Dangerous carbs



  • saverys_gal
    saverys_gal Posts: 808 Member
    Really people? OP was posting what's worked for her and her family. Why the heck does everyone think it's a-ok to get snarky and rude?

    Not everyone responds well to carbs and sugar-some people do best counting calories, eating super high protein, following a lower carb plan or even going Paleo.

    We all have to find what works for US as individuals. Give OP a break. Some of the responses I've seen on here have just been uncalled for and frankly, I'm sure scares off a lot of people. Remember what mom used to say? "If you can't say anything nice, don't say anything at all."
  • MelissaGraham7
    MelissaGraham7 Posts: 405 Member
    I don't believe carbs are dangerous.

    I do believe that people's bodies are different from one another. I have insulin resistance and polycystic ovary syndrome, I am trying to find out what true calorie intake I need to have, I know it is less than what is recommended on MFP because I have stalled major for 3 weeks now. There was a study that showed that women with pcos bodies burned less calories than a person without pcos. At the rate of approximately 300 calories a day less. I am going to try to find what works for me, no fad diets, but what calorie intake and expenditure will help me to lose weight.

    Regarding PCOS, I've read a lot of stuff lately that the low-glycemic load diet is an excellent choice to help control PCOS. I've got several books on it - and that does follow a lower carb or "good carb" philosophy with no refined sugars or flours, etc. I would highly recommend you ask your physician if that might not be a perfect fit to help you lose weight AND control your insulin resistance and PCOS.
  • solpwr
    solpwr Posts: 1,039 Member
    Be Little. That's exactly why I'm here.

    Tired of being big. I love to be little. I get more attention that way.
  • rybo
    rybo Posts: 5,424 Member
    I'm just here for the hilarious pix

    carry on.
  • Acg67
    Acg67 Posts: 12,142 Member
    Really people? OP was posting what's worked for her and her family. Why the heck does everyone think it's a-ok to get snarky and rude?

    Not everyone responds well to carbs and sugar-some people do best counting calories, eating super high protein, following a lower carb plan or even going Paleo.

    We all have to find what works for US as individuals. Give OP a break. Some of the responses I've seen on here have just been uncalled for and frankly, I'm sure scares off a lot of people. Remember what mom used to say? "If you can't say anything nice, don't say anything at all."

    [img]http://static2.fjcdn.com/thumbnails/comments /Ahh+_dc6a38c64047403df288b41f7739694e.png[/img]
  • utvolsfan74
    utvolsfan74 Posts: 105
    Damn, I didn't realize people on this site were so mean!!!!!!!
  • HoLLyZ82
    HoLLyZ82 Posts: 467 Member
    i love carbs, i would marry them if i could. NEVER giving them up.
    Girl that ring is huge and beautiful,you know carbs can't buy you that right?lol
    lol. this may be true but carbs can do so much more...like give me energy to take out the garbage since my hubby wont ;)
  • Tulipgirl1223
    Tulipgirl1223 Posts: 91 Member
    I'm just here for the hilarious pix

    carry on.

    Right LOL.
  • JanetGurl
    JanetGurl Posts: 25
    Well.... like everything in life moderation is the key.

    Without carbs your brain function would diminish because it doesn't have the essential energy and nutrients to function normally (which causes early onset of dementia) ... and that isn't even covering what your body needs to use for energy. We all need carbs it's what helps balance blood sugar levels and prevents a person from crashing and binge eating because their blood sugar levels are low (yes this happens in everyone not just diabetics).... this is what happens when a person tries one of those no carb fad diets... and then they gain double their weight back.... I've been a type 1 diabetic for 30 years.... I know food to a tee.

    What you forgot to mention is complex carbs (the ones that take longer to digest and feed your body energy over a longer period of time and make you feel full longer)... that is the stuff everyone should be eating ie; brown bread, brown pasta, brown rice etc.
  • seoid
    seoid Posts: 151
    i love carbs, i would marry them if i could. NEVER giving them up.

    ^ditto...i gave them up for a week and about killed someone because i was so crabby!
  • psuLemon
    psuLemon Posts: 38,411 MFP Moderator
  • grinch031
    grinch031 Posts: 1,679
    Well.... like everything in life moderation is the key.

    Without carbs your brain function would diminish because it doesn't have the essential energy and nutrients to function normally (which causes early onset of dementia) ... and that isn't even covering what your body needs to use for energy. We all need carbs it's what helps balance blood sugar levels and prevents a person from crashing and binge eating because their blood sugar levels are low (yes this happens in everyone not just diabetics).... this is what happens when a person tries one of those no carb fad diets... and then they gain double their weight back.... I've been a type 1 diabetic for 30 years.... I know food to a tee.

