may as well just sit on my bum



  • rockinsue285
    hmmm im not set in my ways I eat more healthy options now but eating was never my problem ITS MY MEDS and I beleive ive said that, IF you think my post was not worth being posted then why bother answering it full stop, sorry think some peeps are jealous that I can not only exercise but also exercise self control when it comes to eating

    Wow, you seem determined to argue with everyone. People are jealous of your self control?! MFP is specifically designed for you to eat back your exercise calories to help fuel your body and maintain a *healthy* deficit. There are many, many people on this site who have had great success by following the way MFP is set up to work. They're not lacking in self control - they understand the basic math behind it and the importance of fueling your body for health.

    If you wanted to know how the exercise cal thing worked, you could have done a search and read any of the hundreds of posts on this topic, or you could have posted a polite thread asking for help understanding the exercise calorie thing. Instead you come across as defiant. If you don't want to eat them, don't eat them. No one's making you. But at least try to understand the reasoning behind the way MFP is set up.

    so if youve read all the posts you will see many many times ive thanked those who have made respectful posts but im not thanking bullies and you dont know me, shouldnt judge me beleive it or not im a nice person but hey if you want to join the mob bullying of one individual who actually has an opinion then go ahead also a few on here are serial bullies go from topic to topic getting kicks out of tearing peeps apart and hurting them and I do not feel my original question was un polite
  • KristysLosing
    Goodness gracious. Everyone has a preference. You don't have to do it. But keep in mind too few calories isn't good for you either. This is how it works for me. If I only eat my calorie goal, I still lose, because ifs a calorie deficit for me, not maintenence. So if exercise and burn 500 calories and decide to eat them, or at least some of them, back, I'm still losing, because it's still a deficit for me. If my calorie intake was at a maintenence level, and I ate back my exercise cals, I would expect my weight to stay the same. But again, everyone is different. What works for me may not work for you. So no need to sound like we're throwing a tissy...just do what works for you.
  • ArroganceInStep
    ArroganceInStep Posts: 6,239 Member
    I don't think I was around for the last time this topic was brought up, so I'm glad it has been brought up again. Being relatively new to this, I don't quite get the concept either. I'm always under, even with the minimal amount of exercise I'm doing. (walking 20 min/day) Then it says "you're eating too few calories, your body will go into starvation mode" And to be honest, that freaks me out. As big as I am, I can't imagine that happening anytime soon!! So I just eat my 1200 or there abouts, and if I burn 200 a day in calories, oh well, I've eaten my daily allotment. I'm not sure if it's going to backfire on me or not, but I have lost 17 lbs so far, so we'll see. Good luck everyone on your quest for a healthier life!!

    The bigger a person is, the larger a deficit they can safely maintain. As you lose weight though, one of the things that happens to a greater and greater degree is that your body cannibalizes muscle tissue for energy in addition to the fat stores. This is generally considered to be a bad thing, as even if you get to your desired weight, if you still have a high bf% you probably won't look the way you had hoped for. Having a more moderate deficit becomes more important as you get closer to your ideal weight to avoid muscle loss. Muscle retention can be encouraged by eating enough calories, getting enough protein, and resistance training.

    Starvation mode isn't an on-off switch. Generally speaking, as you take in fewer calories, your metabolism slows. Just make sure you're eating enough net calories to stay happy, energetic, and above all healthy (while still at a deficit of course, since I'm particularly happy at infinity calories per day).
  • rockinsue285
    I don't think I was around for the last time this topic was brought up, so I'm glad it has been brought up again. Being relatively new to this, I don't quite get the concept either. I'm always under, even with the minimal amount of exercise I'm doing. (walking 20 min/day) Then it says "you're eating too few calories, your body will go into starvation mode" And to be honest, that freaks me out. As big as I am, I can't imagine that happening anytime soon!! So I just eat my 1200 or there abouts, and if I burn 200 a day in calories, oh well, I've eaten my daily allotment. I'm not sure if it's going to backfire on me or not, but I have lost 17 lbs so far, so we'll see. Good luck everyone on your quest for a healthier life!!

