Drinking water...



  • Kassieisproud
    i hate drinking water to and love diet soda! So i just chug down a glass before every meal and after my workouts no sipping i just get it into my system and im done with it
    DAWNSTEP Posts: 47 Member
    Peppermint essential oils are great in water! Also cucumber slices.!!
    DAWNSTEP Posts: 47 Member
    I used to be a soda drinker myself until a car accident took away my ability to "feel" carbonation... Yes I cannot taste any fizzy drinks... beer, champagne, seltzer, soda - so it was was a transition.. but for almost a year it's been nothing but water and I can't say that I miss the soda at all. I miss the beer.

    I noticed a huge difference in my skin in a matter of a week. Just bite the bullet and start drinking it....

    I gave up the pop, not so much the beer yet. I allow for it in my calories though. Besides the few a week it's strictly water.
  • wells0707
    wells0707 Posts: 251 Member
    I keep a full glass of water on my desk at all times and every time I get up for the fax machine or to check my inbox...etc I finish whatever water is left and refill my glass. Then I do it all over again. Good luck!
  • capricorn0120
    capricorn0120 Posts: 109 Member
    I can't drink plain water either unless I'm working out. I add Crystal Light to my water. They come in different flavors which is great.
  • YasminDoyle
    Keep a 1litre bottle with you throughout your day and try and get through it by the end of the day or if you can refill and get through 2 which is equivalent to your daily recommended amount. That's what i do at school and you will honestly see an automatic improvement in your skin hair nails and everything and it keeps you fuller for longer it is so good for you and though at first you may have to run to the toilet a fair few times your body will get used to the sudden extra intake of water and realise that you're hydrating it and will then adapt to it so your bladder will also improve, hope this helps good luck!
  • kaytiecakes
    kaytiecakes Posts: 79 Member
    I SECOND THE STRAW IDEA. I'm a full-time student and I spend a lot of time at my computer. Huge cup of water and I'll drink barely any of it. Add a straw and it's gone in half an hour without thinking twice about it.

    I have a huge diet-coke-shaped hole in my heart since taking charge of my eating habits. Since I firmly believe that I should be able to treat myself to it so as to keep myself from breaking all this hard work I've done to get to where I am, I have limited myself to only drinking it when there's vodka in it, usually only on the weekends.

    During the week, I drink 24 ounces of coffee twice a week during my morning classes (I use stevia instead of aspartame sweetener), and then I drink nothing but water, sometimes I add flavor packets to jazz it up a bit but that's maybe once or twice a week. Not only has the introduction of large amounts of water made my skin happier, I'm also spending less money!
  • heavensshadow
    heavensshadow Posts: 264 Member
    Fortunately, I'm a big fan of water, and I reach for and order it often.
    However, fiance is a little less inclined, so I keep a pitcher of calorie-free flavored water and bottles of diet flavored green tea in the fridge for him....that way we are both less inclined to drink soda (although I seemed to have curbed that habit years ago).

    Find yourself a good powdered drink mix that flavors your water for you...then it's more like juice or koolaid. :drinker:

    Good luck!
  • monicaroozo
    monicaroozo Posts: 200
    I am not a big water drinker either but I really just had to force myself. It really helps to have a larger water bottle with some sort of straw. The bigger the straw the more I water I tend to drink :) Weird, I know. Lemon really does help. The other think that helped me is to not have it super cold, that way I can just guzzle it down. I am not much of a sipper if you can tell :) Good luck!

    This has also been working for me. I carried around nalgene bottles... and i lost them... or left them somewhere... or found them too cumbersome to use so I didn't.

    Now I have SEVERAL of those large plastic re-useable cups with tops and straws and I just keep filling it with cold water, no ice.

    I went from drinking my normal 2 cups a day to 8+ immediately.

    I also split the day up with flavored club sodas/sparkling water.
  • tigersword
    tigersword Posts: 8,059 Member
    So, I am not a water drinker...never have been, unless I am really hot or working out. I just don't like water that much, and unfortunately I am addicted to Diet Coke! It is my caffeine in the mornings, instead of coffee. I really need to drink A LOT more water, not only because I think it will help with my weight loss, but also because it is just good for you. So I am looking for ideas as to how I can possibly drink 8 glasses a day??
    Drink what you like. There is no health benefit to drinking plain water in comparison to anything else. It won't hydrate you any better, or help you lose weight any faster.

    The "water is healthier for you" propaganda has actually been spread by the bottled water industry as a marketing campaign to increase profits, it has no medical basis, at all.

    In fact the actual quote from the doctor who first brought up the "8 glasses a day" rule used the word "fluid" and not the word water, because he included juice, soda, coffee, milk, and beer in those 8 glasses.

    (The book was called "Nutrition For Good Health," it was published in 1974. The doctor was nutritionist Dr. Fredrick Stare.)
  • monicaroozo
    monicaroozo Posts: 200
    I fill a water bottle with water and ice, squeeze a lemon wedge and add a few drops of lemon stevia...voila, lemon shake up.