    What you forgot to mention is complex carbs (the ones that take longer to digest and feed your body energy over a longer period of time and make you feel full longer)... that is the stuff everyone should be eating ie; brown bread, brown pasta, brown rice etc.

    We really don't need carbs because protein and ketones can step in when needed, but thanks for the lesson in nutrition. Actually people gain double their weight back because of leptin deficiency that causes them to cave in to excess hunger and revert back to their old eating habits, which usually involves excessive carbs.
    OLFATUG Posts: 393 Member
    As someone who runs 35 miles a week, bikes 40, and lifts weights 3 days a week... I would *DIE* without carbs.
  • Sabresgal63
    Sabresgal63 Posts: 641 Member
    Wow...........how sad! This is a message board for General Diet and Weight loss Help................full grown adults acting like they belong on myspace...................If you cannot help educate her nicely, why can't you just go to the fun and games section and find something on their to act like children on. I cannot believe how much this site has changed in just a couple of years. People used to be nice.............now everyone is afraid to post for fear of ridicule. Grow up people!:explode: :mad:
  • Anathama
    Anathama Posts: 82 Member
    wow. I'm really saddened by all the low carb bashers on here.

    Whether you agree with her or not, whether you think she is wrong or not is not a reason to just be a ****.

    Our bodies do not need carbs. We need fat, we need protein, but we do not need carbs. There is nothing in carbs, that is provided ONLY in carbs that our body cannot function without. Our body will naturally make the glucose that it needs from synthesizing fat.

    We have evolved for thousands of years eating low carb. We cannot change our genetic disposition in a few thousand years. It would take thousands of generations for our bodies to adjust to eating a diet mainly consisting of seeds(which is what most grains are).

    Bottom line is that no one knows what the best diet is for people. No one. That's why there is so much "misinformation" out there. Were all kind of guessing, and testing. It takes a long time for effects to show up in peoples lives, there are too many variables, and people don't like to be experimented on. I don't believe that anyone has a perfect diet that will work for everyone, not just for weight loss, but for health. Weight loss should be the side effect of a diet, not the cause. Any diet that is designed for weight loss cannot be applied universally, because it ceases to be correct as soon as the target weight is reached.

    Regardless of our views on carbs, or calories, or meat, or grains or whatever, we are all on the same team. We all have the same goals. We are hear to loose weight, and help others do so. There is no need for all the venom and vitrol. Lets work together to lift each other up, and not bash each other down. Many people here have already been bashed enough for weight issues or other things, lets not continue the trend.

    K, Thnx, Bye.
  • JanetGurl
    JanetGurl Posts: 25
    Well.... like everything in life moderation is the key.

    Without carbs your brain function would diminish because it doesn't have the essential energy and nutrients to function normally (which causes early onset of dementia) ... and that isn't even covering what your body needs to use for energy. We all need carbs it's what helps balance blood sugar levels and prevents a person from crashing and binge eating because their blood sugar levels are low (yes this happens in everyone not just diabetics).... this is what happens when a person tries one of those no carb fad diets... and then they gain double their weight back.... I've been a type 1 diabetic for 30 years.... I know food to a tee.

    What you forgot to mention is complex carbs (the ones that take longer to digest and feed your body energy over a longer period of time and make you feel full longer)... that is the stuff everyone should be eating ie; brown bread, brown pasta, brown rice etc.

    We really don't need carbs because protein and ketones can step in when needed, but thanks for the lesson in nutrition. Actually people gain double their weight back because of leptin deficiency that causes them to cave in to excess hunger and revert back to their old eating habits, which usually involves excessive carbs.

    We really do need carbs.... ketones and fatty acids can not feed every cell or organ in our bodies... fatty acids cannot be used as a source of fuel for brain function, our brain function depends on glucose or ketones... However ketones are only produced by broken down fatty acids and when the body cannot obtain enough 'carbohydrates' that's when your liver or kidneys produce it.... I know it takes the liver and kidney a significant amount of time to produce ketones. So when you deprive your body of carbs your blood sugar levels drop.... then you go into a very mild form of hypoglycemia... when that happens your body's natural reaction is to get something inside you to restore your blood sugar levels.... and that most times happens to be carbs (that is where weight gain comes in). Eating carbs works alot faster than your body stepping in and producing ketones when you need it.. It can take your liver up to 12 hours to produce ketones and most times you need it quicker than that.
  • MoooveOverFluffy
    MoooveOverFluffy Posts: 398 Member
    i see the MFP lynch mob is in full effect....;0)
  • agentscully514
    agentscully514 Posts: 616 Member
    When I weighed my least I ate bread and potatoes non-stop, and pasta. Now I don't eat much of those things and I am not so small now.