    I wasnt around either hun, only been on here bout 2 and half weeks, thats why I asked but seems if you ask or not fully understand then peeps just attack you, Ive lost 9lb in 2 weeks without eating exercise cals its worked for me so far, I might reach a plateau and then of course I will have to change tactics, 13 years ago my hubby lost a massive amount 21 stone sept 4th and 12 and half by xmas day, that same year, whats more apart from a few pounds he has maintained that loss , he was on very low cals and when he hit a wall would eat normally for a few days and start again, it worked for him so far working for me but each individual needs to find in my humble opinion what works for them

    Good luck hun on your journey
  • rockinsue285
    You cannot reason with stupidity...

    N ice friendly comment there, maybe im stupid but im not nasty
  • zoedallas
    zoedallas Posts: 116 Member
    Just listen to your body, if your not hungry and not tired, then do worry about it. THis is how I handle my weight loss so some days I do eat more than others, but it is working for me
    This sounds reasonable but it doesn't always work.

    I struggled with being underweight for many years. I simply did not get hungry. I had to force myself to eat. The only way I can maintain a healthy diet is to look at the clock and follow a healthy eating plan.

    Other people can't tell the difference between being hungry and being dehydrated. And people who are addicted to sugar really don't want to listen to the cravings of their body.

    I don't think people are upset with the OP as much for her opinion as for her "in your face" belligerant attitude. You jump on people and they tend to jump back. She is polite only to those who agree with her. Those offering sincere, polite and knowlegable advice are screamed at. She refuses to calmly discuss the pros and cons of points made.

    The OP doesn't want advice. She wants to rant and be validated.
  • rockinsue285
    You cannot reason with stupidity...

    who is being stupid?

    obviously me so im a stupid, couch surfer who cannot spell or use grammar, and obviously too thick to find the answer to questions in other topics, and im supoosed to take advice from these bullies, to those who respectfully answered my question I thank them to the others please be kinder to peeps in future as you can seriously hurt people
  • rockinsue285
    This has been answered many times, including by me, but the reason you eat them back is to do with maths.

    Think of 2 sides - on one side you have the food that you eat which is adding calories to your body.

    On the other you have activities you perform which is using the calories. This is everything from heart beating and breathing up to exercise.

    The ideal balance is for each of these to be the same so that when you subtract the calories used from the calories taken in, you balance at 0.

    In order to gain weight the number would be positive and in order to lose weight the number would be negative.

    If you don't eat your exercise calories back, that is just the same as if you were to do no exercise, but just eat even less.

    I presume you have picked an appropriate number as your calorie goal for the day. This number isn't random - it is based in science, so to throw in random exercise offsets the calculation and goes against the reasons you picked that number in the first place.

    I understand that you are struggling to eat, I have seen the same thing with my mum, and despite me trying to gently educate her, she persists in sticking on salads all the time eating less and less thinking that it will be the solution.

    If you do struggle to eat then you should try some methods of increasing slowly so you get used to it.

    The point of exercise isn't to burn extra calories off as a bonus. It is for the sake of fitness and the composition of your body. You really should eat them back.

    For the record I think there has been hostility on both sides of the argument, but I would add if you are going to ask people for advice, when the information they provide goes against what you believe maybe try looking into it, especially when the majority are saying the same thing. I think the hostility sprung from you getting overly defensive in the first place. If you don't believe something, ask for further clarification of what makes them believe that. There are plenty of very knowledgeable people on here who can explain in detail why they believe what they do.
  • zoedallas
    zoedallas Posts: 116 Member
    obviously me so im a stupid, couch surfer who cannot spell or use grammar, and obviously too thick to find the answer to questions in other topics, and im supoosed to take advice from these bullies, to those who respectfully answered my question I thank them to the others please be kinder to peeps in future as you can seriously hurt people
    I'm getting a little tired of this. I originally made the post about your lack of punctuation. It was VERY respectful. I made the comment not because I was critical of your language skills, but because I can't understand you. I made that very clear.

    Yet instead of making the slightest effort to express yourself better, you scream and cry about people being mean to you.

    And yeah, NOW I'm being mean. You want people to help but make not the tiniest effort to help yourself. You deserve whatever mean comments you get here.

    Did it ever occur to you that YOU are being hurtful to others who are trying to help? Because you are.
  • LPCoder
    LPCoder Posts: 404 Member
    It is important to understand that your muscles store a bit of energy and that is what they use during the first 15-20 minutes of exercise. When those reserves are gone, your body then calls on fat to be released to provide energy to your muscles. This is the reason why you use more calories with increased muscle mass., and why it is better to do a couple of 30 minute workouts in a day than to do one longer one. The process of emptying the muscles of the reserved energy and replacing it with the stored body fat is critical for the body. Once your body becomes familiar with this exchange, it becomes quicker to do so. It is also why a high lean protein meal after a workout is desirable, as opposed to a carbohydrate. Eating carbs after a workout will only be converted to sugar for energy to be stored in muscles. You want your body to convert the fat stored.
  • rockinsue285
    thanks for your reply and ive taken it on board like every other respectful reply and have thanked them but within one or two posts peeps had started calling me names like couch surfer , which is a horrible thing to call anyone and im not, I eat when hungry and have changed to healthy options instead of junk, I put on weight due to meds , in last 18mths, before that was a trim 10/12 .

    I can see youre points and when ive time will re read again and thank you
  • thelassiemickyjames
    Ive been told lots of times to eat half to 2/3 of the calories back. and exercise has wayy more benefits than just calorie burn. Toning is really important, especially if you're losing weight fast. You don't want to be a flabby thin person.
  • BeautyFromPain
    BeautyFromPain Posts: 4,952 Member
  • rockinsue285
    It is important to understand that your muscles store a bit of energy and that is what they use during the first 15-20 minutes of exercise. When those reserves are gone, your body then calls on fat to be released to provide energy to your muscles. This is the reason why you use more calories with increased muscle mass., and why it is better to do a couple of 30 minute workouts in a day than to do one longer one. The process of emptying the muscles of the reserved energy and replacing it with the stored body fat is critical for the body. Once your body becomes familiar with this exchange, it becomes quicker to do so. It is also why a high lean protein meal after a workout is desirable, as opposed to a carbohydrate. Eating carbs after a workout will only be converted to sugar for energy to be stored in muscles. You want your body to convert the fat stored.

    On a daily basis I dont ever go over 3omins exercise a day apart from my linedance classes which is 90mins mondays and 150 mins tuesdays this ive been doing for over 8 yrs.

    thank you for this post and I WILL read it again and take your comments on board
  • rockinsue285
  • rockinsue285

    and again why do this to peeps its not nice and not even funny
  • ArroganceInStep
    ArroganceInStep Posts: 6,239 Member
    It is important to understand that your muscles store a bit of energy and that is what they use during the first 15-20 minutes of exercise. When those reserves are gone, your body then calls on fat to be released to provide energy to your muscles. This is the reason why you use more calories with increased muscle mass., and why it is better to do a couple of 30 minute workouts in a day than to do one longer one. The process of emptying the muscles of the reserved energy and replacing it with the stored body fat is critical for the body. Once your body becomes familiar with this exchange, it becomes quicker to do so. It is also why a high lean protein meal after a workout is desirable, as opposed to a carbohydrate. Eating carbs after a workout will only be converted to sugar for energy to be stored in muscles. You want your body to convert the fat stored.

    I don't think you're right here, where did you get your information?
  • rockinsue285

    and again why do this to peeps its not nice and not even funny, also you say on your profile youve suffered depression well then surely you would know how things like this can bring peeps down
  • WhittRak
    WhittRak Posts: 572 Member
    what is the point to exercise if you have to eat the cals burnt back?, may as well sit on my bum, do nothing and enjoy the cals

    Yep, may as well.

    May as well lose all muscle mass.

    No benefits to exercise at all. Enjoy the couch.

    That is the long and short of it :)
  • LPCoder
    LPCoder Posts: 404 Member
    Medications and hormones have a nasty way of messing up our bodies. The use of plastics and pesticides and hormones used in food and food storage often sends people into an estrogen imbalance. This imbalance leads to weight gain and a plethora of other problems like cancer, hypothyroidism, early pre-menopause. Too much estrogen is a real danger. Many medicines make use of estrogens, and make losing weight even harder.
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