Nutri Systems



  • ManiacalLaugh
    ManiacalLaugh Posts: 1,048 Member
    I'm not going to quote from any of the pictures above because they all look good to me - even the beef and bean one. (I must be ready for lunch, haha).

    Honestly though, I've seen people who have had success with NS. You just have to be smart about it. No, it doesn't teach you how to cook healthy, how to portion things out correctly, or how to pick something from a menu at a restaurant. BUT it does teach you how to get by on x calories (which is probably a major cut for some people) and what it feels like to be a little hungry. (Real hunger is something a lot of my obese friends forgot how to feel.) If you take that lesson as a starting point and ween yourself into providing your own food while remaining at that deficit, it can be done correctly.

    In truth, I wouldn't sign up for it now, but I would've loved to go on that system during one of the 10 unsuccessful diets where I didn't know what I was doing. That is, if I had money to burn on it - not denying, it's expensive.