichol Posts: 642
    Funny it's just the opposite at the wellness center I go to exercise. there a cardiac rehab there. everyone's 65+ and up. I feel like a teenager around everyone. Forunately i don't have to worry about how i look!!:laugh:
  • lolakey
    lolakey Posts: 91
    The gym I just joined has separate, yet equal workout areas for men and women. I didn't think that mattered to me, but I am really enjoying it. They even alternate the swimming pool days for men and women.
  • tig3rang3l
    tig3rang3l Posts: 270 Member
    I've sort of given up on the weight machines for the moment... I have free weights at home (I'd forgotten about these... they are my dad's and ANCIENT) that I'm more comfortable using. I have gathered up enough courage to go to the classes, and that has been great fun... Step 101 killed me, the sweat was literally pouring off me by the end, so I know I got a good workout!

    When I move, I'm going to look into a female only gym... I'm far too intimidated by the guys. I'm such a loser :laugh: