Cayenne Pepper Detox Drink



  • 4men1lady79
    4men1lady79 Posts: 112 Member
    My husband and I actually tried it about 5yrs ago. You're supposed to drink it all day with little or no food for a week. The problems I had with it are 1) it was spicy for me...I have a hard enough time drinking plain water but now you want me to drink it spicy? 2) I didn't drink it like I should because it had me in the bathroom constantly and umm when you're working at a daycare you really can't be in the bathroom like that and 3) the weight I lost came back after the recommended time frame of drinking the stuff. So all in all, it doesnt harm the body...BUT unless you are going to drink this stuff for the rest of your life you are better off doing it the old fashion way by exercising and eating better...I learned that the hard way!
  • amylst
    amylst Posts: 1
    I make my own version of this but NOT as a cleanse or food substitute. Its summer where I am, and I love cold, tart drinks so I'm basically making it because I enjoy it and even if its not giving me that many benefits per se, its certainly must be better than diet coke, caffeine, juice etc and I find it refreshing on a hot day.

    I brew 2 organic green tea bags in a little water in the bottom of an extra large tumbler, add about two teaspoons of cayenne, the juice of one lemon and top it up with filtered iced water. I can't imagine its doing me any harm and as said I find it delicious.

    I firmly believe though, that to embark on any fad diet that doesnt allow food is asking for trouble. Whatever weight you lose will be a short-lived achievement. :)
  • S_U_M_M_E_R
    S_U_M_M_E_R Posts: 220 Member
    I have heard this. I do it often and I believe it helps me lose weight. I know there are a lot of nay sayers here but the spices mentioned (lemon juice, Cayenne pepper, warm water) have been scientifically proven in study after study. I add wheat grass juice to mine to sweeten it up a little. You can also sweeten it up with organic Stevia (which is from a plant).

    The lemon juice and warm water first thing in the morning flushes bad bacteria from your body (per Tosca Reno). The lemon juice loosens mucus in your body (a lot of mucus we get comes from red meat - eww) and the cayenne pepper helps to flush it all out of your system and speeds the metabolism. These are great spices to use to add to your healthy lifestyle. I drink it nearly every day. It also keeps me from being hungry. For example, I sipped it this morning at work and wasn't hungry for lunch. It gives me energy too (I have replaced my caffeine kicks with this). It works!