HIGH calorie HEALTHY snacks



  • qkidney
    qkidney Posts: 258
  • parkersmom70
    string cheese has 80 calories
  • HotBodUnderConstruction
    My top choice that I LOVE: edamame

    For a sweet tooth: fresh ground almond butter and an apple :)
  • Carolyn_79
    Carolyn_79 Posts: 935 Member
    Apple Oatmeal Chocolate Protein Bars-

    Ingredients:2 cups rolled oats, 1/2 cup natural nut butter, 1 tbsp coconut oil, 1 tbsp ground flaxseed, 4 scoops chocolate protein powder, 1/2 cup unsweetened apple sauce (add more if mix is too dry).

    Directions: line 8" square baking dish with parchment paper, combine all ingredients in a medium size bowl, pour mixture into lined dish and smooth with the back of a spoon until even, place in freezer for 30 minutes. Remove and cut into 6 bars.

    Information per serving: 330 calories, 16g fat, 30 mg cholesterol, 45 mg sodium, 28g carbs, 6g fiber, 5g sugar, 22g protein, 1.5 mg iron. (Recipe from Oxygen magazine).

    You don't have to eat a whole bar if it's too many calories. Eat half instead. I store my bars in the freezer and then put what I want in a ziplock bag into the fridge if I know I'm going to eat it later that day.
  • LavenderChamomile
    Apple Oatmeal Chocolate Protein Bars-

    Ingredients:2 cups rolled oats, 1/2 cup natural nut butter, 1 tbsp coconut oil, 1 tbsp ground flaxseed, 4 scoops chocolate protein powder, 1/2 cup unsweetened apple sauce (add more if mix is too dry).

    Directions: line 8" square baking dish with parchment paper, combine all ingredients in a medium size bowl, pour mixture into lined dish and smooth with the back of a spoon until even, place in freezer for 30 minutes. Remove and cut into 6 bars.

    Information per serving: 330 calories, 16g fat, 30 mg cholesterol, 45 mg sodium, 28g carbs, 6g fiber, 5g sugar, 22g protein, 1.5 mg iron. (Recipe from Oxygen magazine).

    You don't have to eat a whole bar if it's too many calories. Eat half instead. I store my bars in the freezer and then put what I want in a ziplock bag into the fridge if I know I'm going to eat it later that day.

    YUM!!! I'll definitely be trying those in the future!!!
  • HeidiYogi
    HeidiYogi Posts: 81 Member
    Take that celery and put some peanut butter on it. :) And by peanut butter I mean the real stuff, not the processed stuff. Yummy, high in calories, and protein!

    Haha, that's what my mom always tells me...but I can't bring myself to eat the stuff :( I'm not a big fan of peanut butter in the first place. Maybe I'll have to acquire that taste eventually...*sigh*
    I do sometimes have celery with lowfat cream cheese though (:

    I've had bad luck with avocados, but I do love almonds. I usually bake them with all kinds of seasonings and fancy stuff (: But I need to find something I can grab when I don't have them prepared.

    Love hummus and pita (: That's usually what I go for but I'm all out at the moment

    What about almond butter?? I've been trying to "eat right for my type/genotype" and evidently I'm not supposed to eat peanut butter eventhough I love it BUT I can eat almond butter and have grown to LOVE it. Try it out! I think there's also cashew nut butter and some other alternatives that I haven't tried myself but sound like good alternatives....

    Also, I am LOVING Coconut Oil on ANYTHING. A quick fiber snack for me is a piece of Ezekiel Sprouted Bread toasted and then spread 1 Tbsp of Coconut Oil all over - YUM. Bread is 90 calories a slice and Coconut Oil is 120 for 1 Tbsp! :)

    Good Luck! You've got LOTS of great options here!! :)

  • Starlage
    Starlage Posts: 1,709 Member
    hmm.. greek yogurt and PB... I'll have to try that now!!
  • Kell_Smurthwaite
    Kell_Smurthwaite Posts: 384 Member
    Slices of apple spread with peanutbutter is an awesomely tasty snack.