    When I was eating high carb/low fat, I gained weight, was hungry all the time, and had bad blood work.

    On low carb, I lose weight, feel fantastic, and my blood work is so good my doctor often sends it back to get it redone.

    For SOME people, cutting back on carbs is the best way to go.
  • JanetGurl
    JanetGurl Posts: 25
    Well.... like everything in life moderation is the key.

    Without carbs your brain function would diminish because it doesn't have the essential energy and nutrients to function normally (which causes early onset of dementia) ... and that isn't even covering what your body needs to use for energy. We all need carbs it's what helps balance blood sugar levels and prevents a person from crashing and binge eating because their blood sugar levels are low (yes this happens in everyone not just diabetics).... this is what happens when a person tries one of those no carb fad diets... and then they gain double their weight back.... I've been a type 1 diabetic for 30 years.... I know food to a tee.

    What you forgot to mention is complex carbs (the ones that take longer to digest and feed your body energy over a longer period of time and make you feel full longer)... that is the stuff everyone should be eating ie; brown bread, brown pasta, brown rice etc.

    We really don't need carbs because protein and ketones can step in when needed, but thanks for the lesson in nutrition. Actually people gain double their weight back because of leptin deficiency that causes them to cave in to excess hunger and revert back to their old eating habits, which usually involves excessive carbs.

    We really do need carbs.... ketones and fatty acids can not feed every cell or organ in our bodies... fatty acids cannot be used as a source of fuel for brain function, our brain function depends on glucose or ketones... However ketones are only produced by broken down fatty acids and when the body cannot obtain enough 'carbohydrates' that's when your liver or kidneys produce it.... I know it takes the liver and kidney a significant amount of time to produce ketones. So when you deprive your body of carbs your blood sugar levels drop.... then you go into a very mild form of hypoglycemia... when that happens your body's natural reaction is to get something inside you to restore your blood sugar levels.... and that most times happens to be carbs (that is where weight gain comes in). Eating carbs works alot faster than your body stepping in and producing ketones when you need it.. It can take your liver up to 12 hours to produce ketones and most times you need it quicker than that.

    A huge problem is people mistaken how much carb our bodies need...
  • grinch031
    grinch031 Posts: 1,679
    Well.... like everything in life moderation is the key.

    Without carbs your brain function would diminish because it doesn't have the essential energy and nutrients to function normally (which causes early onset of dementia) ... and that isn't even covering what your body needs to use for energy. We all need carbs it's what helps balance blood sugar levels and prevents a person from crashing and binge eating because their blood sugar levels are low (yes this happens in everyone not just diabetics).... this is what happens when a person tries one of those no carb fad diets... and then they gain double their weight back.... I've been a type 1 diabetic for 30 years.... I know food to a tee.

    What you forgot to mention is complex carbs (the ones that take longer to digest and feed your body energy over a longer period of time and make you feel full longer)... that is the stuff everyone should be eating ie; brown bread, brown pasta, brown rice etc.

    We really don't need carbs because protein and ketones can step in when needed, but thanks for the lesson in nutrition. Actually people gain double their weight back because of leptin deficiency that causes them to cave in to excess hunger and revert back to their old eating habits, which usually involves excessive carbs.

    We really do need carbs.... ketones and fatty acids can not feed every cell or organ in our bodies... fatty acids cannot be used as a source of fuel for brain function, our brain function depends on glucose or ketones... However ketones are only produced by broken down fatty acids and when the body cannot obtain enough 'carbohydrates' that's when your liver or kidneys produce it.... I know it takes the liver and kidney a significant amount of time to produce ketones. So when you deprive your body of carbs your blood sugar levels drop.... then you go into a very mild form of hypoglycemia... when that happens your body's natural reaction is to get something inside you to restore your blood sugar levels.... and that most times happens to be carbs (that is where weight gain comes in). Eating carbs works alot faster than your body stepping in and producing ketones when you need it.. It can take your liver up to 12 hours to produce ketones and most times you need it quicker than that.

    75% of your brain's fuel can come from ketones, the rest can come from protein through gluconeogenesis. There is no requirement for carbs, even though carbs are the preferred fuel when available.