Drinking water...



  • MaryPhillips90
    MaryPhillips90 Posts: 236 Member
    I can drink so much more water if I have a straw. Don't know why. I also like a little bit of lemon in my water.
  • work4it777
    Nike said it best....Just do it!
  • SuffolkSally
    SuffolkSally Posts: 964 Member
    I can't drink a lot of still water, but I do drink lots of sparkling. Sometimes if I feel the need I add fresh lemon or lime.

    If it were me, I'd be a bit careful about flavouring powders, mia, crystalight and the like - I'd never heard of them before joining this site and so in order to make sense of some of the posts I had to look them up. For the same reasons I saty away from "diet" sodas - I maybe have a diet coke once or twice a week.

    It's obviously really important to be hydrated, but I (just for me, everyone's judgement call is different) also dislike the idea of some of the additives in processed foods, and I certainly don't want to be consuming them in large quantities frequently.
  • burtonfarms
    I use Mio. It's really good and not many calories. I hate water too.
  • marckilgore
    I just had a doctor checkup today and asked her about this. She said drinking water has nothing to do with losing weight, contrary to what all the diet people might say. She said to just avoid dehydrating yourself in order to give yourself the illusion of losing weight.
  • MomofAnt
    MomofAnt Posts: 16 Member
    I don't know if anyone else has this problem, but this is mine. I can only drink certain types of bottled water, and I can't even bear drinking out of the tap. I can taste the chemicals or minerals or whatever it is in the different waters. Now, I only drink anything labeled "spring" water. Filtered water, purified water, mineral water, and artesian water is quite nasty to me. I will drink it if I have nothing else, but I keep a large supply of Zephyrhills water on-hand because that's the water I actually like to drink.

    And, I found that if I brush my teeth, I want more water. I've been known to down (2) 16 oz glasses of water before heading off to bed at night. :-)
  • slimmergalpal
    slimmergalpal Posts: 235 Member
    I , too , had to force myself to drink it. I was drinking a gallon of ice tea a day. Once I started only drinking water, it started to do some sort of miracle thing to me . weight & inches are rapidly coming off.
  • juliacyp
    juliacyp Posts: 8
    Thank you guys for all the good tips, I hate water, its not the taste its the cold feeling it leaves going down my throat and the way my stomach feels all sloshy. I dont like hot water either unfortunately. Funny that I dont feel the same about tea. I drink too much in a day. I have tried having half a glass of water each time I have a cup of tea and that helps. I have also cut down on the tea, am phasing it down to four cups then switching to decaff gradually... I am determined to get the water in and although I only had two cups today and four yesterday, it is a start... I dont think I will ever learn to love water but I think I might tolerate it... downside is the extra trips to the loo lol x
  • KrisyKat
    KrisyKat Posts: 749 Member
    Keeping a bottle of water handy, as others said, is a wonderful idea. Yet, if you crave flavor, I suggest starting a collection of tea. Chilled or hot (unsweetened is best,) drinking tea in the mornings and at night is a great way to stay hydrated (and sneak in a little caffeine, if you choose =)

    Here's 10 great flavors to tickle your tastebuds...

  • nobirdsinmysalad
  • lexidell46
    lexidell46 Posts: 143
    I freeze half a bottle of water.and fill the rest up with water add a little lemon. or Chrystal light. I also find that I drink more water, when I have a straw in it.
  • harrietflorence
    harrietflorence Posts: 20 Member
    i never drank water then suddenly i changed. I now drink at least 5 glasses a day !
    i started having one glass of water then orange juice etc to ween myself in
    then i changed to no added sugar squash then a glass of water and alternated
    and nw I'm quite happy to drink just water
    its fun to be like ooh if i empty the glass i have another and my brain keeps thinking i have to finish it before i can get more! x
  • kari574
    kari574 Posts: 99 Member
    I am not a big water drinker either but I really just had to force myself. It really helps to have a larger water bottle with some sort of straw. The bigger the straw the more I water I tend to drink :) Weird, I know. Lemon really does help. The other think that helped me is to not have it super cold, that way I can just guzzle it down. I am not much of a sipper if you can tell :) Good luck!