    And if you have a chocolate craving, a great low-choc way to get round it is to shove a few chocolate butoons (literally, just half a dozen maximum is all you need) and bake it. The chocolate melts and the hot banana goes all gooey like a rich dessert. It's sweet, chocolatey and just a little bit decadent, but isn't particularly bad for you and will add a few cals when you need to. ;)
  • devilwhiterose
    devilwhiterose Posts: 1,157 Member
    This has been my problem lately. I haven't been able to get a net calorie of 1200 lately, I'm just not all that hungry. :grumble:
  • MrDude_1
    MrDude_1 Posts: 2,510 Member
    This has been my problem lately. I haven't been able to get a net calorie of 1200 lately, I'm just not all that hungry. :grumble:
  • devilwhiterose
    devilwhiterose Posts: 1,157 Member
    This has been my problem lately. I haven't been able to get a net calorie of 1200 lately, I'm just not all that hungry. :grumble:

    :laugh: I'm actually so burned out on chicken lately. That's all my husband wants to eat these days! He mentioned taking in some more healthy snacks, but then I'll be sure to go over on sugar. :noway:
  • MrDude_1
    MrDude_1 Posts: 2,510 Member
    This has been my problem lately. I haven't been able to get a net calorie of 1200 lately, I'm just not all that hungry. :grumble:

    :laugh: I'm actually so burned out on chicken lately. That's all my husband wants to eat these days! He mentioned taking in some more healthy snacks, but then I'll be sure to go over on sugar. :noway:
    yeah... thats not a problem for me.
    me: what? I can eat more meat?! :nom::nom::nom::nom::nom:
  • SilentRenegade
    SilentRenegade Posts: 245 Member
    avocados - very high in cals, peanut butter, almonds, nuts, trail mix, bananas,


    Also sometimes I like to have cheese. One serving of Cracker Barrel cheese is 90 calories (make sure you measure the cheese you're cutting!).

    Peanut Butter and Apples

    Peanut Butter and BANANAS (depending on how many cals we're talking)

    Sometimes I'll even have a protein shake with 0 cal chocolate syrup in it... makes me think I'm having a milkshake and it's delicious. With almond coconut milk, that is.
  • rachelgoutos
    I've had bad luck with avocados, but I do love almonds. I usually bake them with all kinds of seasonings and fancy stuff (: But I need to find something I can grab when I don't have them prepared.

    Love hummus and pita (: That's usually what I go for but I'm all out at the moment

    The great thing about nuts is that they keep pretty well, and for a while. So when you do bake almonds (of which i am impressed! I always say i'm going to do this, but end up never doing) bake enough for the week or enough for several servings and pre-bag them by individual serving sizes. That way, when you want them they are easily available. I myself love raw almonds, and often eat them with a serving of craisins for an easy filling snack.
  • LavenderChamomile
    I've had bad luck with avocados, but I do love almonds. I usually bake them with all kinds of seasonings and fancy stuff (: But I need to find something I can grab when I don't have them prepared.

    Love hummus and pita (: That's usually what I go for but I'm all out at the moment

    The great thing about nuts is that they keep pretty well, and for a while. So when you do bake almonds (of which i am impressed! I always say i'm going to do this, but end up never doing) bake enough for the week or enough for several servings and pre-bag them by individual serving sizes. That way, when you want them they are easily available. I myself love raw almonds, and often eat them with a serving of craisins for an easy filling snack.

    That's a great idea! Then I could carry them with me in case I need something when I'm out too (: Thank you!
    I don't mind raw almonds, I just have to be in the mood for them
  • LavenderChamomile

    Okay, I'm a n00b. What does this mean? My secret plan was to subtly find out some other way and pretend I'd known all along...^.^
    My best guess is that the person posts on the thread as kind of a bookmark so that they can find it later?
  • LillysGranny
    nuts, avacado, a slice of whole grain bread soaked in olive oil....
  • maethoriel
    maybe a larabar or something like that?
  • chelsea_thatsme
    chelsea_thatsme Posts: 138 Member
  • MB_Positif
    MB_Positif Posts: 8,897 Member
    Handful of almonds, cheese, yoghurt

    Handfuls of yogurt! Oh my!!!:tongue:

    Pretty much everyone has covered the basics already.