Learn To Long Distance Run? Running To Lose Weight? W/ Chart



  • ObsessivelyObsessingObsessions
    Re: speeds... In my opinion, anything faster than sitting on a couch is speedy! :)

    My sentiment exactly! I'm actually just finishing up C25k and have a 5k scheduled for a week and a half from now (terrified... but I won't die... even if I have to walk some). Anyways, my jogging is only at 3.5. Most people walk that fast... However, for me, a 300lb gal, I'm proud!

    Also, thanks, this really encouraged me :)

    You're welcome! I'm sooo proud of you! You've inspired me. There's times when I think... I will probably only gain speed/finish the chart in full after I lose weight, cause I'm 204-208lbs and this is a slim shot. Now I can tell those thoughts to suck it! You are my mantra! Thank you!!! I plan on signing up for the next 5k as soon as I'm fully running!
  • knowwhentoshutup
    knowwhentoshutup Posts: 318 Member
    I'm training for a half marathon on May 5, and find the app, imapmyrun really helpful when I train outside. If you have a smartphone with GPS, it tracks your route and pace. So nice.

    Also, my training plan has me doing crosstraining and strength training two days a week and running 3-4 days a week. I really like 30 Day Shred and the NFL Training Camp game for Wii. Both are similar, with simple moves I can do easily in my living room.

    Friend me if you like. I am using interval training, similar to your chart and the C25k. I average around 3.5 for walking and run around 4.5. Certainly not super fast, but maintainable. I'm up to 12 minutes running with walking in between for 2-5 minutes. My long run on Sunday was 7 miles in less than 90 minutes. :)
  • ObsessivelyObsessingObsessions
    I love charts! :)

    Try to run outside as much as you can, i find it way more motivating than inside on a treadmill. and you have scenery and fresh air.

    Running with a group or a friend also help to motivate you!


    good luck!!

    Our treadmills at work actually have a hill course that shows you running the 5k! So it's helpful.. My friends are distractions... all but one! lol
  • sarscott
    sarscott Posts: 189 Member
    Re: speeds... In my opinion, anything faster than sitting on a couch is speedy! :)

    My sentiment exactly! I'm actually just finishing up C25k and have a 5k scheduled for a week and a half from now (terrified... but I won't die... even if I have to walk some). Anyways, my jogging is only at 3.5. Most people walk that fast... However, for me, a 300lb gal, I'm proud!

    Also, thanks, this really encouraged me :)

    You're welcome! I'm sooo proud of you! You've inspired me. There's times when I think... I will probably only gain speed/finish the chart in full after I lose weight, cause I'm 204-208lbs and this is a slim shot. Now I can tell those thoughts to suck it! You are my mantra! Thank you!!! I plan on signing up for the next 5k as soon as I'm fully running!

    Haha. Glad I can encourage someone :) But yes, if I can do it at my size, you surely can! Granted, I know I will have to walk a little (I enjoy the treadmill more than outside... its easier for me at the moment, too), but I'm still glad I'm doing it. Google 5ks that are near you and are within a couple weeks of when you think you might finish the program. Even if you have to walk a little, then you will have the goal!

    If you need another friend or someone to check on ya... add me!
  • amandagardner1
    this looks great! once you get a few weeks into the program the 5mph speed should seem to get easier. as a cross country runner I started off running 2 miles a day & now run 5 no problem. You need to listen to your legs, and if they need a slower day, take it! Your legs need a chance to recover, and make sure to stretch after your run. :)
  • purplechic
    purplechic Posts: 15 Member
    *snip*. You need to listen to your legs, and if they need a slower day, take it! Your legs need a chance to recover, and make sure to stretch after your run. :)

    This^^^ :). Your legs will thank you for the rest days! When I first started running, I took rest days alternate days (or go for a swim..) and I found that the difference between not having a rest day and having one is huge! My legs always feel better after a rest day and I tend to run a bit faster!

    I am so glad to hear that you are doing well with the running. Keep at it!