    I also put a few strawberries in a blender with water and ice and chocolate raspberry flavored stevia. Blend for a nice smoothie.

    If you do sparkling water, 3 drops of grape stevia, 3 drops of vanilla stevia it will taste like diet dr. Pepper.

    Hope that gives you a few ideas

    I just read this and I might try the dr pepper idea to ease my diet soda cravings?
  • bigmike0857
    There is a product out for about a year now, its called MIO...Its a liquid that you mix with water. It has no sugar or calories. There are about 7 flavors now. They even make an energy mix now also. I've been drinking so much water that I can't stand it plain anymore so I add this stuff and it works great. Try it sometime, it takes the blah out of drinking water.............:smile: Bigmike
  • Jacwhite22
    Jacwhite22 Posts: 7,012 Member
    Soda, coffee and beer should not be used in the same paragraph as hydrate or water...these are all diuretics and will not help to hydrate you. Milk and Juice can be great and have their place but many people have a hard enough time with their calories without drinking them too. Milk (skim) is at least a good source of protein but juice is loaded with calories and should still be consumed consciencelessly.
    So, I am not a water drinker...never have been, unless I am really hot or working out. I just don't like water that much, and unfortunately I am addicted to Diet Coke! It is my caffeine in the mornings, instead of coffee. I really need to drink A LOT more water, not only because I think it will help with my weight loss, but also because it is just good for you. So I am looking for ideas as to how I can possibly drink 8 glasses a day??
    Drink what you like. There is no health benefit to drinking plain water in comparison to anything else. It won't hydrate you any better, or help you lose weight any faster.

    The "water is healthier for you" propaganda has actually been spread by the bottled water industry as a marketing campaign to increase profits, it has no medical basis, at all.

    In fact the actual quote from the doctor who first brought up the "8 glasses a day" rule used the word "fluid" and not the word water, because he included juice, soda, coffee, milk, and beer in those 8 glasses.

    (The book was called "Nutrition For Good Health," it was published in 1974. The doctor was nutritionist Dr. Fredrick Stare.)
  • 2cutie
    2cutie Posts: 10
    I have found that when you stop drinking water are any type of fluids it slows down your weight lose... I am just getting back on track and I keep a water bottle next to my computer as well that holds 32oz so i try my best to drink 2 of those..I have 1 cup of coffee in the am but by the time I get home am thrist out.
  • yesthistime
    yesthistime Posts: 2,051 Member
    I make myself drink a full glass of water before I have the drink I really want.
  • CherieD00
    CherieD00 Posts: 2 Member
    I'm not much of a water drinker myself when it comes to drinking it plain. However, I've found that when I can get it flavored, I drink much more. I tend to use zero calorie additives like Mio liquid additives or powders from Crystal Lite or Propel to sweeten and flavor the water. A lot of them are made with Splenda now, which I appreciate as well.
  • mick_02
    mick_02 Posts: 27
    So, I am not a water drinker...never have been, unless I am really hot or working out. I just don't like water that much, and unfortunately I am addicted to Diet Coke! It is my caffeine in the mornings, instead of coffee. I really need to drink A LOT more water, not only because I think it will help with my weight loss, but also because it is just good for you. So I am looking for ideas as to how I can possibly drink 8 glasses a day??

    This is me exactly! I do not like drinking water at all and LOVE diet coke :)
    I am glad I am not the only one who is looking for ways to force myself to drink more water
  • Maxingtonbear
    Maxingtonbear Posts: 47 Member
    I always keep a big cup around, with a straw. For some reason, I need a straw! :D
    The biggest thing for me, though, was to drink out of a sports bottle. Way easier for some reason. I have a Brita filtered bottle & it works great! Oh & get an app for your phone so you can track your intake. I use "waterlogged" on my iPhone.
    Lots of luck to you- I completely understand!
  • twelbies
    twelbies Posts: 31
    add some lemon to it
    keep a bottle with you to sip on
    I sometimes have to make it a game (lol) and sent goals, even if it's "i'm going to take 5 sips from my water in the next half hour"
    I struggle too but it's getting better.
    A lot of people use crystal light flavour stuff but I don't like it.

    Lemon in water is the best! It helps alkaline the water as well.
    I have a giant mason jar that I drink out of. It holds a little over 8 cups so I know as long as I drink one jar full I will hit my minimum goal.
  • Maxingtonbear
    Maxingtonbear Posts: 47 Member
    I fill a water bottle with water and ice, squeeze a lemon wedge and add a few drops of lemon stevia...voila, lemon shake up.

    I also put a few strawberries in a blender with water and ice and chocolate raspberry flavored stevia. Blend for a nice smoothie.

    If you do sparkling water, 3 drops of grape stevia, 3 drops of vanilla stevia it will taste like diet dr. Pepper.

    Hope that gives you a few ideas

    Ok, where can I buy all of those delicious stevia flavors?!