    I don't like to sip either, I prefer to guzzle, to get it done, because I just don't care to drink it either. But I prefer smaller bottles. I have a 16 ounce bottle I drink out of. When I drink out of a larger bottle I don't notice the progress at much because it takes longer to drain it. If I drink one at work with my morning snack, I usually finish the bottle at the same time, and there's 1/4 of my water for the day! I do the same thing in the afternoon, then have a couple glasses of some flavored water in the evenings at home.
  • tigersword
    tigersword Posts: 8,059 Member
    Soda, coffee and beer should not be used in the same paragraph as hydrate or water...these are all diuretics and will not help to hydrate you. Milk and Juice can be great and have their place but many people have a hard enough time with their calories without drinking them too. Milk (skim) is at least a good source of protein but juice is loaded with calories and should still be consumed consciencelessly.
    So, I am not a water drinker...never have been, unless I am really hot or working out. I just don't like water that much, and unfortunately I am addicted to Diet Coke! It is my caffeine in the mornings, instead of coffee. I really need to drink A LOT more water, not only because I think it will help with my weight loss, but also because it is just good for you. So I am looking for ideas as to how I can possibly drink 8 glasses a day??
    Drink what you like. There is no health benefit to drinking plain water in comparison to anything else. It won't hydrate you any better, or help you lose weight any faster.

    The "water is healthier for you" propaganda has actually been spread by the bottled water industry as a marketing campaign to increase profits, it has no medical basis, at all.

    In fact the actual quote from the doctor who first brought up the "8 glasses a day" rule used the word "fluid" and not the word water, because he included juice, soda, coffee, milk, and beer in those 8 glasses.

    (The book was called "Nutrition For Good Health," it was published in 1974. The doctor was nutritionist Dr. Fredrick Stare.)
    You do know that WATER is a diuretic also, right? You might want to learn the actual definition of the word diuretic, because it has absolutely nothing to do with hydration. Also, coffee, tea, soda are all 99% WATER. Beer is about 90% WATER.
  • moodymarble
    moodymarble Posts: 182 Member
    I have a glass that holds 4 cups at a time and to that I add about a tablespoon of lemon juice. I too drank way too much Diet Coke and no water. Since adding lemon juice to it I can generally get in 16 cups a day!
    OSC_ESD Posts: 752 Member
    ~ Room Temperature ~ It goes down soooooo easy ! I never used to drink water ... now that is my drink of choice !

    I :heart: MY H2O !
  • iron_jj
    iron_jj Posts: 446 Member
    Suck it up and just drink it. :tongue:
    Thats what I do, I'm not a water drinker either but I refuse to (unnecessarily) let crap like diet coke slow down my weight loss. Plus I feel a ton better when I'm not drinking all this chemical bs. But I really hate water.
  • sissamae
    sissamae Posts: 232 Member
    I was not a water drinker either...trying to get better. I was addicted to diet Pepsi, and now can't remember the last time I had one! My water has to be cold and I like to drink it fast, straw is best! I also love Mio. It comes in great favors! I use it once in awhile when I am struggling. I still only get 4-6 glasses on a good day, but I am slowly increasing. It does get easier after you force yourself!
  • teelynn35
    teelynn35 Posts: 239 Member
    add cucumbers to your water, chill for a few hours, & yummy... flavored water. I also do this w/ strawberries, kiwis, etc.
  • MarincicS
    MarincicS Posts: 265 Member
    I love water so much i can't imagine not being able to drink it. Nothing else makes me feel not thirsty. But one of my friends has been told by her doctor to drink more water. She has been keeping a water bottle full on her desk and setting daily goals. Then i and several others text and IM and generally harass her several times a day to see how much she is drinking. After 3 or 4 weeks, she now tells me the more she drinks the more she wants to drink.

    So there's hope!